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Damage Derby mess has done ?

Guest Phil K

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Fair enough we should look long term and if everything is progressing nicely then great, but it's completely unrealistic to expect fans not to get down about losing a game that seemed a complete banker. If we didn't react to these things we wouldn't have many discussions on here.


And I'm all for giving Sam time and space to do things right, it's just that sometimes it seems as if the destination isn't going to be as nice as we thought.

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Guest Bramble OG

So if were judging SA on 6 premiership games then should we win the game in hand to leval us out with everyone else it puts 4th on goal diffrence making us better than chelsea and man utd.

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Guest Knightrider

Dunno about you and wherever you work, but with me and all that work there, the Derby game has done unbelieveable damage to the expectations/faith/belief whatever you wish to call it.

Just realized yesterday how low that game has made everyone supporting NUFC - and I just don't think Big Sam realizes how much damage was done going by his comments since.

Derby will go on to being well and truly stuffed in their next game too. They're as bad as the makems were when they got a record low in points.

The excuse about the internationals was infuriatingly lame and annoying.

Odd how in just one game every fan I work with or know has gone from confident to the same lows as Roeder and Souness produced.

One game. Strange, but true. It certainly applies to me too ! 

We got sick of saying the manager shouldn't let this...crap...ever happen again under Souness and Roeder - because it always DID.


Well from what I can gather, the mood in Toon regarding NUFC is still positive it would seem. Not everyone is as fickle and as neurotic as those on internet message boards, remember.

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Guest Urban Fox

It's been around 3 years since we were consistently playing well.  When bobby took over we thumped sheff wed 8-0 and though that season was poor, the team was at least balanced and we'd end each game (even one at Man U I recall where Shearer stuck one away with his head?) having had the chances to look back on and go "Well, if that chance had gone in - etc.".  Apart from Bolton this season, we have looked disjointed and unable to string more than 2 passes together.  I thought Butt looked about 49 years old the way he played on Monday and I can't remember a ball that Ameobi actually controlled and laid off successfully, yet they both stayed on the pitch.


I know the club has been gutted from top to bottom and 32 new players have come through the door but if you don't have the players to play 4-4-2 (i.e. smith on the right who is as useful there as a chocolate arse brush) then pick a formation and tactics to suit those who are fit and play your creative players in an area of the field where they can be effective (N'zogbia was caught several times on Monday night and never cleared the first man with any of his dead balls - shooting into row z on at least 3 occasions from 40 yards).


It is depressing watching your team huff and puff, have no shots and get completely outplayed by a championship (if that) level side when you have 43 (ish) internationals in your side but we've put up with this kind of thing for the past 3 years - what's another 3 months until allardyce turns it around and his system starts working because the players know each other and know how to play with tactics (which is something again we have lacked for 3 years)


It's ok to be dissapointed, even angry but don't forget, Allardyce is not Gullit or Souness. 


Praise be to that!!

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We've been awful all season except for the first half at Bolton with Allardyce choosing the sign grafters over pace and quality.


Played off the park by Derby ffs.

Played well against Wigan, one of the most dominant displays Ive seen us have in a while.

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Its only 1 game man, 1 set back.  If the next 6 months are the same, then yeah its a major disaster.  In anycase if we played like that for the next 6 months we'd probs get relegated.


Apart from this crap game/defeat, NUFC has had one of its better starts in the prem.

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Which players were consistently good? What are the positives? I really wonder... Do people really think we played good football apart from the first half against Bolton?


No, we've been shit every game since Bolton. Hopefully we won't be relegated  :undecided:

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Guest RodrigoPalacio

We've been poor on the whole I think.  Been lucky to have as many points as we have at the minute.  Some of our play is pathetic.

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This is pathetic, someone even said the Derby game was the worst we have played for years. Must have imagined the 5-1 defeat to Birmingham last year then.


Typical kneejerk bullshit you come to expect on this forum.


We don't look a top side? well no shit there sherlock. Anyone expecting us to after the last few years should have a look at their over the top expectations.


We have made some fairly obvious steps forward but lets all forget that, we lost to Derby!



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I wish people would remember it took bobby 2 years.  There must have been a fair few crap defeats in 2 seasons at 11th

I don't remember the team playing that crap under SBR even in his first year in charge...Actually I remember the first game he was in charge we kicked the stuffing out of Sheffield Wednesday 8 - 1 or nil, can't remember now the score...We at least tried to play nice football, not boring gutless crap like SouMess, Roeder eras...That Derby game was a trademark Roeder, SouMess game I tell ya...

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Guest jamesmartinsmith

I wish people would remember it took bobby 2 years.  There must have been a fair few crap defeats in 2 seasons at 11th

In 2 years time, most of the players BS has brought in will either be peaking or past their best. I can't see where our future lies, under Sir Bobby I did.

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Guest RodrigoPalacio

I wish people would remember it took bobby 2 years.  There must have been a fair few crap defeats in 2 seasons at 11th

In 2 years time, most of the players BS has brought in will either be peaking or past their best. I can't see where our future lies, under Sir Bobby I did.


Under SBR our future lay with Hugo Viana and Carl Cort.  I know which I'd prefer.

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Can you please answer the question like a grown-up? It was a serious question...  :idiot2:

For what's it's worth (and that is not much) I am encourage by the comments made by Phil K, Skirge, Gray, Baggio, Ian W, Swiss Mag and Elan.  Full respect.  So far not one of them has his head stuck up his ar*e and, imo, has accurately assessed NUFC abysmal start to the season and where/why/how it's going/gone wrong.  As far as I am concerned, all these chaps have done is kept it REAL.  Reported what they have witnessed.  Hat's off.  I'd rather read a thread that tells it like it is right now.  Not a ANOTHER f*cking poncey thread telling me what it COULD be like if we win our next game or it's early days and we need to give 'em more time.  Success on the field breeds confidence and more success.  Serving up sh*te breeds more helpings of sh*te and that's what we are used to seeing.  I stand corrected if we demolish West Ham though I am far from convinced.  I wonder how many players West Ham have brought in and shipped out this season and who are now playing like a well-oiled unit?

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It's been around 3 years since we were consistently playing well.  When bobby took over we thumped sheff wed 8-0 and though that season was poor, the team was at least balanced and we'd end each game (even one at Man U I recall where Shearer stuck one away with his head?) having had the chances to look back on and go "Well, if that chance had gone in - etc.".  Apart from Bolton this season, we have looked disjointed and unable to string more than 2 passes together.  I thought Butt looked about 49 years old the way he played on Monday and I can't remember a ball that Ameobi actually controlled and laid off successfully, yet they both stayed on the pitch.


I know the club has been gutted from top to bottom and 32 new players have come through the door but if you don't have the players to play 4-4-2 (i.e. smith on the right who is as useful there as a chocolate arse brush) then pick a formation and tactics to suit those who are fit and play your creative players in an area of the field where they can be effective (N'zogbia was caught several times on Monday night and never cleared the first man with any of his dead balls - shooting into row z on at least 3 occasions from 40 yards).


It is depressing watching your team huff and puff, have no shots and get completely outplayed by a championship (if that) level side when you have 43 (ish) internationals in your side but we've put up with this kind of thing for the past 3 years - what's another 3 months until allardyce turns it around and his system starts working because the players know each other and know how to play with tactics (which is something again we have lacked for 3 years)


It's ok to be dissapointed, even angry but don't forget, Allardyce is not Gullit or Souness. 


Praise be to that!!

Great post...

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It wasn`t the defeat that pissed me off.  It was the players sunday league play.  It wouldn`t matter what team beat us either. The fact we played as shite as we did has done me right in. Free kicks and corners for fuck sake. They were completely lame.  Even if we were in training passing that badly and not getting no set plays anywhere near a player for 90 minutes I would be just as pissed off. Derby has nothing to do with how crap we played or how pissed off I am.

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