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Everything posted by McDog

  1. I hope he scores 25 this year, god bless the lad.
  2. That was one of the most inspirational, wildest things I've ever seen in sports and I am thousands of miles away. It's now over. Period. It's done. There are games to be played. It's in the record books which get old and dusty with yellowing pages. Move forward.
  3. I should have remembered to mention my mother and her best friend became besties the year you last won a domestic cup, before this glorious moment. 1955.
  4. I booked marked this to show the old ladies at coffee tomorrow. My mother, her best friend and my aunt and uncle who care nothing about football but I foist it on them anyway.
  5. It's been a great day for me, I can only imagine the level of greatness it has been for so many of you.
  6. Bruno looked like " I can't feel my fucking hands". His english teacher must have a foul mouth, I approve.
  7. Bruno is freezing his arse off. You'd think Brazil was warm or something.
  8. All the lads and lasses do seem to have smiling faces.
  9. I was wondering how the Fosters were tasting.
  10. As a huge lifelong Jethro Tull fan I do approve.
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