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Posts posted by sushimonster85

  1. 1 minute ago, Jack27 said:

    I imagine Sela will be announced at some point this morning. 
    The kit this afternoon. 

    Club gotta maximise those clicks


    Aye. Our new primary sponsor isn't going to want to share their announcement with the unveiling of the new kit. There will be loads of blurb that needs to go out with the Sela announcement. Imagine that happens first then the kit is an entirely separate thing. Wouldn't be shocked if Sela is today, then a 'soft' kit unveiling tonight with Fender or one of his band members in it, followed by the official unveiling on Monday. 

  2. 1 minute ago, McCormick said:

    It’s not out of the realms of possibility that we finish 8th and they finish top 5/CL next season; anything can happen in football. In the short-term we’re not necessarily a better proposition is all I’m saying; most players don’t make their decision based on what will happen 5 years down the line.


    This is right. There's a reason it's called 'the big 6' rather than top 6. There are 6 sides in the league who's commercial revenue is on a different, and can therefore spend more than the rest. Granted, Spurs out and us in should happen in the next few years, but we're not there yet. We need a few seasons of consistent European qualification, and to continue our commercial overhaul at pace. 

  3. 7 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

    For the sale of Diaby and Frimpong, Bayer Leverkusen expect to receive a fee of around €100m for the duo, of which a percentage will then be reinvested back into the squad.


    Does this mean they want 100m for each of them, which isn't doable. Or hope to raise 100m selling both, meaning Diaby would likely be in the 50-60m range. Which is more doable. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, Menace said:

    I'm refreshing twitter like a deranged schizophrenic hoping for some transfer news. I've not been this excited about a summer for a long long time.


    Aye. This gap between our season ending, and all the European leagues and cup finals getting out the way has really dragged. Hoping things really start to heat up from next week. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, reefatoon said:

    It isn’t Saudi he hates it’s Newcastle


    Aye, there's plenty of evidence out there of him covering Saudi based events with no issue at all. It's only once the PIF bought Newcastle he turned. 

  6. 2 hours ago, RodneyCisse said:

    My Evri bloke is class, always knocks and puts packages over the side fence or in the black part of the blue bin if we’re not in.


    Either you and I live in the same general area, or we have the only 2 decent Evri drivers. Mine is also really good. 

  7. Last bit makes sense. I know we all want Adidas due to their historical ties with the club, however best thing for us financially would for both the big boys (Nike + Adidas) being interested in getting our kit manufacture rights. 

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