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Bob Murray started back a long time ago when he began to say "hey i wanna play with balls" but not just any balls, and no sure as fuck not footballs, BUT MAN BALLS. he had this dream aged 6 and was immediately inspired to travel on his quest through time and space to get the biggest pile of hairy balls ever put in his mouth. He sucked many balls in his life and even a few cocks too but no one had ever seen a better penalty than the famous final of 1982. It was the last penalty after two halves of extra time and a few good shots at goal. the penalty scores were 3-3 each and it was Bob Murray as keeper. He realxed, panted like a dog, and fucked himself. He had never been more prepared for this in his life. Trevor "Big Dick" Carson ran at the net, pulled back with both legs and drove his balls as deep as he good right into the mouth of Bob Murray. The old cunt gagged with joy. He had never tasted a sweeter ball bag in his life time, the sheer size, curvature and all round beauty of ol trev's nuts just seemed to take Bob to places he had never been before. The crowd went wild and Bob Murray bit Trevor Carson's balls off and then danced to the crowd. It was a memorable moment. Trev fell to the ground with an immediate hard on and Bob took his chance and just jumped on his dick, after all it is "big". Everyone watched with smiling faces, children, men, women, heck even old fuckers. Sunderland had never been so happy in its whole life time and since then Bob has still been biting balls off young players.


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