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Everything posted by WillingtonMag

  1. Think people are underestimating the wealth and ambition of our owners, they have more wealth than every club In England combined and have a lot to spend before financial fair play comes into it. They will be wanting to be entertained by their investment I'm sure.
  2. It wouldn't take more than 4 quality additions at all....take Arsenals 4 best players out of their team and they would be no better than us now. 4 quality players and we are absolutely competing for top 6. Add 4 top players to most mid table teams and they would be too.
  3. Aye kind of what inspired the thread was a feeling that Burn probably isn't good enough despite some good performances but felt a bit harsh as he's played a big part in us staying up.
  4. All depends on who can sign of course and how the summer goes but with 4 players to the standard of Bruno and Trippier we can absolutely be better than Arsenal.
  5. Must have got my wires crossed on that one aye hopefully that doesn't go through then.
  6. It still only takes 4 or 5 quality players though doesn't it, which to be fair is the same for most Premier league clubs. Just look at the difference Bruno alone has made.
  7. Longstaffs just signed a new contract hasn't he? ☹️
  8. Could well be people who are popular and vocal in the dressing room
  9. Wonder if we try again for Carlos?
  10. How many players in total are we realistically going to bring in though and got to think we'd definitely want another midfielder, striker, right winger and maybe a goal keeper?
  11. Aye its a hard one to judge personally think Schar is the better defender out of the two but Burn is obviously a big presence so has benefits Schar doesn't
  12. Wondered what people's views were on our back four going into next season and where do we look to improve. Know some times after a big defeat it's easy to blame the defence but hopefully when the rest of the team improves the defence will be under less pressure and heavy defeats will become more rare. Obviously we know Trippier is good enough and I like Schar could we do better than Burn and Targett though? both seem pretty solid and better than we've had in recent years but if we want to push on do we need to be more ambitious?
  13. Yeah really worked In the Chelsea game too we were robbed of a pen and unlucky not to get somthing.
  14. Probably me being a deluded geordie wolly to be fair mate ?. I'm just thinking our owners aren't going to fuck about at all and we'll be making a big statement in the summer.
  15. Arsenal are nothing special Conte has Spurs looking the part but see what happens there in the summer. West ham were challenging and dont think they are that good of a side. Howe has us performing with top 4 form this year with a team that's not good enough the owners are obviously very ambitious and have money to spend. See what we do In the summer I'm no way expecting a top 5 finish but absolutely think its achievable and will be reminding yous this time next year ?
  16. It's not a laughable suggestion like he made out though obviously this is depending on how much we spend but 4 or 5 players to the standard of Bruno and Trippier then its very possible.
  17. No reason why we can achieve it, 4 or 5 good signings could get most teams in the league challenging for it, we've got a good manager to go with it.
  18. Our most under rated player especially on here.
  19. Why may as well leave them off and start them against Arsenal now.
  20. Ffs ah well at least Liverpool shouldn't win the league.
  21. Hasn't been the same since he dyed his hair hope he's gan back to the barbers before Arsenal.
  22. Target, Burn, Schar, trippier, Joelinton, Bruno,Willock, Shelvey, Maxi,Wilson, Fraser. Are all good enough to play a part maybe not all starting.
  23. Sorry like but Almiron isn't good enough for us, aye he scored a good goal and has showed flashes of talent but across a season not enough.
  24. That and the Dummet one confused me like hoping Howe isn't being too loyal to certain players although have heard he can be ruthless.
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