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El Prontonise

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Everything posted by El Prontonise

  1. Brighton should've beaten City there.
  2. That's never a foul by mitoma.
  3. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=kegged Your heard of a search engine Rodney?
  4. I suspect the coppers didn't see the kegging part and just saw him naked and probably think he's too pissed etc.
  5. (Pardew old cunt gif) Trousers etc pulled down.
  6. You could drink in the streets etc but it was just felt bland tbh.
  7. For greater good of football. I'm sure only Liverpool fans and Sunderland fans (and those we a stupid grudge against us) want Liverpool to win.
  8. There's not land available, but these new developments should include plazas at least with green spaces as a minimum.
  9. I'm surprised the club isn't paying for private security or players are.
  10. I think they'll need to offer SJP and other land back to get leazes park as @TheBrownBottle says. I'm in favour of building at leazes park but it has to be strict criteria etc.
  11. Yeah, it's terrible for that.
  12. Agree that I hope the one's there all day aren't going to the game. I saw a few well past their best.
  13. I went, as some people I knew were there but fobbed it off after I couldn't find them. Not my cup of tea that tbh. Gone off to east London since I know the area semi well to get some decent beer and chill.
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