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Everything posted by mush

  1. Murphy's alright when teams push forward and leave space due to his directness but take that space away and he's shite
  2. We've somehow been both slow and ponderous, yet impatient and frantic
  3. Trips just needs to show that guy his fingers or he'll just keep going on about it
  4. Yep, and we've been forced to rely on a 17-year-old (as good as he's looked) to start almost every game for the last 3 months in our midfield. Howe gets the whole of next season at a bare minimum for me, regardless of what happens for the rest of this season. That's not to say he's without criticism. The main disappointment for me is his lack of rotation at the start of the season, knowing the increase in fixtures that would be coming up with the CL. I feel that contributed to the injury crisis, somewhat. But other than that he's done a fucking incredible job which has led to some of my fondest ever memories supporting this club. We thumped PSG 4-1 this season FFS. The way he's improved players and had us playing at times has been superb. He's in that tier below Pep and Klopp for me, and has potential to become as good as they are given time. I'm sure he's learned some valuable lessons from this year and the only way I'd start to think we should move on would be if he's seemingly not learned from them by next season (which I doubt).
  5. Can't see them making up the 8 point deficit if they lose this
  6. Am I right in thinking Ashworth's role was as kind of a facilitator or go-between linking various departments within the club, rather than being in charge of one thing in particular? Seems like he's talented but I doubt it'll be a huge loss in the long term. I just really want us to play hardball about the gardening leave, purely to fuck Man U as much as possible. Either insist on the full leave to hamper their revival or ask for an exorbitant fee
  7. Simply got to insist on the full gardening leave unless Man United pay an exorbitant fee. I don't really have a problem with Ashworth moving on (my attitude is mainly "fuck Man United"), but if he's signed the contract he needs to honour it
  8. Remind me, are they currently burning Beale in effigy or are they the spiritual successors to 2010s Barcelona? I lose track
  9. mush

    Emil Krafth

    A perfectly cromulent backup
  10. That was one of the strangest refereeing displays I've ever seen
  11. Stop going long man, just keep the fucking ball
  12. They're gonna score if we don't change it up
  13. Howay let's get it together, these are shite man
  14. Jesus I thought that was gonna be given
  15. We should've kicked the ball out and let Schar get treatment
  16. How are they checking that and not the one on Longstaff?
  17. I'm convinced Schar could do a job up front in a pinch
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