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The Fountain

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Everything posted by The Fountain

  1. Hope he stays as he's class, however if a CL club come in and his ambitions take him there then so be it We'll have had 2 and a half fantastic years and made a whopping profit.
  2. His injuries are frustrating but to call him a cunt is out of order. He's been tremendous for us, played well under Bruce and tremendously under Howe. Whatever happens I wish him every success in the future. Even if he signs for Sunderland he'll be clapped onto the pitch at SJP ala David Kelly.
  3. It's fantastic being able to have these debates
  4. If a young player wins the main award surely he also wins the young player award.
  5. When Klopp and Moyes go Eddie will be the 12th longest serving manager out of the 92 clubs.
  6. Is Still still getting the job? Will Will accept it? It's gone quiet.
  7. If only we could afford to pay off Luton
  8. One called Vauxie and one called Balboa. ?
  9. Going to Liverpool for £60m. Allison gonna have to put up with being second choice.
  10. They're not happy with the team Doddsy has picked today. Hopefully it's not the last time he picks their team.
  11. In that same time period they've finished in the bottom half of the 2nd flight or in the 3rd flight 16 times
  12. Getting beat at home by Bristol Rovers sticks out as a particularly turgid performance. Devon White running riot .
  13. Huge game tomorrow, a win over Watford will put them in poll position to be the top team in the bottom half.
  14. They're desperate fur the two arrested players to be ours.
  15. We both have 6 games left, play each other and we both play Sheffield United Burnley Palace and Brighton. The only difference is we play Brentford, they have Arsenal.
  16. They have villa and Spurs next, last 4 games are favourable to them.
  17. Surprised Beardsley didn't get 10 assists in the 93/94 season.
  18. They've rekindled the Mourinho to the mags crack. It started off with a rumour that he's going to Liverpool, now it's all about how we need a big name manager and how he'll put us back 10 years Thought they'd want to sort out their manager fuck up first
  19. Aye, didn't think of that. It'll be totally true in 7 years time. Someone born in 2015 have lived most of their life with them being in the 3rd flight.
  20. You have to be at least 74 to have been alive when Sunderland haven't spent the majority of seasons out the top flight
  21. For a team full of £10m-£30m players they're pretty shite.
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