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managers criticising sacking of Allardyce

Guest Brazilianbob

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I think, sacking managers too often - that's the price for having one of best fan support in EPL. When Mr Abramovich sacked a manager who won 6 titles in 3 year after a draw with Rosenborg, how do Blues fans reacted? In comparison imagine how would we (nu fans) reacted on kicking Shearer out of squad, for example? That's the difference. But i dont see any solution. We just cannot control emotions.(me2)

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have just been thinking today in the light of the fact that we didnt have, as was the initial assumption, a ready-to-replacement, has it been disscussed anywhere in the papers or on the TV, as to why Allardyce has been sacked as what appears to be a bad time.


Have any of the media or fans of other clubs considered the fact that Sam might have been sacked for reasons that we will probably never hear of. People get sacked all the time for incidents at work; perhaps something happened that is totally unrelated to everything else that has been discussed. Perhaps he clumped someone ?



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Allardyce (Newcastle) = hmmmmmm hard one tbh. Wated money on some dodgy players but it wasnt as if, you lot were in fear of relegation. Like Jol, makes some crazy substitutions, but im really not sure. By all means, if theres someone better lined up then its ok but Arry Bloody Redknapp??

Verdict = A bit unfair




How anyone can say the sacking of a manager who persuaded his chairman to part with 6 million for a player with an upcoming criminal trial, who is then s**t on the pitch and gets himself arrested again is 'a bit unfair' is beyond me.


Sam took a massive risk with Barton and it predictably backfired. That alone should've been good enough reason to dismiss him.


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Allardyce (Newcastle) = hmmmmmm hard one tbh. Wated money on some dodgy players but it wasnt as if, you lot were in fear of relegation. Like Jol, makes some crazy substitutions, but im really not sure. By all means, if theres someone better lined up then its ok but Arry Bloody Redknapp??

Verdict = A bit unfair




How anyone can say the sacking of a manager who persuaded his chairman to part with 6 million for a player with an upcoming criminal trial, who is then s**t on the pitch and gets himself arrested again is 'a bit unfair' is beyond me.


Sam took a massive risk with Barton and it predictably backfired. That alone should've been good enough reason to dismiss him.


not forgetting the "not infear of relegation" bit .......6 points and dropping
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