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I ask a favour of you all.....


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Would you be so kind as to check that these articles sound alright? I have a limited amount of time before I can send it and on Toon Ultras there isn't many people Online. I'm not asking you's to debate about what has been wrote, I just want to make sure it sounds okay.


Cheers for your help! (if you do)





Interventions' date=' Internationals and Intentions[/b']


A month has passed since the latest saga at the soap opera of St James’ began...since the transfer interventions of Wise and co...and yet it already feels like years ago. The one thing that brings the whole situation crashing back down to Earth, is the fact we all know that the club hasn’t moved on at all, and if anything has probably moved backwards. After the results against Hull City, West Ham, Spurs and Blackburn, many of us began to lose hope, and faith, yet many still turned up to lend their support to the lads on the pitch.


The Toon Ultras in the newly produced “Singing Section”, and those others who also sit there have been doing all they can to back the lads...even if that is made hard by their singing going straight out the ground, and even if we are up in the Gods we can hear the Gallowgate and Leazes ends giving it their all too.


It has been inspiring to see such a vast amount of our supporters staying so faithful in such times of uncertainty, and this level of support was rewarded at Goodison. Our fans were brilliant even at 2-0 down and I’m sure this encouraged the lads to fight back, and fight back they did.


We are all still left a bit stunned and confused about how events have unfolded at St James’, and we all have our own opinions on who was at fault for it all. Nevertheless, Kinnear is now in, even if it is only for a short spell. The Messiah is long gone, and now we’ve got to focus on moving on and progressing against Manchester City and throughout the course of the next month (including a nice away win at S*nderland).


That brings us up to date, and thankfully we can say we now have International break to kick start October. Unlike most England fans - the Geordies can be grateful that Michael Owen didn’t make the squad.  Also, Newcastle fans can recharge their batteries and look forward to some first team players returning from injury in time for the next home game on Monday 20th October. This will be when the Toon Ultras yet again fill a good block or so of the singing section. And give it their all to get behind the lads one last time before the journey to the dark side.


October may not be a busy month for the Ultras in terms of visual displays. However, you can guarantee we will all be there to back the lads for the full 90minutes at all of their home games, and it is likely you will continue to see our banners along the back wall as usual.


Nice to see you, to see you nice!


Speaking of visual displays, we at Toon Ultras are always doing whatever we can to be seen and heard, as many of you who have attended fixtures may already know. On several occasions we have attempted to use hundreds of balloons to help create an atmosphere. At other times we have simply taken a vast number of flags to wave in amongst the block where we are situated. Now we are also considering getting a surfer made, or possibly trying card and other displays in the future.


The main problems we used to have when trying to set up displays was a lack of time within the ground and a lack of finances. Thankfully, certain members of staff at St James’ have been extremely kind to us and have enabled us the opportunity of getting into the ground particularly early to set up for such displays.


For us to progress we are having to take on a number of people’s opinions, and we have to push our ideas down the right channels. The problem being that sometimes ideas can come few and far between and sometimes you don’t get the opportunities. Now we are getting opportunities, we would like to ask you the reader for your opinion on the Toon Ultras. We know there is a real mixture of opinions about us. However, in order for us to really push on and become bigger and better, we would like you to voice your opinions on us by sending us constructive or complimentary e-mails to the following address:


[email protected]


By doing so you will be providing us with a larger opportunity to grow and become more successful. After all we at the Toon Ultras only intend to make both your match day and our own match day a more enjoyable experience. Whether it is criticisms, compliments or simply ideas that you have in mind that you think would look or sound good, please pass them on, we would be most grateful.


2 Articles which link in together.


Word count: 796


I'll do a song one now, should bring us upto about 1,400/1,500 words all in all....

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Cheers lads, how about this one too?



Songs of the 70’s? Bring Back The Noise!


On the Toon Ultra forums, not only visual displays are discussed - both new and old songs are something we always have on our agenda, and we aim to get them bellowed out from the stands.


In Level 7 where we are situated, you can often hear one or two of our latest songs or chants getting sung. We aim to get our new songs heard and sung by other fans alike, and I’m sure we can all agree the same old Toon Toon, Black and White army gets tiring.


In addition to our new songs we also aim to get some of our older songs sung, so those who have been supporting the Mag’s for years get an opportunity to relive members of their past, and so our history isn’t forgotten. Whether it be “peanuts - a tanner a bag” or “Frank Clark knows my father” we don’t care as long as it makes the match day experience enjoyable for all.


Therefore this month we are going to supply you with the words to 3 songs. 1 from the past and 2 from the present, we hope you enjoy:


Bertie Mee


Bertie Mee,

said to Joe Harvey,

"Have you heard of the North Bank at Highbury"

"No" says Joe,

"I don't think so."

"But I've heard of the Leazes Aggro!"


This Club Is My Club


This club is my club,

Made out of two clubs,

To form United,

Oh what a great club!

We'll always be there,

Win, lose, we don't care,

We are the Geordies,



Follow, Follow, Follow


Follow, follow, follow,

We will follow the Toon where they go,

We will travel the land,

With a pint in wor hand,

‘nd we will follow the Toon where they goooo!




Word Count: 301



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And finally this one....




Get Your Scarves Oot For The Lads!


Apparently, our club has been in turmoil for a good month or so now. Keegans gone, Hughton has done his bit, and Kinnear is in to see what he can salvage for the toon. Ashley's put his club up for sale, and is looking to move on, and the fans still remain in the dark - patiently waiting for some light to arrive at the end of the tunnel.


After a decent turn out for a 'Spurs home cup tie (given the circumstances), and a packed out St James' to see the defeat at the hands of Blackburn Rovers, we can all look towards our next home tie, Manchester City on 20th October.


The lack of enthusiasm and confidence surrounding the club is something that will no doubt be concerning all Newcastle United Supporters and Staff alike, but just like those 11 that run out on that pitch, we all have to give it everything we've got. Many of you will have seen similarly bad times. Maybe not as drastic as the current saga, but nevertheless Newcastle have always got back on track.


So as fans, lets stick together. Let's remember that them lads on the pitch aren't what we are angry about, they're just trying to get on with their job. So when they're down, let's remind them they're not out. Let's get behind them any way we can and remain positive.


That's why, we simply ask you to go to the ground, don't go expecting. Go thinking "I'm going to do my bit."


So we encourage you as supporters, especially in these winter months ahead of us, to bring your scarves - wrap up warm. Bring those flags - do some decorating. Shout them voices like you've never done before.


We can shout, sing and chant about Ashley and the negatives. So why not the positives? "We are the loyalist football supporters the world has ever seen"...aren't we?


Let's prove it, get the scarves oot, get the flags, get those vocal chords nice and lubricated with a few pints pre-match, and get to the ground sharpish and let them lads know you're still behind them and remember...




Word Count: 365



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These have now been sent to The Mag. Cheers for checking through those that did...


would have said "the newly introduced singing section" rather than "the newly produced singing section"



edit: sorry. saw it too late


Cheers anyways mate. That would have sounded better you're right. My vocabulary isn't the greatest so I never even thought of using that...besides I was quite rushed because the people who said they would write the articles never bothered.


Cheers for your help.



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These have now been sent to The Mag. Cheers for checking through those that did...


would have said "the newly introduced singing section" rather than "the newly produced singing section"



edit: sorry. saw it too late


Cheers anyways mate. That would have sounded better you're right. My vocabulary isn't the greatest so I never even thought of using that...besides I was quite rushed because the people who said they would write the articles never bothered.


Cheers for your help.




nee worries mate. you lot keep backing the lads on the pitch and stay out of the s***-pot that is NUSC. That sorry excuse of a supporters club would do well to learn a thing or two from your lot

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Well written Heza. Good luck with your cause.

As a veteran of the old Leazes End and the spine tingling noise we made I'd love to see a real atmosphere back in the ground.

Back then there was no tannoy music and the atmosphere started building up long before kick off.

Perhaps a return to Ben Shermans, braces and Doc martins might help. ;D

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