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Belfast Boy

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I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but I'm going to offer one to 1878 and kingdawson as a means of consolation 'cos I'm nice 'n' that.  And I put it down to us going out to Alkmaar last season.


Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the "ITV broadcasting your game theory".


Last season, we were chugging along fine in this lovely little competition with Channel 5 showing our games.  Why, we even beat Zulte-Waregem for pete's sake!  Zulte f****** Waregem!  Do you know how class they are?


The last game Channel 5 showed was the 4-2 home win over AZ Alkmaar.  It was a bit edgy, but we thought we could do the job in Holland and get one step further to a shiny trophy.


However, along came the big boys at ITV, and snatched the game away from Colin Murray and his band of merry men.


And what happened?  The first game ITV show of us in the UEFA cup we get beaten 2-0 and dumped out of the competition.




Your honour, I firmly believe, that had Channel 5 broadcast that game, AZ Alkmaar vs. Newcastle United, the latter would have got a result, and progessed to the next round of the competition.  Call it a daft conspiracy theory, or a curse, or whatever you like, but its true and you knows it!!!!!




I had the same thought. :lol: I'm superstitious with football though.


Plus, ITV is full of cunts.

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Guest kingdawson

'Senor Ramos'


f*** me.


Its Spurs though isn't it.  Townsend at half time saying the last 15 minutes of the first half had been more like the Spurs we know.  What, an average, mid table side?


You'd think they were talking about Man United or Arsenal.


Those are probably the only 2 sides in the league that play a better passing game than us imho.



We were beyond shite today and Psv were very good. Passed us off the park and could have won by more. No doubt in my mind that it's possible to grab 2 goals at Eindhoven though.

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Serves Spurs right for gifting Brum 3pts at the weekend, cockney cunts.


Another shit result for Ramos.


2 canny league cup shows and people are spunking their backs up over him.


Jenas fucked too  :iamatwat:


But everyone loves glory glory Tottenham Hotspur don't they or i have been influenced by the media?

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Everton just gone 2-0 up. The reason I am posting this though is the co-commentator on Ch 5 is doing my head in by pronouncing Jagielka as JeJelaka. Which reminds me, my dad just can't get his head around N'Zogbia and always ends up calling him Zongbia or something similar. Anyone else got players whose names always come out as something else?


When I try and say Alan Smith it comes out Useless T**t.

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This is apropos of nothing but looking at Happy Face's avatar doesn't KK look 300% better than when he arrived here? He looked truly shite then and now he must be thriving on the challenge.  He obviously takes no notice of anything that's written about him in the papers.  :snod:

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I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but I'm going to offer one to 1878 and kingdawson as a means of consolation 'cos I'm nice 'n' that.  And I put it down to us going out to Alkmaar last season.


Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the "ITV broadcasting your game theory".


Last season, we were chugging along fine in this lovely little competition with Channel 5 showing our games.  Why, we even beat Zulte-Waregem for pete's sake!  Zulte f****** Waregem!  Do you know how class they are?


The last game Channel 5 showed was the 4-2 home win over AZ Alkmaar.  It was a bit edgy, but we thought we could do the job in Holland and get one step further to a shiny trophy.


However, along came the big boys at ITV, and snatched the game away from Colin Murray and his band of merry men.


And what happened?  The first game ITV show of us in the UEFA cup we get beaten 2-0 and dumped out of the competition.




Your honour, I firmly believe, that had Channel 5 broadcast that game, AZ Alkmaar vs. Newcastle United, the latter would have got a result, and progessed to the next round of the competition.  Call it a daft conspiracy theory, or a curse, or whatever you like, but its true and you knows it!!!!!




I had the same thought. :lol: I'm superstitious with football though.


Plus, ITV is full of c***s.


you lads are onto something - During our last UEFA Run, on 5 and ITV-4 all the way, happy happy joy joy, ITV-1 decide to show the final and wallop.


There should be a law against ITV showing football and the twits have got England and FA Cup matches next season.

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