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Timing: Our past, the present, our future? by NE5


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Guest The Fox

HO Ho as I said the same old rubbish. Nothing changes where you are concerned.

Perhaps you can give straight answers to the following questions that you brither NE5 avoids.


1. Do you think the quality of performance under Sir John Hall and KK has been maintained under Shepherd?

2. Do you think an ambitious club and chairman would appoint Souness and Roeder as Managers?


I'll give you a clue the answer to the questions is "Yes" or "No"


Try not to get too personal, there are people on here who do want sensible debate rather than dismissive contempt.


Now I'll repeat:

1. Do you think the quality of performance under Sir John Hall and KK has been maintained under Shepherd?

2. Do you think an ambitious club and chairman would appoint Souness and Roeder as Managers?


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So you've decided to make a reappearance have you. Still the same old rubbish.

Its not going to be like a previous board where you disappeared with your tail between your legs when people would not listen to your parade ground views, surely.

How's the the Lee Bowyer Appreciation society


Tough talk from the southern soft shite primary school teacher...... You can't intimidate me like you do a young kiddie.


Seen southampton more than Newcastle........



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It's a sign of maturity to admit it when you're wrong, assuming you haven't convinced yourself that you were actually against Souness for ages.


We all know that FS and the Board are the people in power, however, the voice of supporters does mean something. By supporting Souness for so long beyond the time he should have lost all support goes some of the way to keeping the wanker in the job for so long.


Ironic that Roeder is attracting such a lack of support on here so quickly from those who supported the clubs worst ever manager for so long.....you know who you are although you can deny it all you like.




Expand on the bit in bold, are you referring to me?


Are you saying that the supporters are to blame for Shepherd allowing Souness to spend £50 million?  My guess is that Shepherd allowed him to spend that much as an attempt to save face, Shepherds face.


He appointed rubbish and didn't want to admit to it.


As far as Roeder goes, what qualifies him to become Newcastle manager?

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Guest The Fox

So you've decided to make a reappearance have you. Still the same old rubbish.

Its not going to be like a previous board where you disappeared with your tail between your legs when people would not listen to your parade ground views, surely.

How's the the Lee Bowyer Appreciation society


Tough talk from the southern soft shite primary school teacher...... You can't intimidate me like you do a young kiddie.


Pathetic, but as expected.


Seen southampton more than Newcastle........



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So you've decided to make a reappearance have you. Still the same old rubbish.

Its not going to be like a previous board where you disappeared with your tail between your legs when people would not listen to your parade ground views, surely.

How's the the Lee Bowyer Appreciation society


Tough talk from the southern soft shite primary school teacher...... You can't intimidate me like you do a young kiddie.


Seen southampton more than Newcastle........




You shouldn't laugh, he'll PM you.

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Guest elbee909

I want one.




Of course, you can't iron the print... ah, the irony. :)

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the qualifying for europe has slackened in recent years ?????


How come all those clubs you consider "better run" than us haven't also qualified.


Other also-rans have at one time or another.


You don't read anything do you.


The irony...


And you can't argue with facts, which are quite simply whatever the rules are, they apply to everyone, if someone wants to qualify for europe, then they must finish above us, and so if they don't do that then are not "better".


Ref "slackened" Please explain when was the last time someone qualified for the UEFA Cup when finishing 10th in the league ?


As you asked, as Europe is apparently the golden criteria for you - Fulham finished 13th, qualified via the Intertoto.  2002 wasn't it?  Southampton came 8th and qualified via finishing via a cup final (yes, we did that, I know - great that we're up with the Southamptons of this world).  Boro won the League cup and qualified via that, despite finishing 11th.


Since more European places were awarded to England more clubs have got in by the back door; European places have been shuffled along since UEFA started milking their cash cow for more than it's worth.


The last sentence is obviously wondering where you can see all these chairman outperforming ours....


No, it was wondering what the relevance was, which is why I used the word 'relevance'.  Something about ancient history I think it was.


The board have not taken a dividend this year


Nice change.  They've got stuff sewn up so tight now though, they could take the same amount out via leasing warehouses to themselves three times over and we wouldn't bloody know.


, evne when they have, an amount of 2 or 3 million quid a year isn't going to transform the club into the new Chelsea of make much if any impact, and I bet you weren;t saying this when we were playing in the CL.


You think incompetence should be rewarded?  Wow, you should start up a company, I'll be first to sign up for you.


This board could run the club like other clubs, with a 30000 crowd, selling players instead of attempting to make more money, buying only from money that comes in, and still take dividends, competing at a lower level than they do, but they choose to try to compete higher.


They compete as high as they have to to maintain profitability.  Hooray.


I think it's interesting that some of those things you mentioned, Arsenal have done in recent times - 30000-odd crowd, selling players, but they manage to compete just fine.  Can we have a Wenger please.


You completely fail to grasp this point, it will not dawn on you until or if this happens. It is utterly pointless arguing with you and others like you, because it is quite obvious you do think the club has a divine right to play in the Champions League and win trophies, and you have a divine right to expect a board to show ambition, such is the success of the board in the last decade of raising expectations among the clubs supporters.


It's true - after all the trophies we've won in the last 10 years, I fully expect us to keep winning the same amount of them! :lol:



As you think we're so bad why don't you bugger off and support a good club?


Serious question, given that I witnessed with my own eyes what happens when a club is really shit.

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Guest elbee909


As you think we're so bad why don't you bugger off and support a good club?


Serious question, given that I witnessed with my own eyes what happens when a club is really shit.


I do support a good club.  Otherwise I wouldn't bother arguing.  I don't support those I think are selling it short.

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As you think we're so bad why don't you bugger off and support a good club?


Serious question, given that I witnessed with my own eyes what happens when a club is really shit.


If yo think the previous boards were so bad why didn't you bugger off and support a good club?


Ah, the irony!

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I tried my best but I just couldn't make it to the games back then on account of not existing.


Why on earth can't someone stick with the club they love but want them to do better, without being told to 'bugger off and support a good club'?

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Guest elbee909

I tried my best but I just couldn't make it to the games back then on account of not existing.


Nah, you just weren't trying hard enough tbh.  :)

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Guest elbee909

I tried my best but I just couldn't make it to the games back then on account of not existing.


Nah, you just weren't trying hard enough tbh.  :)


Aren't I the little upstart!


Naive, so naive :D

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you are wasting your time expecting a sensible response from NE5. He is incapable of giving a straight answer.

I have asked him numerous times whether the thinks the performances now are of the quality that we achieved under KK. He does not answer other than to go of on a tangent about there have been some quality performances. The answer to my question is "Yes" or "No". He does not understand.


By the way "Would an ambitious club and chairman have appointed Souness or Roeder as Managers.

Answer for NE5's benefit is NO.


So guys you are better off discussing other topics.


So Liverpool - and Rangers - are not ambitious clubs ?


Once more, you don't think before you post, or maybe its because your knowledge isn't up to it



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So you ARE Ozzie ?




I can't help but laugh when I see the lengths you'll go to in an attempt to avoid answering a question, Mr chairman.


I can't help but laugh when I realise the complete idiocy and irony of developing your paranoia and non factually based perspective to a point where you are actually defending Ozzie



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So Liverpool - and Rangers - are not ambitious clubs ?


Once more, you don't think before you post, or maybe its because your knowledge isn't up to it




Where do Liverpool and Rangers fit into this topic?

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I don't care if you agree with the facts I post or not. They are facts, and the views I post are based on reality.


Some people can't tell the difference between facts and spin. Fact!


On average, around seven clubs finish above us since Fat Fred took over. In some seasons it's as many as ten or 12. Fact!


Your particular version of "lies, damn lies and statistics" also foolishly ignores that the situation has been steadily getting worse and worse for years. Fact!


Only since they appointed your man Souness. Fact.


Do you still support him ? 10th request ...... or is it 9th, its been so many now times you've avoided it ....



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I can't help but laugh when I realise the complete idiocy and irony of developing your paranoia and non factually based perspective to a point where you are actually defending Ozzie




You get better and better with old age, the person who hated Souness also hates Souness supporters but not the man who appointed him, explain that one.

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Guest elbee909

I don't care if you agree with the facts I post or not. They are facts, and the views I post are based on reality.


Some people can't tell the difference between facts and spin. Fact!


On average, around seven clubs finish above us since Fat Fred took over. In some seasons it's as many as ten or 12. Fact!


Your particular version of "lies, damn lies and statistics" also foolishly ignores that the situation has been steadily getting worse and worse for years. Fact!


Only since they appointed your man Souness. Fact.


Do you still support him ? 10th request ...... or is it 9th, its been so many now times you've avoided it ....



I'm sure we all support Souness - what with money from ticket sales going towards paying him off, we're supporting him very nicely.

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Only since they appointed your man Souness. Fact.


Do you still support him ? 10th request ...... or is it 9th, its been so many now times you've avoided it ....




What difference does it make?

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Have you forgot that I am Mick, NE5? As well as Ozzie, and Toon's Taylor of course.


Seriously though, whilst I admire your stubbornness, does it never occur to you that there is rather a large proportion of fans (on this forum and Toontastic, at least) that do not rate the chairman?


Why do you think that so many individuals hold this view?

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