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Reports: Mourinho Leaves Chelsea


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Oh and i think Abramovich will want Klinsmann as his replacement for what its worth.


Aye exactly who you want in charge of a billion dollar business someone with no league football experience whatsoever.  :lol:


oh and he sold Robben probably the only flair player they had.

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Apparently down to recruitment over the summer, and players he let go.  Whatever that means.


Im sure the loss of Boularouz was something Roman couldnt handle :rolleyes:.


Honestly though, with the exception of Diarra (which wasnt even his fault), i dont really know what he's done wrong. Pizarro and Malouda look good, Alex looks ok and sidwell's shite but free so im pretty confused.

Whats more confusing though is the fact that Mourinho has been available for an hour and bloody Levy hasnt acted yet :idiot2:.


Recruitment as in lack of funding is what I thought, did they spend anything net?

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i don't think it is fair to say Mourinho just bought success. i think his chelsea side were at its best when it was made up of other manager's players that he didn't buy, it was a good balance of Ranieri flair and Mourinho grit. As Mourinho shaped the side in his own image it got more and more mechanical and less inspired, in some ways having all the money damaged the side, he didn't innovate enough and bought unneccessarily. then there's him winning the uefa cup and champion's league in successive seasons with Porto.


The signings of Shevchenko and Ballack was what damaged them, it forced them to change their style of football to accommodate them, especially Shevchenko who could play his 4-3-3 formation.


agree, i said so after they signed as well.

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I'd like to echo what Brummie posted last night:

"Chelsea, on pretty much any level you care to look at it, are a vile club."


This only adds to it whether he left or he was sacked actually. A very fitting outcome.

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Allardyce OUT!






The people agreeing with this are numptys. It's pretty easy to win trophies when you spend 100's of millions of pounds in 3 seasons.


I would far rather stick with big sam for the long haul. He'll take us places... I'm sure of it.


And won the Uefa cup and Champions league with Porto spending virtually f*** all.


If you would rather have Allardyce then I fear for your sanity.



He may have won the Champions League, but IN ENGLAND, he must be working on an average of £40million per trophy. All he has proved in England is that he knows how to buy players that all the other big teams want.


So he's spent money, that's what being at a big is about so it's pointless knocking the bloke for it, the fact is he's a manager who's won trophies everywhere he's been, with or without money.


I'd defo have Mourinho instead of Allardyce!




This club is never going to get anywhere with fans like you and Baggio... already wanting to jump ship for a quick fix. Best fans in the country my arse.


Allardyce is the way forward for us, just like he was four months ago, four weeks ago, and even four days ago. One bad result doesn't change that.


Fans like me? Oh dear.


Any club should look to improve, if there was any hope of getting Mourinho in Allardyce should be out of the door straight away, do you think Allardyce is capable of getting us to compete with the big boys?


Mourinho's ability and Ashley's money would put us up there, as I've said Mort has already gone on record and said Allardyce wasn't their first choice, he also didn't seem keen to give him much money in the transfer market, lets hope they're keeping it back until the right man came along.


i wouldn't get rid of Allardyce if there's a chance of getting mourinho, cos then if we don't get him we're managerless and looking like buffoons that no one would want to manage. i'd only jettison Allardyce if we get Mourinho signed up in advance.


That's what I meant, perhaps chance wasn't the best choice of words.


Ideally he'll take a break from football for the rest of the season and we can snap him up in the summer after Sir Bobby's pestered him to take the job, I've said before on here that I can see Allardyce getting the push if we don't qualify for Europe too.

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Guest kingdawson

Apparently down to recruitment over the summer, and players he let go.  Whatever that means.


Im sure the loss of Boularouz was something Roman couldnt handle :rolleyes:.


Honestly though, with the exception of Diarra (which wasnt even his fault), i dont really know what he's done wrong. Pizarro and Malouda look good, Alex looks ok and sidwell's s**** but free so im pretty confused.

Whats more confusing though is the fact that Mourinho has been available for an hour and bloody Levy hasnt acted yet :idiot2:.


Recruitment as in lack of funding is what I thought, did they spend anything net?



Malouda cost a fair bit and Alex wasnt free but they got all that money back plus some change with the sale of Robben so they spent absolutly nothing net. Fail to see exactly what he done wrong tbh.

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Malouda cost a fair bit and Alex wasnt free but they got all that money back plus some change with the sale of Robben. Fail to see exactly what he done wrong tbh.


It's pretty simple. Kenyon's banging on about becoming the biggest club in the world and they've spent half a billion yet their crowds are down to 24,000 and they're getting booed off the pitch. Obviously they think a change is needed.

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Apparently down to recruitment over the summer, and players he let go.  Whatever that means.


Im sure the loss of Boularouz was something Roman couldnt handle :rolleyes:.


Honestly though, with the exception of Diarra (which wasnt even his fault), i dont really know what he's done wrong. Pizarro and Malouda look good, Alex looks ok and sidwell's s**** but free so im pretty confused.

Whats more confusing though is the fact that Mourinho has been available for an hour and bloody Levy hasnt acted yet :idiot2:.


Recruitment as in lack of funding is what I thought, did they spend anything net?



Malouda cost a fair bit and Alex wasnt free but they got all that money back plus some change with the sale of Robben so they spent absolutly nothing net. Fail to see exactly what he done wrong tbh.


He spent millions assembling the most expensive squad in the history of the sport and didn't win the League or the Champions League. This constitutes failure and the stakes have never been higher. He's paid the price, so it seems.

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Guest kingdawson

But how can you improve on possibly the best manager in the world. The best they can hope for now is a sidewards step.


Cappello and Hiddink are better for me.


Cappello possibly, Hiddink definatly not.

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But how can you improve on possibly the best manager in the world. The best they can hope for now is a sidewards step.


He's not the best in the world, not by a long shot. The best manager in the world would get his team playing decent football if they had an unlimited budget. And he only got as far in the champions league has Ranieri did, and most of his buys were poor, and....



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Guest kingdawson

But how can you improve on possibly the best manager in the world. The best they can hope for now is a sidewards step.


He's not the best in the world, not by a long shot. The best manager in the world would get his team playing decent football if they had an unlimited budget. And he only got as far in the champions league has Ranieri did, and most of his buys were poor, and....




................. he won both the uefa cupa and the champions league at an average looking Porto team (with not much money to spend) as well as winning the portuguese league, portuguese cup, premiership, league cups and an FA cup.

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Guest kingdawson

But how can you improve on possibly the best manager in the world. The best they can hope for now is a sidewards step.


Cappello and Hiddink are better for me.


Cappello yes, Hiddink definatly not.


Nice contradiction.


Sorry was meant to say possibly after Cappello ;D

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Guest Dr. Richard Kimble

I hope he stays in English football, he makes me laugh. Most managers are dull as wange.


I think so too, he's got style and is funny. Calling Wenger a voyeur was class.


Klinsmann will find the money irresistible

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