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Everything posted by PeepShow4life

  1. You don't have to be a manager to realise that Darlow is rubbish, Fernandez and Schar are better than Clark and Krafth, Ritchie is a liability at LWB, Almiron should have been playing all of the games, Max is much more effective out wide and that 5-3-2 doesn't work for us.
  2. All Howe to do is drop Shelvey and I'd immediately love him.
  3. Crazy. He literally took all of the training sessions whilst Bruce was in his office or Gregg's.
  4. Howe is an idiot if he doesn't at least ask for a few extra million a year after watching this rubbish if he doesn't run a mile that is.
  5. But why wouldn't you stick with the same system that got us played off the pitch against Palace and Chelsea reserves.
  6. Hopefully Howe puts Jones on wheelie bin duty or something
  7. It would be difficult to pick a worse team than that with our players.
  8. Jones is awful. Any coach who doesn't realise how bad that team is, is useless.
  9. Only during the matches though.
  10. Didn't he want his own technical director or something appointed at Celtic which could be a sticking point here too. Fair enough bring your coaches etc but you shouldn't be able to bring someone who will be above you too.
  11. Would be like Thauvin all over again but worse.
  12. Hope to god Jones changes the team selection and tactics. With our strongest 11 out there in the correct positions and the Howe effect, think we should surprise people.
  13. Noticed that the xenophobic helmet Merson has been saying they shouldn't sack him. What a surprise.
  14. The first tournament we had a easy run and lost against every decent team we played. We barely beat Colombia and should have beat Croatia. Plus a lot of our goals in that tournament came from set pieces. For the second one, minus the Germany game which was impressive, we didn't have the toughest run and under performed considering the talent we have. We have the best young talent in the world, yet the football we play under Southgate is awful.
  15. I said it in the Jones thread but for the people who think he is a good coach, why have none of our players improved under him and almost all of them have got significantly worse? He took all of the training sessions and not Bruce. People seem to rate him because he was asked to help England out but Southgate's not a good manager either.
  16. All aboard the Howe train, CHOO CHOO
  17. Would be amazing if they unveiled Howe at today's press conference and him and Jones took it.
  18. Can't see him playing 442 as we only have one good striker. Hopefully he will play 4231. If he plays a back four of Dummett (when fit), Schar, Fernandez and Manquillo Infront of Dubravka, that's not too bad of a defence until we can strengthen in January.
  19. Howe seems to be the opposite of Bruce in that he is always looking to learn new methods and improve rather than just blaming everyone else for his team's failures. Really behind Howe now, please don't let me down again Newcastle.
  20. I'm definitely warming to Howe but the two things that worry me are if he decides to keep playing Ritchie due him playing for him before and also that the club seem to be insisting on keeping Jones around.
  21. Until he refused to play for him which contributed to their relegation.
  22. The Celtic job he turned down was better than managing us under Ashley imo.
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