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Most televised teams - Newcastle 4th


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1    Man U    14    9      23

2    Arsenal  14    9      23

3    Liverpl    13    7      20

4    Newcas  9    10    19


11  Sunderl    7    4      11


16  Mboro      4    4        8


20  Wigan      4    2        6


Source: Sundays NOTW football supplement. (dont have a link- sorry)

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1     Man U    14    9       23

2     Arsenal  14    9       23

3     Liverpl    13    7       20

4     Newcas   9    10     19


11   Sunderl    7    4       11


16   Mboro      4    4         8


20   Wigan      4    2         6


Source: Sundays NOTW football supplement. (dont have a link- sorry)






Not because we entertain,, ( before kk), because we have a huge following, outside the 50k in the ground, we got probably going on for another million fans

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And during every one of the Setanta games featuring Newcastle, it was Les Ferdinand against the world.

And the commentators are all utter utter cuntsticks.

Every time Rooney/Ronaldo/Tevez/Barton touched the ball he would utter "AND COULD THIS BE A FOURTH/FIFTH/SIXTH FOR MANCHESTER UNITED???"  :angry:

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