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Everything posted by McDog

  1. I watched the game today after seeing Leeds get beat and when I checked the table afterwards was surprised to see exactly that.
  2. I think with the way finances work in the top flight of England you'll be seeing alot more.
  3. I have a peer in England and he is a very nice fellow. Massive Leeds fan so I can't revel in them losing although if it's between them and Newcastle. Addios Leeds. He mentioned to me they were down like 16 years. That sucks.
  4. Might have been posted elsewhere, sorry if so.
  5. McDog

    Joe Willock

    Wow, I was a kid in the USA in the 70's and do not remember that show.
  6. I disagree.... Wilson is top 4 as someone mentioned though. Wish he was in there. Same with Bruno.
  7. True ASM, Trippier and Bruno. It was a damn good point away though. Cheers to Eddie. He's done wonders so I can't complain.
  8. Luis Diaz is quite a player.
  9. Elliot Anderson scored for Rovers.
  10. Liverpool in full attack now.
  11. Fucking Norwich just scored.
  12. You are absolutely correct, that number has been falling.
  13. I just read an article in the Athletic talking about how big a disparity there is in the PL. Now 30 points can get you clear because the bottom teams can't compete.
  14. Hopefully not the one that lives on the sideline.
  15. I can't second guess Eddie but I will anyway. It appears so again.
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