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FFS' meeting with Glenn


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My spies at SJP can bring N-O exclusive minutes of this morning's meeting between FFS and GR  bluebiggrin.gif


FS:   “Glenn, sit down son.  I won’t beat about the bush here the results aren’t good enough.  What the hell’s going on?”


GR:  “Well Mr Chairman, I can sit here and make excuses but at the end of the day we just weren’t good enough.  I’m the manager and it’s my responsibility.  We’ll have to work harder and we’ll have to fight our way out of trouble”.


FS:  “Well I’m glad to hear you’re not making excuses.  So we’re agreed you’re  entirely to blame?”


GR:   “Well I’ve got broad shoulders Mr Chairman. I can take the heat.  I won’t duck responsibility.  It’s my fault.  Of course it doesn’t help we played so soon after the Palermo match, why was that?”.


* chairman shifts uncomfortably in seat *


FS: “We’ve all got problems to deal with Glenn.  As you said, you’re to blame, not me.  As long as you sort it out.”


GR:  “Plus the paper thin squad, like I told you in the summer.  We’ve got a terrible injury list and we don’t have the players we need…..”


*  chairman shifts buttocks again & scratches testicles *


FS:   “ Like I said before, Glenn money’s tight….”


GR:  “And we’re short at the front and back.  Like I said before.  I mean if Carrsy was a horse you’d shoot him.  Baba’s got sleeping sickness or something and…..”


FS:   “No excuses Glenn.  Geordies don’t make excuses.  Geordies roll up their sleeves and start fighting.  When the ship is sinking, Geordies start bailing.  Excuse me, that’s my phone.”


* Picks up phone *


FS:   “Hi Willie.  Aye not right now, I’ve got the current manager in.  Yes I am interested, you know we need people in.  Well how much does he want?  Aye not bad.  Who else you got?  All right, I’ll think about it, bye.”


GR:   “As I was saying, we need more players in January Mr Chairman”.


FS:   “Don’t you worry son, we’ll back you like we’ve always backed our managers.  If there’s one thing you can say about Freddy Shepherd he always backs his managers.  With plenty cash.  Give me a list and I’ll think about it.”


GR:  “OK, well we need 2 strikers, 2 full backs….”


* Blank look comes over Freddy’s face *


FS:   “If I can stop you there son, I’ll see what I can do.  But don’t worry, you’ve got our full support, let’s all pull together and get it sorted.  Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get on, thanks now, shut the door on your way out."


*  Mutters to self “Aye, whey, what you ganna do now Freddy lad, we’re in the clarts”.  Turns to computer and continues playing Solitaire.  Secretary rings on phone *


Sec:  “Mr Shepherd, I have Sky Sports on the phone.  They want to know what your thoughts are on the calls for your resignation and what you’re going to do about it”


FS:   “Tell them I’ll call them back”.


*  Loads up Word.  Starts typing:  Dear Glenn, it is with the greatest regret that I have to inform you…..*

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Would you prefer slapstick?  bluebiggrin.gif


FS:  "Roeder these results are SHITE.  I'm ganna pezzle ya".


* Lurches round desk to grab hold of Roeder with arms outstretched.  Slips on banana skin & lands with feet in air *


FS: "Arrrrghhhh me arse !!!!!!!"


* Roeder runs out of door *

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Would you prefer slapstick? bluebiggrin.gif


FS: "Roeder these results are SHITE. I'm ganna pezzle ya".


* Lurches round desk to grab hold of Roeder with arms outstretched. Slips on banana skin & lands with feet in air *


FS: "Arrrrghhhh me arse !!!!!!!"


* Roeder runs out of door *


Aye. That worked better for me like. :D

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Would you prefer slapstick? bluebiggrin.gif


FS: "Roeder these results are SHITE. I'm ganna pezzle ya".


* Lurches round desk to grab hold of Roeder with arms outstretched. Slips on banana skin & lands with feet in air *


FS: "Arrrrghhhh me arse !!!!!!!"


* Roeder runs out of door *


Aye. That worked better for me like. :D


:thup: bluebiggrin.gif

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