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Everything posted by whiteline
Oh yes there is!
Got email just now. Successful for x2.
Hopefully not all. Last season seemed to be in batches but you could be right as they were a bit earlier than this.
NUFC marketing email just arrived. Great way to get people to open it up! Its about watching pre season fixtures... still waiting ballot results.
We could start queuing in Barrack rd car park? Revolutionary I know.
Don't forget this is a 2 part application. We need to do this all again on Friday to select and pay for seats, if successful in the initial ballot. Multiple log ins forecast. from NUFC Once the deadline date has passed for ballot registrations for the above game, the ballot will be randomly drawn. If successful, the lead applicant will receive a confirmation email, with details of the 48 hour seat selection and purchase period. Please continue to check your inbox daily, as If you do not select a seat and complete payment within the 48 hour period you are no longer eligible for a seat via the ballot. There is no flexibility available within this deadline. If you are unsuccessful in the ballot, you are eligible to try and purchase a ticket via Member General Sale for this game, which opens on Wednesday 31st July 10am. These tickets are sold on a first come, first served basis and are not guaranteed. Members can also access tickets submitted for re-sale by season ticket holders from Wednesday 31st July 10am. These tickets are sold on a first come, first served basis.
From bbc news. Ex-footballer Joey Barton has been charged with making malicious communications. The former Manchester City, Burnley and Rangers player is due to appear in court later this month. On his X account, the 41-year-old said he had been charged over tweets relating to broadcaster and multiple league title winner Eniola Aluko. Cheshire Police said the charges concerned messages sent between 1 and 18 January.
Sad Supporters of other Teams - SSOOT.
Richard Grainger would have this sorted in under 6 months.
I’m hearing that the Horticulural Society are breathing a collective sigh of relief.
Social media as in that balanced approach forum of X? “All this shit” behave.
It doesn’t affect your opinion but as a Trust member you would have had the survey weeks ago. At that stage did you raise a query with the trust? You’re right we are in unknown territory with regard to the stadium but this is an opinion piece and you’re inferring an agenda with your last line.
It’s a questionnaire to gauge supporters opinion. It isn’t a legal document, it isn’t and could never cover every aspect. It’s taken someone a great deal of time to put this together and to believe there is some sort of misinformation deliberate or otherwise is quite a slight on a group of people who do their (unpaid) best to improve fans experience. Maybe join the trust?
If only they’d tidied up the IT dept. None of this would have happened.
Written by a ‘heed lad though. (Blaydon Races that is)
Do you use the drop down or the stadium map? I find it takes time to refresh screen click on the drop down click on apply click on the seat (when eventually you spot it!) click on buy at that stage it’s normally gone.
Can I ask what method you use? Ive tried different browsers etc but always seems to be beaten to the click! Ive only managed 3 resales this season and two were on match day.
I can put up with the Ballot, equal chances and all that (unless you "invest" in multiple memberships. But hate the resale. Mindlessly clicking refresh for hours. It seems to prefer faster operating systems/browsers and the number of "seat not available" or "seat not available at the price selected" messages are tedious and the resale system very definitely gives Bots a greater success rate.
That is possible. But it was an 20.00hrs ko which would be 21.00 U.K. a bit late for us young’uns!
Ha, nope! Very likely the next day - not even radio Newcastle in 69. Certainly wouldn’t be allowed to stay up for the highlights.
On Thursday 29th May 1969, aged 11, I stood in the wing paddock with my dad. What a night what’s strange though is that we didn’t “win” anything that night, it was a couple of weeks later in a far of land when we actually lifted the trophy. No Sky, TNT, fire sticks or dodgy channels, no R5 live, Talk sport etc.for the return game!