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Sports Minister slams "obscene" salaries


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If people don't like what footballers earn then they should refuse to pay for all the things that make footballers employers believe that they are worth what they pay them. No shirts, no sky sports, no other merchandise, no match tickets, and so-on. We're the ones who are responsible for the level of players salaries because we're the ones who buy the shit that makes attracting the best players in the clubs' interests. If you don't like it don't pay for it, simple as.

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I don't see how we can make any argument (directly) that players wages are wrong or excessive. Our society isn't based on people getting paid what they are worth, if it was nurses would be on £50k a week and footballers would be on about £50k a year.


The only way to control it is to have penalties for financial mismanagement built into our leagues. No club should be allowed to regularly operate at a loss and be propped up by gifts from its owner. If they need loans then fine, negotiate them with a bank at commercial business rates of interest.


Maybe the financial fair play rules will help with this, but obviously they are designed with the current state of the game in mind, so I doubt they will actually reduce salaries very much.

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Professional athletes are typically idiots, whose natural physical talent is the only thing between them and a career behind a McDonalds counter.  I don't begrudge them their enormous salaries.  Especially when there are bankers and executives on similar deals who are doing a much better job of making me hate them.

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mackems.gif a wage cap of 150K, aye, that'll stop footballers earning too much money, oh whats that? what if more money comes into the game and us footballers are left out of pocket? better allow a 30K increase after 5 years. That'll show them!






footballers get paid vastly more money than they should, but thats capitalism for you.


i think the best solution would be to set a wage cap to say, 30K (no lower than 25, no higher than 35) a week and then allow, say up to 15K per appearence/goals/assists on top. Thus the maximum a player earns is no more than say 80-90K if he player all the games in the week or maybe 110 if he performs really really well.

of course every fa would have to sign up, and there could be a lot of clubs trying to go though loopholes at the start, and leagues such as the russian, american and maybe chinese leagues could use the wagecap as a way of enticing players to their nations and improving their leagues.


Er I don't wanna say nothing but we don't live in America. We don't have a captilist society we have a mixed economy so really there's no need to pay footballers so much so yay.




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I raised this to my arsenal supporting friend today and in fairness, the actual context was he was asked by a journalist if he was worth the money he was on and the full quotes were as follows:


“I would lie, though, if I said I didn’t enjoy the money I earn in football. I think we spend an incredible amount of time, energy and focus on our football career, because when we are not training or playing matches we still have to live for football.


“It is always fair to ask whether the players are worth the incredible amounts of money we earn and ask whether we earn too much.


“I believe we must be worth our salaries because that is how the mechanisms of the society works. As long as I work as hard as I can, I believe I am worth what is coming my way.

“There is a price to pay as well for us players and, personally, I think I pay a big price with my body, my time and with never being able to have privacy when I am out and around other people.


“Understand me correctly, I do not complain about that. It’s a natural part of being a professional footballer, but there is definitely a price to pay, when, for example, you can’t go out to eat in a restaurant with your girlfriend without having people chasing you.”


Bendtner yesterday refused to talk about his love split and said: “I have never commented on rumours in the magazines regarding my private life. And I certainly don’t intend to do that now, either.”


I certainly wouldn't be arguing if my salary got whacked up 20 fold overnight and wouldn't feel like a mercenary if I accepted 3 times what I am on to go and work somewhere else. It's only when there is an allegiance involved where things become clouded, for example I genuinely feel in Carroll's shoes I'd have stuck where I was, but for Bendtner, he appears to be a professional footballer doing it as a job, so fair play I suppose.



Aye, because regular joes don't work hard and don't pay prices to keep their jobs. w*****.


:kinnear: you face the same privacy issues and public attention doing a regular 9-5 job?


Most pro footballers train around 15-20 hours a week, I work 40 hours. They have way more time than me to enjoy their family life or go out with friends. As I said, we all make our sacrifices.

Also only a minority of footballers actually suffer this kind of privacy issues. I really doubt Chris Samba gets much attention when he's out.

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I raised this to my arsenal supporting friend today and in fairness, the actual context was he was asked by a journalist if he was worth the money he was on and the full quotes were as follows:


“I would lie, though, if I said I didn’t enjoy the money I earn in football. I think we spend an incredible amount of time, energy and focus on our football career, because when we are not training or playing matches we still have to live for football.


“It is always fair to ask whether the players are worth the incredible amounts of money we earn and ask whether we earn too much.


“I believe we must be worth our salaries because that is how the mechanisms of the society works. As long as I work as hard as I can, I believe I am worth what is coming my way.

“There is a price to pay as well for us players and, personally, I think I pay a big price with my body, my time and with never being able to have privacy when I am out and around other people.


“Understand me correctly, I do not complain about that. It’s a natural part of being a professional footballer, but there is definitely a price to pay, when, for example, you can’t go out to eat in a restaurant with your girlfriend without having people chasing you.”


Bendtner yesterday refused to talk about his love split and said: “I have never commented on rumours in the magazines regarding my private life. And I certainly don’t intend to do that now, either.”


I certainly wouldn't be arguing if my salary got whacked up 20 fold overnight and wouldn't feel like a mercenary if I accepted 3 times what I am on to go and work somewhere else. It's only when there is an allegiance involved where things become clouded, for example I genuinely feel in Carroll's shoes I'd have stuck where I was, but for Bendtner, he appears to be a professional footballer doing it as a job, so fair play I suppose.



Aye, because regular joes don't work hard and don't pay prices to keep their jobs. w*****.


:kinnear: you face the same privacy issues and public attention doing a regular 9-5 job?


Most pro footballers train around 15-20 hours a week, I work 40 hours. They have way more time than me to enjoy their family life or go out with friends. As I said, we all make our sacrifices.

Also only a minority of footballers actually suffer this kind of privacy issues. I really doubt Chris Samba gets much attention when he's out.

if players want to have their privacy they can. many, instead, want to be able to play the fame card as and when it suits.
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Its a bit odd that ministers and showing interest in football (premier league) and saying this and that about finance of the game.


There are far more pressing issues in the country then football.


For me there is way to much money in the game, i'd like to see and standard squad size and the same transfer money for each team in the prem league.


As its stands at the moment....teams dont have to get in debt and DONT have to pay big wages.


The sooner the sugar daddys and locked down the better for everyone.

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As its stands at the moment....teams dont have to get in debt and DONT have to pay big wages.


The sooner the sugar daddys and locked down the better for everyone.


wait, aren't the two things different?


sugar-daddy wise what's the problem? what they should do is make the sugar daddy's deposit the money in advance in an untouchable account when they do a deal, so for example torres's wages for the next 5 years have to be financially covered and thus there can be no debt accrued by the CLUB if the sugar daddy decides to get to fuck after a while


i have no problem with this type of idea, curtailing investment in the game will not help it long term, the only issue for me is as you say debt...if roman had to put all the money up front for his crazy deals it'd maybe make him think twice about it

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As its stands at the moment....teams dont have to get in debt and DONT have to pay big wages.


The sooner the sugar daddys and locked down the better for everyone.


wait, aren't the two things different?


sugar-daddy wise what's the problem? what they should do is make the sugar daddy's deposit the money in advance in an untouchable account when they do a deal, so for example torres's wages for the next 5 years have to be financially covered and thus there can be no debt accrued by the CLUB if the sugar daddy decides to get to f*** after a while


i have no problem with this type of idea, curtailing investment in the game will not help it long term, the only issue for me is as you say debt...if roman had to put all the money up front for his crazy deals it'd maybe make him think twice about it


Chelsea are in a false position, they dont have the crowds to support Frank Lampard on 150 a week and John Terry on 150 k a week, god knows who else is on those wages at that shit house football club.





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