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Everything posted by Joe1984

  1. Hall getting closer to getting a game with all these injuries?
  2. How else are the "big clubs" gonna get their 125th minute winners...
  3. Yeah that makes tactical sense. Can't wait the inevitable "should have played Hall" forum meltdown if it doesn't work. ?
  4. Nah that's Shola's job. Due to FFP we can only afford loans or something... ?
  5. True. I was trying to determine why the FA charged him, I myself wasn't sure he had bet in England or not.
  6. Still guilty of betting in the UK then...
  7. Meanwhile Man City drags on... ?
  8. Joe1984

    Lewis Miley

    FFP says no new team. Not allowed!
  9. Joe1984


    I don't think it's coming home...
  10. Joe1984


    Giving him another look after the disaster v Brazil. He can't be THAT bad again, right?!
  11. Joe1984


    Leave now and never come back! ?
  12. Joe1984


    Don't worry, Hall is used to it...
  13. Joe1984


    He was a bit better 2nd half, not that it's saying much...
  14. Joe1984

    Anthony Gordon

    Let's just get him to the point where the squad gets announced, without injury, first yeah? ?
  15. Joe1984


    Looks like it... ?
  16. Joe1984


    Exactly, I wonder what would happen if they did this to the country of say Africa or Cameroon.
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