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Todays BBC Gossip Column...

Guest johnson293

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Alan Shearer has sensationally emerged as the shock candidate to replace Steve McClaren as England boss following a harrowing Euro 2008 qualifying campaign.


Ex-England and Newcastle skipper Shearer has told close friends he would take the job if it is offered - despite having no management experience.


And that's alerted senior FA bosses who are deliberating over which way to go after McClaren's stumbling attempt to qualify for Euro 2008.


Sources close to Shearer claim his move into management is imminent despite having 18 months left on his Match of the Day contract.


The former striker would be following an illustrious trio who have taken control of their country without management experience: Jurgen Klinsmann at Germany, Marco van Basten at Holland and Mark Hughes with Wales.


The Geordie legend believes he could do the job and would have the respect of the players. Shearer has also spent three years completing the bulk of his coaching qualifications.


Appointing him as England boss would be a brave move - but with no obvious candidate to replace McClaren the FA are split on which way to turn.


Aston Villa chief Martin O'Neill will also be considered as will Under-21 boss Stuart Pearce and Reading chief Steve Coppell





zero quotes, of course.

Coppell, O'Neill, and Stuart Fucking Pearce?  Have they not learned anything?  I don't think O'Neill or Coppell would be disasters and would probably qualify easily for tournaments but I can't see them winning one, and as far as Pearce goes, is there a more clueless manager out there?  If this stuff is true there's another disaster on the horizon for the FA.


I'm obviously a big fan of Shearer, and so far I feel like he's been pretty dignified in his retirement, but I hope he doesn't make this his first move.

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It wouldn't surprise me if Shearer preferred the England job to club management. He's always been protective of the time that he can spend with his family, and I think he'd have a bit more control over the demands that are made on him as an international manager.

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It wouldn't surprise me if Shearer preferred the England job to club management. He's always been protective of the time that he can spend with his family, and I think he'd have a bit more control over the demands that are made on him as an international manager.



Might jeopardize his dream of becoming the newcastle manager if he screws up though.

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