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Englands best bowler :mackems: at the scum


Swann pokes fun at Cats defeat on Twitter


CRICKET ace Graeme Swann has turned his attention to football by using his internet site to poke fun at Sunderland’s embarrassing 7-2 defeat to Chelsea.


England’s top bowler, whose family hail from the North, has used the social networking site Twitter to reveal that he is a big Newcastle United fan.


Swann is currently on tour with England in South Africa where he was twice named man of the match.


And when news of the Black Cats’ crushing defeat at Stamford Bridge reached him last weekend, the Toon fan wrote: “I’m going to bed, happy in the knowledge that Newcastle cannot possibly emulate sorry Sunderland!”


The following Monday, contemplating how Newcastle might perform in their clash with Championship rivals West Bromwich Albion, the spinner posted: “My prediction for the Toon tonight is 3-1, but I’ll happily take any win.


“Now . . . let’s laugh at those Chelsea goals again!”


Last Saturday became the darkest day of the season for Sunderland fans, as Carlos Ancelotti’s Chelsea team systematically destroyed their opposition with a ruthless barrage of seven top-class goals.


Ashley Cole - husband of Geordie pop princess Cheryl - scored one of them in a show of skill that left pundit Alan Shearer praising him as “the best left-back in the world”. Sunderland managed only two goals in reply - with the Black Cats’ £10m star striker Darren Bent declining to celebrate after finding the net towards the end of the match.


Ironically, the team now finds itself on 23 points after 21 games - exactly the same figures Newcastle showed at this stage of their doomed relegation season last year.


Sunderland boss Steve Bruce admitted his team had had their “backsides well and truly kicked,” and laid some of the blame on his injury-ravaged defence.


However, as a supporter of Sunderland’s bitter rivals Newcastle United, Graeme Swann was left delighted.


The bowler’s family originally come from the North East, with his grandmother, Mina still living in Blyth, Northumberland.


She watched her grandson take centre stage as England claimed another Ashes victory against the Aussies last summer - the second consecutive victory in the tournament on home soil.


The 86-year-old told how he would practise bowling in her back garden as a child.


“He loves the game and has loved the game since he was three or four-years-old,” she said.


Mina is the mum of Graeme’s dad Raymond Swann, who made his first team cricketing debut for Blyth in the Northumberland League at 16.


Raymond went on to play for his county before moving south to a teaching training college.


However, Raymond never returned to live in the North East after meeting his wife-to-be Mavis at college.


They married and settled in Towcester, where Graeme and his brother Alec was born. Graeme is a regular user of Twitter, and, with a reference to his friend and teammate, James Anderson, humorously describes himself on his profile as follows: “I play cricket, I’m in a band, and I recently stopped wetting the bed! Oh and I’m funnier than Jimmy Anderson.”


In another recent quip, he wrote: “My tea this morning was weaker than a student’s will to wash. Stay tuned for more incredible insights into my deeply intellectual psyche.





Here is a link to his Twitter:

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Found these further down on his page:


i can't sleep for imagining the three thirty yard screamers that surely make up lovenkrands hat trick for the mighty mags.


i think it's a bit harsh to laugh at the donny chairman for claiming they are the 'arsenal of the championship'....especially seeing as that would make the toon the 'real madrid' or galacticos of the same league!


3 things i want to see today. jimmy get a fifity, cookie a hundred and the toon smash the smoggies


did anyone else laugh quite as hard as me when drogbas header rebounded off saha into the chelsea net? i nearly wet my pants


newcastle being seven points clear has made me a happy bunny. now i need to find 100 million so i can buy the club....if only so i can get rid of the most ridiculous name for st james park. ...and then get king kev and shearer as the dream team combo to conquer europe!
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