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Well I've managed to thieve the VCR player for this afternoon and set it up in one's room.





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Well I've managed to thieve the VCR player for this afternoon and set it up in one's room.






Aye still go that sat in a box in a garage, must watch it again!

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love how Liam O'Briens arms are up, with the ball in the net, before anyone else reacts in that photo



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Looking back, this was my favourite season ever. Watching Beardsley and Shearer for us in the Prem has been an utter priviledge, and there's been various individual highlights along the way (the usual 5-0 ManU, 3-2 Barca, Feyernoord etc etc), but when I look back on 92-93 as a whole it just seems absolutely perfect and always brings a smile to by face. I was 10-11 at the time and have all these memories of just absolutely howking decent teams, with the likes of Lee and Peacock passing them to smithereens, beating the Mackems twice, being proud of Clarkie coming from Walker and excited by Cole when we signed him. I remember everyone just being so optimistic and excited and looking forward to seeing us in the Prem.

Jonny I defy you to watch Keegan's speech at the civic centre at the end of the victory parade without jumping round the room punching the air and/or shedding a tear!!

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Looking back, this was my favourite season ever. Watching Beardsley and Shearer for us in the Prem has been an utter priviledge, and there's been various individual highlights along the way (the usual 5-0 ManU, 3-2 Barca, Feyernoord etc etc), but when I look back on 92-93 as a whole it just seems absolutely perfect and always brings a smile to by face. I was 10-11 at the time and have all these memories of just absolutely howking decent teams, with the likes of Lee and Peacock passing them to smithereens, beating the Mackems twice, being proud of Clarkie coming from Walker and excited by Cole when we signed him. I remember everyone just being so optimistic and excited and looking forward to seeing us in the Prem.

Jonny I defy you to watch Keegan's speech at the civic centre at the end of the victory parade without jumping round the room punching the air and/or shedding a tear!!



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