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Mort: it's getting tedious

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Big Sam needs time. He has come into a club like no other on the planet. Of course he is using his Bolton methods, they worked for him there. He is learning very quickly that life as NUFC manager has different demands. Give him time and he will slowly adjust to the needs and in the meantime build some solid foundations for the years to come.

Okay, some of his signings don't seem to be working yet but Wenger and Ferguson don't get it right every time either. On the positive side, 'Is Faye better than Bramble? Is Beye better than Carr?' Zoggy was was on his way out of the door also. It is about building a side, not buying one like Chelsea then being burdened with £260 million of debt for the forseeable future.

thats one way of looking at it,another is "is the team playing (or has the team at any point under his management played)any better than it was 12 or 24 month ago ?"
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I would totally agree with this but for the fact that last season our 13th place was unrealistic. We were far, far worse than that. I can remember some very fortunate results. How we beat Villa at SJP, how we beat Spurs at WHL. The matches against Man City and Sheff Utd at SJP were awful. We were appalling last season and imo any assessment of Allardyce should take those performances into account. We were crap. That's where we're starting from. The football we played last season was rubbish. We're no worse off now and Allardyce isn't simply spending loads, he's changing loads of the ways we do things. He needs time


We've also been appalling this season, Allardyce will be assessed on that.  Roeder did give us some poor displays and some very poor results which I haven't forgotten about.  Losing to Derby and Wigan away without even trying to win those games is pathetic.


If Allardyce is to get time then he'll have to earn it.

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We have to look at ourselves as fans and ask where do we want to go? Provided there is no possibility of relegation we should stick with Sam unless someone like Mourinho would take the job (highly unlikely). Give it time and try to encourage consistency/stability.


But as we are learning to do this, Sam needs to learn and improve himself. He needs to understand the need for some creativity and excitement. If we stick with it it has to be a two way street - blind total support from the fans for rubbish football is unrealistic, as is gung ho all out attack from Sam. There has to be a bit of each from the two sides to find a compromise.


Good well balanced post.  :clap2:


I would totally agree with this but for the fact that last season our 13th place was unrealistic. We were far, far worse than that. I can remember some very fortunate results. How we beat Villa at SJP, how we beat Spurs at WHL. The matches against Man City and Sheff Utd at SJP were awful. We were appalling last season and imo any assessment of Allardyce should take those performances into account. We were crap. That's where we're starting from. The football we played last season was rubbish. We're no worse off now and Allardyce isn't simply spending loads, he's changing loads of the ways we do things. He needs time


Thats a good point, one i've never really taken into account. But sometimes you make your own luck, and the players were fighting last season, they simply arn't under SA.


I don't agree with the fighting part, that's one of the things they are doing imo. Who do you think isn't pulling their weight compared to last year?


Who is?


Zoggy is back but even so, out of position, Butt is about the same level, Milner still working hard although off form, i'd struggle after that.


Martins is playing within himself and for himself, Carr is even less interested than ever, Taylor not bouncing back, totally unmotivated, Ameobi has given up the chance for a 1st team spot and Ramage & Duff have been out injured.


Then its to his signings, which obviously none were that last season and Owen is a crock on injured shite so we can't comment on.

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souness got blackburn to 6th the same success which got allardyce to bolton 6th


souness has actually won trophies as well


and we can see souness was bad manager and so is allardyce


getting a team to 6th is not considered success, look at ipswich ffs 5th and then relegation



How much did Souness spend to get them there?


So you're saying that Allardyce can be just as successful here as Souness was but without spending as much?, well I'm sold.. :D

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We have to look at ourselves as fans and ask where do we want to go? Provided there is no possibility of relegation we should stick with Sam unless someone like Mourinho would take the job (highly unlikely). Give it time and try to encourage consistency/stability.


But as we are learning to do this, Sam needs to learn and improve himself. He needs to understand the need for some creativity and excitement. If we stick with it it has to be a two way street - blind total support from the fans for rubbish football is unrealistic, as is gung ho all out attack from Sam. There has to be a bit of each from the two sides to find a compromise.


Good well balanced post.  :clap2:


I would totally agree with this but for the fact that last season our 13th place was unrealistic. We were far, far worse than that. I can remember some very fortunate results. How we beat Villa at SJP, how we beat Spurs at WHL. The matches against Man City and Sheff Utd at SJP were awful. We were appalling last season and imo any assessment of Allardyce should take those performances into account. We were crap. That's where we're starting from. The football we played last season was rubbish. We're no worse off now and Allardyce isn't simply spending loads, he's changing loads of the ways we do things. He needs time


Thats a good point, one i've never really taken into account. But sometimes you make your own luck, and the players were fighting last season, they simply arn't under SA.


I don't agree with the fighting part, that's one of the things they are doing imo. Who do you think isn't pulling their weight compared to last year?


Who is?


Zoggy is back but even so, out of position, Butt is about the same level, Milner still working hard although off form, i'd struggle after that.


Martins is playing within himself and for himself, Carr is even less interested than ever, Taylor not bouncing back, totally unmotivated, Ameobi has given up the chance for a 1st team spot and Ramage & Duff have been out injured.


Then its to his signings, which obviously none were that last season and Owen is a crock on injured s**** so we can't comment on.


Motivation wise the 5-1 drubbing against Birmingham City spoke volumes for our condition last season. Allardyce is a manager, not a miracle worker. He's picked up where Souness and Roeder left off and if not all of his signings have come up to the mark (yet?) he inherited a crock of shite an should be given time to put it right.

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Just a quick post and dunno if it's been mentioned, but I'm fucking fuming from this in the ronny's coverage of it.


"I am told that all the talk about Allardyce’s position has alerted one of the top football agents in the world. And that he has told Ashley he could give him one of the top managers on the continent."


can someone please fucking execute this fucking twat.


Happy new year to all, I'm going to get shit-faced!


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