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Posts posted by sushimonster85

  1. Just now, SteV said:

    To play devil’s advocate a little bit - if you’re hoping to get a season ticket for next year, would you rather:


    a) they put as many as possible on general sale, in the hope you get one despite the demand, but knowing if you don’t there’s going to be very limited individual match ticket sales, and as a result you’ll probably struggle to get to any games




    b) limit the amount of ST’s they put on general sale so there’s still a good number of individual match ticket sales, which means if you miss out on a ST, there’s still a pretty reasonable chance you’ll be able to get to a few matches


    Guess most would answer a) and take the risk, but it’s an interesting point.


    If I had to pick I would obviously pick A, if they made as many as possible available I imagine it would just about satisfy the demand there is going to be. But given this season individual tickets have barely been making it past the member sale before selling out there is no reason for them to do that. I think realistically it's going to be hidden option C, somewhere in between. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, Thorpinho said:

    Looking to get season ticket back after years of not having one. Echo the comments about stress and anxiety over it! 


    Same, final season for me was the survival on the final day V West Ham. Wasn't buying Ashley's bullshit pre-match that day at all. Second half of that season was just dreadful stuff. 


    I'm less anxious and more just resigned to not being able to get one, at least not till the ground is extended. Will try, but after renewals wouldn't be shocked if there are few than 1000 for general sale. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Shearergol said:

    Robert backed it up by being simply marvellous in everything he did.


    I feel like we look back at Robert with rose tinted specs on. Don't get me wrong, he had more of an end product (certainly in terms of assists) than ASM does, but he would go missing for long stretches. 

  4. Very weird chat from a bloke who's only recent assist came because he misplaced a pass at Norwich that happened to find its way through Joe.


    I do like ASM, and think it's right he gets more leeway than other members of the team in certain areas (pressing for example), but drama stuff like this that threatens the harmony of the squad is exactly the sort of stuff Howe won't want. Like others have said, I don't think any team that could afford to put a daft bid in for him will want or need him, but if someone stupid like Villa did I'd be very tempted to cash in this summer. 

  5. 25 minutes ago, KaKa said:


    Apparently we are going to be getting in two strikers, one first team one with experience and a younger one with big potential, and so I wouldn't be too sure we aren't going to spend around £60 - 70m on the pair.


    I have seen talk of two forward players, but I think that likely means an out and out striker, and someone who can play as a wide forward on the right hand side. 

  6. We're safe. But I get worried when people talk about a 19 goal swing in three games. Sounds huge, but do remember Man City are trying to close/beat Liverpool's GD edge... not saying they're going to hump us 19-0, but 4 or 5 isn't beyond the question. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Conjo said:

    They were living way above their means, and on the brink of administration before Roman came in and saved them, so you could argue in a world without rich uncles they would be even lower than 4th-7th.


    Without Abramovic they would have slowly slid down the table, they scraped CL in the final season before his arrival, and had never really challenged for the title. Unlike Spurs they can't really expand their ground, and with Man U never going broke, and the arrival of Man City they'd likely be knocking around mid-table these days. 

  8. 27 minutes ago, SUPERTOON said:

    Neves would be an incredible signing for us 


    Agree, but by all accounts he is going to have his pick of big teams coming in for him. And at his age (25) he will want CL football either now, or next season, he won't want to wait 3/4 years for it. 

  9. 5 minutes ago, SUPERTOON said:

    Likely with it being January his price was higher ?


    Yeah, hopefully that was the case. If we can get him in the £30-£40m range he is a fantastic signing. 

  10. Whilst I do agree Dubravka would likely be fine for another season, the main reason Howe will likely be looking for a new number 1 isn't anything to do with his shot-stopping ability. He want's a goalkeeper who is comfortable playing it out/can find a mid-range pass. At the moment we have to rely on the other side not implementing a high press so Dubravka can get it out to Schar or Burn. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

    Pickford's pulled off some absolute worldies for England man. I'd love to know what Southgate and the England camp does for the likes of him, Maguire, and Shaw, because it truly is night and day in terms of their performances. 


    I feel like he pulls of saves that look fantastic because generally England play weaker opponents who are far more prone to attempt a pot shot from distance. Which then can lead to those saves that look amazing for the camera. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, SUPERTOON said:

    He’s also not that good 


    Absolutely this. Feel like I am going a bit crazy when I listen to football podcasts wonder about the difference in Pickford for England v Pickford for Everton. Like, it's almost like having better defenders in front of him helps or something......

  13. 4 minutes ago, HaydnNUFC said:


    Bruno, Kamara and one of our existing midfielders or Paqueta if we sign him is a top half midfield, easy.





    Bruno, Kamara, and Joe would be a very strong midfield 3. I don't actually think Paqueta would fit into the 3 as we currently play. That being said I still feel this 4-3-3 formation is more of and ends to a means, and we may end up playing more of a 4-2-3-1 once Howe has had another transfer window and a full pre-season to work with the team. 

  14. 54 minutes ago, Bompeter said:

    Spends too much time on social media this guy. Fine now but when we go through a bad patch it will turn sour.


    Yes, I'm sure the likes of Souness and Keane will be right on him. Because having someone manager your social media, or dyeing your hair a funny colour is clearly directly tied to your performance in training/on the pitch....

  15. 3 hours ago, Menace said:

    I know Hughton gets a lot of praise for the job he did here, but overall he's generally a pretty poor manager imo.


    Looking at that West Ham team, there's no reason why we can't challenge them player for player next season to be honest.





    I was flicking between the West Ham/Frankfurt and Leicester/Roma matches with interest last night. Watching the CL semi's is fun, but the Europa/Conference semis were interesting to watch as realistically we could pull pretty close to West Ham & Leicester with a good Summer window. Teams like City, Liverpool and Madrid are long-term aims that are likely still 5+ seasons away. 

  16. 6 minutes ago, Keegans Export said:

    Starts half way down page 152 if anyone was wondering


    Thanks! Only joined the forum in the past few months (only used r/NUFC before that), going to have a read through this afternoon while it's dead at work. 

  17. 30 minutes ago, 54 said:

    Remember when Eddie came in, there was a certain section of the media stating we'd regret not going for Gerrard? 


    Not only have they been proven unbelievably wrong, but just even thinking about the idea makes me laugh. Howe has got us 6 points above Villa having both come in during the same week, despite them having a 6 point headstart, that's with Villa having a better and more fit squad of players, we'd be in Everton's position with him in charge. 


    Recruitment would have been a laugh too, can you pictures Gerrard doing the hard hours and becoming the defacto DoF like Howe has, the difference between the two is utterly stark.


    The media bandwagoning for both Gerrard and Lampard is so dumb. Just because they were both good, high profile players doesn't give them a divine right to be good coaches. They've both been given jobs (Lampard especially) way beyond their ability based purely on their name value.


    Imagine some average League 2 level midfielder retires, then the first job they're given is a Championship team aiming for promotion. They fail to achieve that goal, and so immediately get given the Chelsea job. They fail there as well, and proceed to be linked with every PL vacancy going, before it's decided they're the ones to save a team from relegation. That team goes on to actually get worse and drop further down the league, only for the media to blame the bloke that was there previously and absolve this unknown former League 2 midfielder of any blame at all. That sounds mental, yet replace 'former league 2 midfielder' with 'Frank Lampard' and its exactly what it playing out. 

  18. Got a funny feeling he may make the bench for the City and Arsenal games, then Burnley he may get the start. Seems pointless risking him, but I also think it would be good for him to get him at least some action before he goes off for another long break at the end of the season. 

  19. 12 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    Absent owner, absent MD, absent manager and absent team, it’s totally transformed now the entire club. With investment we will continue to rise and soar!


    Keep going, I'm close!

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