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Drogba throwing a coin in to the crowd


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Looks like he's only going to get a 3 match ban...


The FA are an absolute joke.  They have yet to charge Sunderland for their inability to control the crowd in the Derby, Even the fucking SFA & UEFA managed to fine Celtic for one dickhead on their pitch.  And then are set to only ban a player for 3 games, to which (i dont condone any of this mindless shit) a fan would be banned for life. 


Barton gets a 12 match suspended sentance for something that happened in a private training ground (im not sticking up for him here either) and yet a profane gesture and what can be deemed as intent to assault live on fucking TV gets 3 matches?


Talk about inability to maintain consistancy...




What punishment do you think he should get?

Ampuation of the right arm
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bit of a difference tbh, beating the shit out of a teammate till unconcious and throwing a coin into a crown



:yikes: See, to me, throwing a coin at the Queen is far worse

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As expected, banned for three.




Chelsea's Didier Drogba has been banned for three matches for throwing a coin into a section of Burnley fans during their shock Carling Cup defeat.


Drogba threw the coin after scoring in last Wednesday's game at Stamford Bridge and admitted a Football Association charge of violent conduct.


An FA regulatory commission heard the case on Tuesday, looking at video evidence and written submissions.


The 30-year-old striker's suspension takes effect immediately.


The ban brings further disruption to a season that has seen the Ivory Coast international make just five league appearances due to a knee injury, and he will now miss games against Newcastle, Arsenal and Bolton.


Drogba is also facing a police investigation into the incident, with the Metropolitan Police confirming last Thursday that officers were looking into it.


The FA has also written to both Chelsea and Burnley to request information on a number of missiles thrown at Chelsea players from the Burnley section.


An FA spokesman said: "Players should be able to play football without fearing for their personal safety.


"It is totally unacceptable for players to be put in danger by supporters throwing missiles onto the pitch.


"The priority now is to work with the clubs and the police to identify the individuals involved.


"The FA wants anyone found guilty of throwing missiles to face the strongest possible action. That includes life bans from attending football matches."


Drogba made a single-finger gesture before throwing the coin back following his 27th-minute goal, but there have been no reports of any spectators being injured.


Referee Keith Stroud told the FA he had booked Drogba for going towards the opposition supporters to celebrate, but had not seen him throw the coin.


The Ivory Coast striker issued an immediate post-match apology.


Jamie Carragher was handed a three-match ban when he was red-carded for a similar offence in 2002.


Carragher was also interviewed by police but no further action was taken. However, he was fined by Liverpool and warned about his future conduct.


"There are two sides to it," said Chelsea midfielder Lampard. "Didier's come out and there's been a reaction, a human reaction I have to say, which Jamie Carragher made once.


"I was around Didier at the time and I don't know how many coins there were around.


"I take quite a lot of corners and it's not unusual to get things thrown at you and lots of abuse, too, and I think it's got to a stage now where it's got to stop.


"We've seen referees getting hit, too, so I think people have to take responsibility as a group."


Chelsea issued a statement in response to the FA charge, admitting Drogba's actions had been "inexcusable" and promising full co-operation with the FA and the Metropolitan Police.


"We welcome Burnley's assistance in trying to help identify the small minority of their support who spoiled a great occasion for their club," read the Chelsea statement.


"Although Didier Drogba was hit by an object, that does not excuse his subsequent actions.


"He also recognises that, has not sought to justify it that way, has sincerely expressed his regret and has apologised for the incident.


"The matter will be dealt with internally by the club after the FA and police processes are completed."

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