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A very important letter for YOU

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Very important communication for the supporters of the Newscastle


Beloveds supporters-friends of the Newcastle,

in our web-site we have opened a post that it contains all the letters and

the thoughts of the supporters of Palermo after which the "Sunday Sun" has

published that horrible article on our city.

will be pleasure and honour ours if you will come to read it and if you want

to participate to the argument.




The link is:












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They really have made a huge effort to show their not going to be a threat or cause trouble.


A shame the damage is done, and most wont take the chance to go across.


Hopefully all goes well, and it evens out what happened with the WHU fans.

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Very important communication for the supporters of the Newscastle


Beloveds supporters-friends of the Newcastle,

in our web-site we have opened a post that it contains all the letters and

the thoughts of the supporters of Palermo after which the "Sunday Sun" has

published that horrible article on our city.

will be pleasure and honour ours if you will come to read it and if you want

to participate to the argument.




The link is:









Yea nice touch,can i stay at your house when i come over there please,i promised not to wazz on the seat.





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West Ham fan here.

I realise it's easy to believe some good natured messages sent on the net from Palermo fans, but to go over there thinking they'll all be as nice and welcoming as those online are/pretend to be would be a huge mistake on your part.

My brother is a Newcastle fan so I have respect for your club and I'm telling you, they will attempt to ambush you over there. There were several organised attacks by Palermo fans on West Ham fans, especially the night before the match. There was no distinguising who they'd attack either, with the elderly, children and women all being victims. Don't expect the police to protect you either, they only did anything when West Ham fans fought back to defend themselves. Their other attempted action was to put us on coaches, which resulted with one of our coaches being violently attacked and windows being smashed.

If you're going over there stay alert, always travel in a group and try to avoid any trouble which seems to be developing because I guarentee you there will be some. There'll be ready for you when you get there, so make sure you're ready too. My advice would be not to go but if you really want to, be careful and good luck.

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This thread will be locked if the accusations (such as that above) start up, people.


As far as i'm concerned, as fans the slate is clean between Palermo and Newcastle, so let's not get involved in slagging other clubs.

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