Well my old boy sir bobby snuffed it 4days ago he was only nine, a boxer by breed,I've buried him in my leek trench,I was wanting Dan's advice on whether or not 5' to the button will be exceeded with a deed dog in the trench
Well I for one am" agast" at the appalling behaviour at wor 4month plus approaches to a new yes man!
Me and speakers love you all
Ermmm we are launching hummel new strips at the bridge's divvint wear them coz that's mag behaviour
Be careful when I joined and suggested we should forget about the behemoth on the tyne,because they are a massive club with great swathes of Durham that have always have been black n white, and a fan base we have never matched since Queen Victoria ( she was a queen I googled it )......I got banned
I would like to think that one day we shouldn't be so mean to those suffering little mackem kids...if one day we could build next to SJP a 90,000 staduim we could invite the young mackems and their mam n dad into a 4k capacity cheesy chip expiernce.the young'uns could then expiernce an atmosphere and pretend they are geordies.
One has it on good authority that a new mackem manager(Day 114) is imminent.
Fuck me they'll start wishing for Ashley as new CEO next ....this just gets better and better
Got to be a county Durham mlf,they're the worst kind of plastics,that hideous accent he's putting on is typical of them
probably walks around county Durham in his cheesy chip stained rags saying "lewk at me marra"
I think the model is just dandy...getting rid of a leech like young podger who runs our club, is mag like behaviour how would that look like in the real world? with all our friends in rotterdam and Bilbao Liverpool or Rome.
We might not be the biggest club in Durham or even in SR post codes ganning of mag tops reporting on the world renowned RTG...but we are massive fans of lads just look at our fake attendances figures you Durham mags
The only way the match atmosphere will improve is to do a reunion of Walker aggro boys the Long bentonheadhunters and the big lamp,
One would recommend the WAB to be safe
"What's Gateshead got to do with nufc",
ermm is it because 85% or black n white daft in Gateshead a lot live nearer to SJP than parts of the toon?
"Why is it beamed onto the baltic ffs "
So we didn't have to walk the 50 yards ower the other side .....you absolute spenk.
Have RTG never heard of Newcastle & Gateshead water co
Oh my giddy aunt I forgot about "Anne Gillies" ( Brandling village ) she loved Byker Stanley and had a season ticket at Newcastle east end, but the mackems were top dogs back then so she moved to the wild west and her son Bobby formed the wild west gremlins back in the day.