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If you were Brazilian...

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On the subject of Brazilian names, I recommend reading 'Futebol: The Brazilian Way of Life' by Alex Bellos as it has an interesting bit on Brazilian names. They aren't just their actual names or versions of them.


Any player with a name ending 'inho' or 'inha' means Little. Ronaldinho = Little Ronaldo. A name ending 'ao' means Big.

'Ze' is a shortened version of Jose (so it's a bit like 'Joe').


Some players are given nicknames refering to their descent. There have been players called:

Polaca (Polack or Pole)

Mexicano (Mexican)

Japinha (Little Japanese)

Alemao (Big German)


One player was known as Mauro Shampoo because as well as being a Footballer he also owned a Hairdressers.


Dunga was called so after the Brazilian Portuguese name of the character Dopey from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.


Garrincha means Little Bird.


Ugly players have been called:

Airton Beleza (Airton Goodlooking)

Marciano (Martian)

Medonho (Frightful)

Cara de Jegue (Donkey Face)


Others have been named after animals:

Formiga (Ant)

Piolho (Lice)

Abelha (Bee)

Jacare (Alligator)


Some have been named because of their colour/race (which is acceptable in Brazil)

Escurinho (Darky)

Telefone (Telephone, at a time when most Telephones were black)

Petroleo (Petrol)

Gasolina (Gasoline)

Meia Noite (Midnight)



Preguinho (Little Nail)

Bigode (Moustache)

Nariz (Nose)

Boquinha (Little Mouth)


An ex-governor of the Brazilian state of Piaui was known as Mao Santa (Holy Hand) while the president of the Rio State Football Federation is Caixa D'Agua (Water Tank).


In the book there are supporters called:

Dentinho (Little Tooth)

Metaleiro (Heavy Metal Fan)

Cotonente (Cotton Bud)


Some players have been named because they resembled the styles of other players



Muller (after Gerd Muller)

Gilmar (after the goalkeeper in Brazil's 1958 and 1962 World Cup Winning sides.


The original Gilmar was given a Hybrid name of both his parents' names Gilberto and Maria.


The book lists an XI of professional players' names.


Picole (Lollipop)

Ventilador (Ventilator Fan)

Solteiro (Single Man)

Fumanchu (Fu Manchu)

Ferrugem (Rust)

Gordo (Fatso)

Astronauta (Astronaut)

Portuario (Docker)

Gago (Stutterer)

Geada (Frost)

Santo Cristo (Holy Christ)


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