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Priced out of the game

Guest black n white
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I love my club, I really do, but it doesn't sit easily with me that a half-arsed footballer can command more in weekly wages that your average man in the street will earn in four or five years. It irks me even more when I think about the way they conduct themselves off the pitch, and I don't just mean our players, it's players from clubs and leagues all across Europe.




ONLY one in 10 professional footballers in England is not currently under arrest, the FA confirmed last night.


According to the latest figures the most popular offences are sexual assault, grievous bodily harm and speeding, with two players accused of committing all three simultaneously.


Officials have also warned that the remainder of this season's European fixtures are under threat as foreign travel will leave many of the players in breach of their bail conditions.


FA chief executive Brian Barwick said: "Most of them have handed their passports to the local nick and the rest won't get through the airport metal detectors on account of their ankle tags."


Barwick said he was now working with the Foreign Office and the US government in a bid to fly some of the players to the continent using the system of extraordinary rendition.


A spokesman for the Professional Footballers' Assocation said: "Our members are under intense media pressure and should not be victimised for what may or may not have happened with that broom handle round the back of Chinawhites."


Meanwhile the FA has devised a points system which will be used to fine clubs whose players are convicted. Nightclub affray will score one point, drink-driving three points and serious sexual assaults five points.


It is understood one top-flight club has asked for clarification after one of its players committed an act of gross indecency against a listed building while under the influence of Ketamine.




How the hell did they manage that?  :lol:


:doh: :lol:


It's The Daily Mash though, innit love?! :lol:

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Guest toonlass

I love my club, I really do, but it doesn't sit easily with me that a half-arsed footballer can command more in weekly wages that your average man in the street will earn in four or five years. It irks me even more when I think about the way they conduct themselves off the pitch, and I don't just mean our players, it's players from clubs and leagues all across Europe.




ONLY one in 10 professional footballers in England is not currently under arrest, the FA confirmed last night.


According to the latest figures the most popular offences are sexual assault, grievous bodily harm and speeding, with two players accused of committing all three simultaneously.


Officials have also warned that the remainder of this season's European fixtures are under threat as foreign travel will leave many of the players in breach of their bail conditions.


FA chief executive Brian Barwick said: "Most of them have handed their passports to the local nick and the rest won't get through the airport metal detectors on account of their ankle tags."


Barwick said he was now working with the Foreign Office and the US government in a bid to fly some of the players to the continent using the system of extraordinary rendition.


A spokesman for the Professional Footballers' Assocation said: "Our members are under intense media pressure and should not be victimised for what may or may not have happened with that broom handle round the back of Chinawhites."


Meanwhile the FA has devised a points system which will be used to fine clubs whose players are convicted. Nightclub affray will score one point, drink-driving three points and serious sexual assaults five points.


It is understood one top-flight club has asked for clarification after one of its players committed an act of gross indecency against a listed building while under the influence of Ketamine.




How the hell did they manage that?  :lol:


:doh: :lol:


It's The Daily Mash though, innit love?! :lol:


And look there is a laughing smiley after my comment!  :idiot2:

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I love my club, I really do, but it doesn't sit easily with me that a half-arsed footballer can command more in weekly wages that your average man in the street will earn in four or five years. It irks me even more when I think about the way they conduct themselves off the pitch, and I don't just mean our players, it's players from clubs and leagues all across Europe.




ONLY one in 10 professional footballers in England is not currently under arrest, the FA confirmed last night.


According to the latest figures the most popular offences are sexual assault, grievous bodily harm and speeding, with two players accused of committing all three simultaneously.


Officials have also warned that the remainder of this season's European fixtures are under threat as foreign travel will leave many of the players in breach of their bail conditions.


FA chief executive Brian Barwick said: "Most of them have handed their passports to the local nick and the rest won't get through the airport metal detectors on account of their ankle tags."


Barwick said he was now working with the Foreign Office and the US government in a bid to fly some of the players to the continent using the system of extraordinary rendition.


A spokesman for the Professional Footballers' Assocation said: "Our members are under intense media pressure and should not be victimised for what may or may not have happened with that broom handle round the back of Chinawhites."


Meanwhile the FA has devised a points system which will be used to fine clubs whose players are convicted. Nightclub affray will score one point, drink-driving three points and serious sexual assaults five points.


It is understood one top-flight club has asked for clarification after one of its players committed an act of gross indecency against a listed building while under the influence of Ketamine.




How the hell did they manage that?  :lol:


:doh: :lol:


It's The Daily Mash though, innit love?! :lol:


And look there is a laughing smiley after my comment!   :idiot2:


And here's another one after mine, ya daft bint. :lol: :lol: mackems.gif

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Guest toonlass

I love my club, I really do, but it doesn't sit easily with me that a half-arsed footballer can command more in weekly wages that your average man in the street will earn in four or five years. It irks me even more when I think about the way they conduct themselves off the pitch, and I don't just mean our players, it's players from clubs and leagues all across Europe.




ONLY one in 10 professional footballers in England is not currently under arrest, the FA confirmed last night.


According to the latest figures the most popular offences are sexual assault, grievous bodily harm and speeding, with two players accused of committing all three simultaneously.


Officials have also warned that the remainder of this season's European fixtures are under threat as foreign travel will leave many of the players in breach of their bail conditions.


FA chief executive Brian Barwick said: "Most of them have handed their passports to the local nick and the rest won't get through the airport metal detectors on account of their ankle tags."


Barwick said he was now working with the Foreign Office and the US government in a bid to fly some of the players to the continent using the system of extraordinary rendition.


A spokesman for the Professional Footballers' Assocation said: "Our members are under intense media pressure and should not be victimised for what may or may not have happened with that broom handle round the back of Chinawhites."


Meanwhile the FA has devised a points system which will be used to fine clubs whose players are convicted. Nightclub affray will score one point, drink-driving three points and serious sexual assaults five points.


It is understood one top-flight club has asked for clarification after one of its players committed an act of gross indecency against a listed building while under the influence of Ketamine.




How the hell did they manage that?  :lol:


:doh: :lol:


It's The Daily Mash though, innit love?! :lol:


And look there is a laughing smiley after my comment!   :idiot2:


And here's another one after mine, ya daft bint. :lol: :lol: mackems.gif



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A ticket for Leeds v Scunthorpe at the end of the month is £26. And you think Premiership games are expensive! £26 to watch league 1?


Leeds ticket prices are ludicrous.


Must be a Cat A game v Scunny though at that price.


4th v 7th. Massive tbh ;)

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I mean my brother paid more for a ticket to Bolton than I would for a ticket at Bremen or Valencia.


I paid 5 euros for a ticket at the Bernabau a few seasons ago for a Real vs Dynamo Kiev champions league match. We wont see prices like that over here as we`re mugs tbh......no matter how high the clubs put up the ticket prices the fans of many clubs still seem to come in their droves so clubs aren`t going to change their policy.

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Maidenhead Utd is £9, outrageous.


But they are called 'the magpies' and have quality black & white scarves on sale.




What league are they in? I paid £8 for Ashford vs Folkestone, 3 tiers below the conference, whilst at my folks over Xmas.

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Guest Howaythetoon

The average family man on an average income has most definitely been priced out of attending games, be it home or away and unless they basically budget and make do without certain other things, there is no chance such a person can afford to go to a game or two. I'm fairly well off and it must cost me about 40 quid per home match (that's after the cost of a season ticket), although I am usually with 2 bairns in tow. If I'm with mates, you're looking at 100 quid maybe factoring in pre and post match drinks with a taxi home. You add that up over 19 home games with the added cost of a season ticket or single tickets and that's quite a bit money. Away games are even more expensive.


It isn't just football that's expensive though, the cost of living is too and people these days are tied down to paying X amount out their wage packets via direct debits for phones, laptops, internet, sky etc. as well as domestic stuff like mortgages, rent, rate, gas etc. which has to come out and does, leaving very little for an away day following the Toon regardless of how much you're earning.

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I'm at college at the moment and i have to literally scrape my money together to get myself to games. Can't get a weekend job either because I'm at football.

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I could afford it if I thought it was justified, but they're simply taking the piss as far as prices are concerned. Especially when you look at what the Spanish and German teams charge, for arguably better football.


It does keep the riff-raff out, I suppose.


It's funny how people are prepared to pay £30 to watch shit, when I remember watching champions league games for less with empty seats around me.


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Guest Brummiemag

A lot of people I know dont go down to matches any more. Villa are having there best season for years but they still cant fill their ground for most games, Blues are down to 15,000, Wolves are having a great season but still only get 22,000 for most games and Walsall (my 2nd favourite club) get less than 5,000 for most games.


Next season crowds will be poor everywhere and one of the worst effected teams sadly will be newcastle, I reckon we will regularly have crowds below 40,000 next season.

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Personally i dont know how half the fans afford season tickets, they must give up on a lot to do it.


But of course its all relative, a lot of season ticket holders will expect most of their salary to go on football tickets, whereas i want mine spent on 4 holidays a year, euro sat system to watch every match live plus other things.


No way would i spend £100 a month on watching the toon. (based on £50+ per home game)


So how much is this euro-sat malaky? 


PM me details/links if you can mate.


£400 all parts and installed. (get all the footy on Sky and Setanta, and loads more)

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Yes, football fans are definitely being priced out of the game- or at the least being ripped off.


I've only been to SJP one ( :-[) purely because its too expensive when you take into account the very awkward time-tables RyanAir give you from flying from Dublin to Newcastle. For two people the flights can cost upto €200, and then if you put ontop of that the ticket prices and all that come with a matchday then its very expensive. I just cant afford it. And plus, I wouldnt fancy shelling out all that money to see a shite, half-hearted performance and a loss. I just wouldnt be worth it.

But in saying all this, if I lived in or around the Newcastle area then I'd probably buy a season ticket.


In terms of away games the prices are so expensive for people. I dont know how people can afford it, especially when so many people have been made redundant recently. The Fans Association were trying to get clubs to set a limit on away ticket prices- which is absolutely correct. How clubs like WBA, Fulham etc. can charge £40 for a ticket is just disgraceful. I remember a few seasons ago Man Utd fans threatened to boycott their away game Vs Fulham due to being charged £40 for a ticket.


I have a mate in Germany and he goes to all the Bremen home games and tickets only cost him €10 a pop!  sometimes abroad with Bremen and he got charged €30 for a ticket at the San Siro was AC Milan and thought it was way too expensive!  :lol: I'd hate for him to come to England...


But the only way clubs will lower prices is for fans to stop going. Its simple. Although only 2 clubs in the PL have cut their season ticket prices: Portsmouth and mackems.

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Guest neesy111

Yes, football fans are definitely being priced out of the game- or at the least being ripped off.


I've only been to SJP one ( :-[) purely because its too expensive when you take into account the very awkward time-tables RyanAir give you from flying from Dublin to Newcastle. For two people the flights can cost upto €200, and then if you put ontop of that the ticket prices and all that come with a matchday then its very expensive. I just cant afford it. And plus, I wouldnt fancy shelling out all that money to see a shite, half-hearted performance and a loss. I just wouldnt be worth it.

But in saying all this, if I lived in or around the Newcastle area then I'd probably buy a season ticket.


In terms of away games the prices are so expensive for people. I dont know how people can afford it, especially when so many people have been made redundant recently. The Fans Association were trying to get clubs to set a limit on away ticket prices- which is absolutely correct. How clubs like WBA, Fulham etc. can charge £40 for a ticket is just disgraceful. I remember a few seasons ago Man Utd fans threatened to boycott their away game Vs Fulham due to being charged £40 for a ticket.


I have a mate in Germany and he goes to all the Bremen home games and tickets only cost him €10 a pop!  sometimes abroad with Bremen and he got charged €30 for a ticket at the San Siro was AC Milan and thought it was way too expensive!  :lol: I'd hate for him to come to England...


But the only way clubs will lower prices is for fans to stop going. Its simple. Although only 2 clubs in the PL have cut their season ticket prices: Portsmouth and mackems.


fan's will stop going after this season, the reason attendance's haven't been too affected is because season tickets were bought before the recession hit

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