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Ashley has failed Newcastle United.


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Smith has shown more in his career than Geremi has? :lol:


Well, eerrr.......Veron did more in his career than Craig Bellamy, but there you go eh


Whattsa matter, can't your mate Matthew argue his own points, or are you as prolific a supporter and as knowledgeable about the club as he is  mackems.gif



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so you are happy with the relegation struggle we are now in


Please tell us all why Beardsley, Waddle and Gazza all left Newcastle, and why when the Halls and Shepherd took over the club our best players were all happy to stay with the club and we consequently expanded the stadium, achieved our best league positions in 50 years ?


Yet the new board is "better"..........you couldn't make it up. What a nasty man that fat b****** must have been to hurt your little feelings to such an extent  mackems.gif


bluelaugh.gif  bluelaugh.gif  bluelaugh.gif  bluelaugh.gif



Well ?





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Well then Dave, the next time you tell me that I shouldn't harp on about the same thing [because you disagree with ME] cast your mind to this


Hypocrisy personified.


thickmick won't answer this. He never has so he's not going to start now.




Have another  bluelaugh.gif

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Well then Dave, the next time you tell me that I shouldn't harp on about the same thing [because you disagree with ME] cast your mind to this


Hypocrisy personified.


thickmick won't answer this. He never has so he's not going to start now.




Have another  bluelaugh.gif


And what do you think of the possibility that we will end up where the fat bastard and Hall found us as soon as they have left ?


Don't suppose I'll get a reply to that either. The new board are doing a GREAT job.


I hope Ashley doesn't tell you that you're a mug for buying shirts from the club shop instead of sportsdirect.com.......so long as he doesn't do that and hurt your little feelings he'll be OK  mackems.gif

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Smith has shown more in his career than Geremi has? :lol:


Well, eerrr.......Veron did more in his career than Craig Bellamy, but there you go eh


Whattsa matter, can't your mate Matthew argue his own points, or are you as prolific a supporter and as knowledgeable about the club as he is  mackems.gif


You're so knowledgeable you thought Alan Smith was the best person to replace Shearer, thought Souness was better than Keegan, wanted to offer Robert + £5 million for James Beattie because "I would put my house on Beattie over the course of a 38 game season doing far more for the team than Robert." and thought Steven Taylor was good enough to captain the England first team. :lol:


If that's whats going around in your head after 50 years of going to games then I think I'll not bother renewing at the end of the season. mackems.gif

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so you are happy with the relegation struggle we are now in


Please tell us all why Beardsley, Waddle and Gazza all left Newcastle, and why when the Halls and Shepherd took over the club our best players were all happy to stay with the club and we consequently expanded the stadium, achieved our best league positions in 50 years ?


Yet the new board is "better"..........you couldn't make it up. What a nasty man that fat b****** must have been to hurt your little feelings to such an extent  mackems.gif


bluelaugh.gif  bluelaugh.gif  bluelaugh.gif  bluelaugh.gif



Well ?





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Your first point is down to a matter opinion, who knows if SBR would of eventually stepped down, but the fact that he spoke to Mourihno and asked him to come here so that he would take over the job eventually, suggests to me that SBR did realise that there was a shelf life to him career at NUFC. Thats what i base my opinion on, what do you base your opinion on?


I base it on the fact that he started looking for a new job as soon as he was sacked, he wanted a new challenge at 71. He's probably still looking for one now.


As for the SBR undermining the new manager, again i said it was a suggesstion, an idealogy, not necessarily what should of been done,




in the end, we ended up sacking him for finishing 4th, 3rd and 5th. Could you tell me of a manager who would like to come in and have to achieve 4th as a minimum to keep his job?


An ambitious one? A confident one? A good one?


Not the point anyway, he wasn't sacked for only coming fifth (although we were clearly looking on the slide). Robson was getting on. Like Shearer he was going to have to be replaced soon. The idea was to get in a new manager at the end of the season and save up a bit to give him a pot of cash to replace Shearer. Robson wasn't happy with this though and started acting up about it. This along with lack of player discipline and results at the start of the season forced the hand of the board into getting rid before they intended to.


As for you second point, what a silly thing to say. Are you trying to intimate that i would rather have the future of the clubs interest at heart rather than SBR, was anyone to predict what was to happen to SBR regarding the brain tumours? 


No, although his health may have been a factor for the board in deciding not to renew his rolling contract. The point is you keep banging on about the club being in the position it is now because Robson was sacked. The fact is, if he hadn't at most we would have got another couple of years out of him, and then we would have been in a situation where we had a manager who was in and out of hospital with Carver effectively as manager. Who knows what the state of the club would have been after that? The state of the club now is mostly because of the appoinments of Souness and Allardyce (I don't think Roeder did any harm to the club), not because of the sacking of Robson.



I base it on the fact that he started looking for a new job as soon as he was sacked, he wanted a new challenge at 71. He's probably still looking for one now.


And the best job he could muster was an advisory role to Staunton, are you telling me thats the best job available to him, considering you're implying he still thinks he could of handled a top class job. I completely disagree with your view on this one, my point aboutMourihno may of been not entirely the strongest but i still think that it showed he was looking to wind down eventually, i cant imagine that someone like SBR would look to jeapordise the club to suit his needs.





Well said i suppose. All i was trying to say was that him being moved upstairs was an idealogy, it wasnt a statement certifiable instructions, but a suggestion of a more teneable idea. Rather than sack him in the manner which proceeded.


An ambitious one? A confident one? A good one?


Not the point anyway, he wasn't sacked for only coming fifth (although we were clearly looking on the slide). Robson was getting on. Like Shearer he was going to have to be replaced soon. The idea was to get in a new manager at the end of the season and save up a bit to give him a pot of cash to replace Shearer. Robson wasn't happy with this though and started acting up about it. This along with lack of player discipline and results at the start of the season forced the hand of the board into getting rid before they intended to.


Oh yeah, if only. Do you think we have the history to demand such a criteria for our managers, i mean, the likesof Barcelona and Real get away with it because they have a stellar history whereas poor old Newcasltes best achievement was a top 2 finish in the premier league.


I cant beleive there is a top manager out there who would look at nufc having sacked alegendary manager in the game and a local hero after finishing 4th, 3rd and 5th in the league, the same manager who helped save the club from relegation not 5 years previously and think, now theres a challenge i'd love.


Our expectations 5 years after staving off relegation were CL qualification. No manager in there right minds would look at us.


And to top it all off, you are saying that we were looking to replace SBR whilst in his job and SBR kind of new it so kicked up a fuss. (SBR had already recommended Emile Mpenza to replace Shearer but that got rebuffed - possibly because it wasnt high profile enough)


No, although his health may have been a factor for the board in deciding not to renew his rolling contract. The point is you keep banging on about the club being in the position it is now because Robson was sacked. The fact is, if he hadn't at most we would have got another couple of years out of him, and then we would have been in a situation where we had a manager who was in and out of hospital with Carver effectively as manager. Who knows what the state of the club would have been after that? The state of the club now is mostly because of the appoinments of Souness and Allardyce (I don't think Roeder did any harm to the club), not because of the sacking of Robson.


He's had cancer all his life, was it a factor when they signed him in the first place?


So are you saying that in hindsight, it was a good decision to get rid of SBR because he ended up getting cancer and would of been useless for us? I cant tell you how silly an argument this is. There is a hell of a lot of assumpiton in what you've said.


If you are that determined to suggest that it was right for SBR to go, then fair enough, but if he did need to go, he needed to go in the most appropriate way to ensure that his pride is honoured and selfishly speaking the integrity of the club was maintained. As it transpired both didnt happen and so we were left with blood on our hands. Do you ever question why we ended up with Souness as apparently the best candidate available?


My personal opinion is that having finished the previous season in 3rd position he should of been given the oppurtunity to prove he wasnt on the slide. Im sure he would of proved us wrong. Asit stands the board played mystic meg and lost.


And that is why we are in the position we are in today.



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And what do you think of the possibility that we will end up where the fat b****** and Hall found us as soon as they have left ?


Don't suppose I'll get a reply to that either. The new board are doing a GREAT job.


I hope Ashley doesn't tell you that you're a mug for buying shirts from the club shop instead of sportsdirect.com.......so long as he doesn't do that and hurt your little feelings he'll be OK  mackems.gif


I thought Ashley and Mort would have reversed our steady decline, they haven't yet although the debt Shepherd ran up while taking us backwards has been reduced to a quarter of what it was.



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And what do you think of the possibility that we will end up where the fat b****** and Hall found us as soon as they have left ?


Don't suppose I'll get a reply to that either. The new board are doing a GREAT job.


I hope Ashley doesn't tell you that you're a mug for buying shirts from the club shop instead of sportsdirect.com.......so long as he doesn't do that and hurt your little feelings he'll be OK  mackems.gif


I thought Ashley and Mort would have reversed our steady decline, they haven't yet although the debt Shepherd ran up while taking us backwards has been reduced to a quarter of what it was.




and the major shareholders sat back and allowed one man to run the club single handed  mackems.gif


Don't suppose you will EVER reply to my question about Gazza, Beardsley and Waddle.


Keep making things up as you go  mackems.gif

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no reply again then  :lol:


Exactly, I'll not answer it again, it's already been answered loads of times and I've told you this many times.


no you haven't. You'd have to admit that the Halls and Shepherd did a good job, and its quite clear that you think otherwise because he called you a mug etc.......


Does he know you ?



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NE5, what is your link to the old board? Are you a friend of Freddy Shephard? Serious question bytheway.


Are you a friend of Chris Mort ?




You see, never a direct answer.


I take it by that response that you are a friend of Mr Shephard.





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So are you saying that in hindsight, it was a good decision to get rid of SBR because he ended up getting cancer and would of been useless for us? I cant tell you how silly an argument this is. There is a hell of a lot of assumpiton in what you've said.



You're speculating about what state the club would be in if we hadn't sacked Robson, and complaining when I use what actually happened in real life to point out the consequences of that decision?


Okay, I'll just leave you to your dream world where we're top of the premiership and Robson has just led us into the quarter finals of the Champions League on our way to the defense of the cup.

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no you haven't. You'd have to admit that the Halls and Shepherd did a good job, and its quite clear that you think otherwise because he called you a mug etc.......


Does he know you ?




I remember answering it one time any you replied to my post only to say two or three pages later that I'd avoided it, I linked back to it and you remembered it.   :lol:

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