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Alan Shearer appointment would be just perfect

Guest SpinTheBlackCircle

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Guest SpinTheBlackCircle

Simon Barnes


Newcastle United will never be a decent football club until they appoint Alan Shearer as manager. Admittedly, Shearer won’t be any good. Certainly, he will take them into worse trouble than they are in already. But until Newcastle have gone through the Shearer experience, they won’t be able to do anything.


The reason that Sam Allardyce has been having such a difficult time as manager at St James’ Park is not that the job is beyond his abilities. It is because the job is beyond anybody’s abilities. Nobody who takes it on can live with Shearer’s record.


Shearer’s record is perfect. He has never lost a match as a manager. True, he has never contested one. But he scored a lot of goals as a player, speaks the language, is a jolly good chap, and who needs experience anyway? Everything will be all right as soon as he is given the job. Or to be more accurate, nothing will be right until he has tried and failed, because his existence makes the job untenable for everyone else.


Newcastle are living in the future rather than the past and that is an even more debilitating way to live. It involves a belief that everything will be all right some day soon, which means that we don’t have to bother with the problems we have now. Soon they will magically disappear. It is like expecting a legacy, or the Lone Ranger.


Newcastle have become football’s Bleak House: a club forever wishing their life away in the belief that a favourable judgment will somehow reverse everybody’s fortune and make everything worthwhile. This is a club that pride themselves on a great past and look forward to a golden future. Jam yesterday, jam tomorrow, but never jam today. They are dying of messiahitis.



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As much as I hate the arrogant and presumptious tone of that article, I can't help but agree that our managers' jobs will be always be more difficult and pressured until we get the Shearer era 'out of our system'.


Either that or the press could stop talking bollocks about it and we could forget about the whole thing...

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Newcastle are living in the future rather than the past and that is an even more debilitating way to live. It involves a belief that everything will be all right some day soon, which means that we don’t have to bother with the problems we have now. Soon they will magically disappear. It is like expecting a legacy, or the Lone Ranger.


Newcastle have become football’s Bleak House: a club forever wishing their life away in the belief that a favourable judgment will somehow reverse everybody’s fortune and make everything worthwhile. This is a club that pride themselves on a great past and look forward to a golden future. Jam yesterday, jam tomorrow, but never jam today. They are dying of messiahitis.




This is exactly the sentiment I was going to post over the weekend...but never got round to.


Perfectly put.

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Or alternatively the existing manager could stop being rubbish and get the glaringly obvious failings right. Football is a simple game, and there are far too many errors being made we can all see. Needs to change. Nothing to do with fucking Shearer, jesus. He's retired but you can guarantee some fuckwit ion the press who doesn't like him will find a way to have a go.

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Or alternatively the existing manager could stop being rubbish and get the glaringly obvious failings right. Football is a simple game, and there are far too many errors being made we can all see. Needs to change. Nothing to do with fucking Shearer, jesus. He's retired but you can guarantee some fuckwit ion the press who doesn't like him will find a way to have a go.


"we can all see it" until Sam shows us we're wrong too.  Milner on the right, Zoggy on the left, Enrique at left back, Smith up front, 4-4-2....and we're still shit.

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Or alternatively the existing manager could stop being rubbish and get the glaringly obvious failings right. Football is a simple game, and there are far too many errors being made we can all see. Needs to change. Nothing to do with f****** Shearer, jesus. He's retired but you can guarantee some fuckwit ion the press who doesn't like him will find a way to have a go.


Dont think the writer or article is shearer bashing in any way. What the man says is true. NUFC does have a penchant for the emotive. We really ARE suffering from what he calls messiahtitis or whatever. This is why it's essential that this period, with Ashley at the top, Mort running the show, and big sam on the touchline be separated mentally from the past 15 years of Newcastle's history, where messiahs have come and gone on a consistent basis (Hall, Keegan, Beardsley, Shearer, SBR), and where we ultimately achieved fuck all.


The club needs a true fresh start, which the aforementioned ashley-mort-allardyce are trying to give us. We need to spare them the weight of our unrealistic expectations, and just let them fucking get on with it.

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At the end of the day, our current position has nothing to do with Shearer, and to suggest his "being" is detremental to the cause is something from the realms of nonsensevill in my opinion.

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How do we know though until he plays EVERYONE in the correct f****** position?!


He has his reasons for doing that though!!! We might not know these reasons, but I'm sure he's not playing players out of position because he has an agenda to make us fail!!!


We may not agree with these reasons, but we should just let him fucking get on with it and see where that takes us.

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How do we know though until he plays EVERYONE in the correct f****** position?!


He has his reasons for doing that though!!! We might not know these reasons, but I'm sure he's not playing players out of position because he has an agenda to make us fail!!!


We may not agree with these reasons, but we should just let him f****** get on with it and see where that takes us.


down? :-)

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How do we know though until he plays EVERYONE in the correct f****** position?!


He has his reasons for doing that though!!! We might not know these reasons, but I'm sure he's not playing players out of position because he has an agenda to make us fail!!!


We may not agree with these reasons, but we should just let him f****** get on with it and see where that takes us.


No, he's playing players out of position because he genuinely doesn't feel that Milner is a right-winger, obviously thinks Smith is a better midfielder than Emre...

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How do we know though until he plays EVERYONE in the correct f****** position?!


He has his reasons for doing that though!!! We might not know these reasons, but I'm sure he's not playing players out of position because he has an agenda to make us fail!!!


We may not agree with these reasons, but we should just let him f****** get on with it and see where that takes us.



Give him time? But, hell, I can't see ANY improvement so far! Tell me...

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How do we know though until he plays EVERYONE in the correct f****** position?!


He has his reasons for doing that though!!! We might not know these reasons, but I'm sure he's not playing players out of position because he has an agenda to make us fail!!!


We may not agree with these reasons, but we should just let him f****** get on with it and see where that takes us.


I agree. I am willing to let him get on with it, and he will. He is the one in charge and ultimately the one who will pay the price if he fails. If it works he will be hailed a hero similarily.


Football is a very simple game though, good football does not require the work of a genius to get right... The fact that some people are hoping Sam Allardyce is in fact some kind of genius on a level none of us can understand is somewhat hopeful, it's more likely he just hasn't got a clue!

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How do we know though until he plays EVERYONE in the correct f****** position?!


He has his reasons for doing that though!!! We might not know these reasons, but I'm sure he's not playing players out of position because he has an agenda to make us fail!!!


We may not agree with these reasons, but we should just let him f****** get on with it and see where that takes us.


No, he's playing players out of position because he genuinely doesn't feel that Milner is a right-winger, obviously thinks Smith is a better midfielder than Emre...


He's got a point on both counts.

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How do we know though until he plays EVERYONE in the correct f****** position?!


He has his reasons for doing that though!!! We might not know these reasons, but I'm sure he's not playing players out of position because he has an agenda to make us fail!!!


We may not agree with these reasons, but we should just let him f****** get on with it and see where that takes us.


He's playing players out of position BECAUSE OF SHEARER!


Didn't you read the article? It's the ghost of Shearer that's causing the team to play poorly. It's so obvious now I've had it explained to me by a clever newspaperman.

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How do we know though until he plays EVERYONE in the correct f****** position?!


He has his reasons for doing that though!!! We might not know these reasons, but I'm sure he's not playing players out of position because he has an agenda to make us fail!!!


We may not agree with these reasons, but we should just let him f****** get on with it and see where that takes us.


He's playing players out of position BECAUSE OF SHEARER!


Didn't you read the article? It's the ghost of Shearer that's causing the team to play poorly. It's so obvious now I've had it explained to me by a clever newspaperman.


I posted this earlier:


"Dont think the writer or article is shearer bashing in any way. What the man says is true. NUFC does have a penchant for the emotive. We really ARE suffering from what he calls messiahtitis or whatever. This is why it's essential that this period, with Ashley at the top, Mort running the show, and big sam on the touchline be separated mentally from the past 15 years of Newcastle's history, where messiahs have come and gone on a consistent basis (Hall, Keegan, Beardsley, Shearer, SBR), and where we ultimately achieved f*** all.


The club needs a true fresh start, which the aforementioned ashley-mort-allardyce are trying to give us. We need to spare them the weight of our unrealistic expectations, and just let them f****** get on with it".



is what he is trying to say

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How do we know though until he plays EVERYONE in the correct f****** position?!


He has his reasons for doing that though!!! We might not know these reasons, but I'm sure he's not playing players out of position because he has an agenda to make us fail!!!


We may not agree with these reasons, but we should just let him f****** get on with it and see where that takes us.


He's playing players out of position BECAUSE OF SHEARER!


Didn't you read the article? It's the ghost of Shearer that's causing the team to play poorly. It's so obvious now I've had it explained to me by a clever newspaperman.


I posted this earlier:


"Dont think the writer or article is shearer bashing in any way. What the man says is true. NUFC does have a penchant for the emotive. We really ARE suffering from what he calls messiahtitis or whatever. This is why it's essential that this period, with Ashley at the top, Mort running the show, and big sam on the touchline be separated mentally from the past 15 years of Newcastle's history, where messiahs have come and gone on a consistent basis (Hall, Keegan, Beardsley, Shearer, SBR), and where we ultimately achieved f*** all.


The club needs a true fresh start, which the aforementioned ashley-mort-allardyce are trying to give us. We need to spare them the weight of our unrealistic expectations, and just let them f****** get on with it".



is what he is trying to say


I think UV is being wilfully obtuse and misrepresenting the article because it's bang on about the "Allardyce out" brigade.

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How do we know though until he plays EVERYONE in the correct f****** position?!


He has his reasons for doing that though!!! We might not know these reasons, but I'm sure he's not playing players out of position because he has an agenda to make us fail!!!


We may not agree with these reasons, but we should just let him f****** get on with it and see where that takes us.


He's playing players out of position BECAUSE OF SHEARER!


Didn't you read the article? It's the ghost of Shearer that's causing the team to play poorly. It's so obvious now I've had it explained to me by a clever newspaperman.


I posted this earlier:


"Dont think the writer or article is shearer bashing in any way. What the man says is true. NUFC does have a penchant for the emotive. We really ARE suffering from what he calls messiahtitis or whatever. This is why it's essential that this period, with Ashley at the top, Mort running the show, and big sam on the touchline be separated mentally from the past 15 years of Newcastle's history, where messiahs have come and gone on a consistent basis (Hall, Keegan, Beardsley, Shearer, SBR), and where we ultimately achieved f*** all.


The club needs a true fresh start, which the aforementioned ashley-mort-allardyce are trying to give us. We need to spare them the weight of our unrealistic expectations, and just let them f****** get on with it".



is what he is trying to say


He's not Shearer bashing, he's poor simple-minded Newcastle supporter bashing.


It is because the job is beyond anybody’s abilities. Nobody who takes it on can live with Shearer’s record.


If the manager does well, no one gives a shit about Shearer. End of story.

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It's OK guys, we're not doing bad, just having a "bumpy run of results". The fact we are discussing the being of Shearer that haunts St James Park with his negative aura on NUFCS fans and associates suggests we are beyond the stage of a blip in form surely?

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