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Everything posted by mush

  1. mush

    Joe Willock

    Need to mark it NSFW if you're gonna post filth like that
  2. Probably trying to distance themselves from him now so they can form a narrative that they never really supported him
  3. Defoe - Good striker who had a fairly successful career, but most of that was for Spurs. Had two 15-goal seasons for Sunderland, so not bad. Phillips - Decent striker who had one outstanding season in the Premier League and one other good season. Half of his success was in the second tier though. Diallo - A loanee who played 37 times for them in the Championship. Embarrassing. Clarke - Has looked decent in 2 seasons in the Championship for them. They seriously don't have a better choice for that position? Summerbee - Can't really remember much of him playing. Scored 7 goals for them according to Wiki. Again, nobody better? Ball - Shite clogger Bardsley - Another shite clogger but at RB. Gray - Was decent and solid from memory. Was a good servant for them so probably an understandable pick. Mensah - Another loan who only played 34 times for them. Not even the first footballer called Mensah to come up when you google the name. Lol Craddock - Another I can't really remember well, but made quite a few appearances for them in the PL. Is now an artist according to Wikipedia and seemingly very talented after a quick google. Sorensen - Always thought he was very solid, so is one of the couple of non-embarrassing choices In summary: Sunderland are a massive club
  4. Just realised Mensah was only on loan too
  5. mush


    Turns 28 in August according to Wiki
  6. That lifetime 11 is fucking gross Imagine including a loan kid who played 37 times for your club and is still only 21 now
  7. mush


    I didn't even realise it was Joelinton's wedding they were at. For some reason I thought he was already married. Looks like a cool do with the Hawaiian shirts. He should've worn the one with his face on though
  8. We'll fucking smash the league next year without the midweek European games
  9. Mainoo better play this well in the Euros
  10. Onana! Where's my post? Onana! The near one!
  11. Same. It's a shame too cos there were some good memories, like the PSG game etc. Oh well...
  12. Get Walker to smash this
  13. Just not gonna happen, is it?
  14. Fucking City CMs not even trying to get back
  15. Fucking knew this would happen
  16. Hopefully that'll wake City up
  17. Bruno was canny radge in that Arsenal game to be fair Even more than usual
  18. mush

    Lewis Hall

    Loves scoring bangers at Old Trafford
  19. I'm guessing everybody is rooting for Dortmund to win it all now. Honestly I thought they were the best out of our group opponents. I predicted them to win this tie too. Should've put money on it...
  20. Mad that they're potentially stuck with Casemiro for the next 2 years. He looks finished
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