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The "I Believe Harry Will Succeed" Thread

The College Dropout

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He'll fail.


As a poster who has consistently backed poor managers and their decisions that have in the end cost the club dearly, you banging on that Redknapp (if he were to take over) will fail has strangely given me some confidence that the saggy jowled git may in fact succeed. Cheers. :thup:

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He's built decent teams on the cheap, while playing attractive football.


Allardyce built good teams on the cheap, but while playing unattrative football.


The ability to build a decent team [and thats all] on the cheap, while playing attractive football, would appear to have  "blown Morts socks off".


Not mine, or some of you, but Morts. And thats what counts.



now now NE5, we dont know if AO was telling the truth do we?


In actual fact, I think that someone who has his teams playing with intelligence, movement and a positive outlook, has  a chance. He might surprise us. But having sacked Sam, I hoped for better.


What i will be looking for is - how much they back him. That and that alone will tell me what sort of future we will have while they own the club.




thats a rather bizarre reply to my post but never the less one i agree with


i was however saying that its still possible that AO made that story up

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