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Everything posted by WillingtonMag

  1. Really don't want Liverpool to win the league so we'll probably win this.
  2. Can't ever remember being so torn with one player I normally always know where I stand but with Maxi I go from one extreme to another.
  3. Centre forward with pace and scrap the target man all together for me.
  4. Really thought he would play Wood today and he was just rested against Norwhich.
  5. They are shite for going out for a pint or to the game but good for the neutral or watching in the house I think.
  6. Probably have one player starting only In Shelvey who played for us in the championship?
  7. Woke up even more confident we're gonna shake up the world today, big toon win.
  8. We're gonna shake up the world and Newcastle is gonna be one massive drunken party all day tomorrow. Howay the lads.
  9. Get In hope West Ham get humiliated
  10. It wasn't anything like the conference league at all ?
  11. Just think it's unnecessary and I'd be embarrassed if we won it, would hate to end our trophy drought with that. Two European trophies is enough just feels like an opportunity to make more money to me.
  12. Should scrap the European Conferance and stop the drop outs from entering the Eufa league.
  13. Should just focus on racist and homophobic chants and comments and leave it at that, trying to police football chants is pathetic. Personally wouldn't sing it because I find it cringe but it's a slippery slope and not sure where you draw the line.
  14. If its 2 or 3 games a season yeah I don't see an issue. Wasn't sure if it was going to be a permanent thing and we have two teams playing all fixtures there that's all. Dont want Brunos through balls getting stuck in a divot against Barcelona in the champions league now do we.
  15. ? do you know how much goes into maintaining and keeping a pitch to Premierleague standards. In the next few seasons we could have European football plus cup games. It is somthing worth bearing in mind.
  16. Should play at another ground mind don't want them making a mess of the pitch.
  17. We'll spend 175 million this summer I reckon finish 5th and win the FA Cup.
  18. Our form since 8th of April is a lot better than Liverpools, 6/1 currently with the bookies is very tempting.
  19. It's because Lampards the manager.
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