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Everything posted by Joe1984

  1. No Tonali either, then again he's an addict not a bellend.
  2. They gone with the Korean sex doll crowd instead...
  3. Joe1984

    Anthony Gordon

    Shut up!! He'll get banned for another season! ?
  4. Joe1984

    Anthony Gordon

    How many times has a player of the match been sent off. Can't be many.
  5. They usually score a injury time winner, but Brentford weren't having it.
  6. Be like Benitez managing Everton...
  7. I'll never tire of seeing that Shearer rocket. Thing of beauty!
  8. Joe1984


    Forgot getting penalties we shouldn't have got. Only for one of them to point out they got the same in their last match.
  9. Joe1984

    Lewis Hall

    He usually is. Very rarely gets to being the issue.
  10. I refer you back to Lush Vlads post above about you know how Man U games go... ?
  11. When they beat... us. Edit- they also beat Burnley after us!
  12. Joe1984

    Lewis Hall

    Hopefully it makes he feel like he belongs here!
  13. Joe1984

    Anthony Gordon

    Well it's definetly 8 or 9. We know that much at least... ?
  14. We also failed to beat either Luton or Bournemouth. Christ I hope we murder Everton on Tuesday!
  15. Joe1984

    Anthony Gordon

    Thank Christ these rules are simple and easy to follow eh?
  16. Joe1984

    Anthony Gordon

    So is 1 or 3 games banned?
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