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Everything posted by Joe1984

  1. Then why did you recommend him to the new owners Steve? "Erm, well ya know, erm..."
  2. The silver lining is that its given the future prospects like Miley and Hall a decent run out. Shame Anderson got injured too.
  3. Especially this year considering who were playing!
  4. Curious one. They'll be glad for the money they got for FFP reasons. But the fee is starting to look cheap to me.
  5. No see if we put injured players on the bench but don't play them, the owners will see we need more players in January. Masterstroke by Howe!!
  6. Just saw that! Apology from UEFA in the mail? I won't hold my breath...
  7. I hope Howe shows Arsenal and Arteta how to be classy in questioning a decision!
  8. Joe1984

    Joe Willock

    Can we use the saved wages to hire more physios?
  9. 9 hours on dinner? Didn't realise Greggs had such a varied menu...
  10. So has Kane. I wonder if the people saying he wasn't good enough for us a few months back have changed their minds... ?
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