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Italian Serie A - 10/11


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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Why are Italian stadiums always so empty?


Falling apart. Crowd troubles/deaths/curva/ultras, etc. Some are just too big for the fan base that teams have now. Italian football wasn't what it was once. Go read Calcio, Mike!

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Guys I went to a 'soccer store' here in Virginia, and it's nuts,loads of team merchandise that's easy a few years old, lots of old shirts on sale too. If you guys ever head out here you should check it out, huge flags too.

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f***ing hell i got hammered last night, just awful stuff really


Roma beat us last year as well but i`m pretty amazed at how fast i realized i just can't like Benitez even if as a supporter you should be able to give the manager some time.


Boring game with a fluke goal at the end, well played from Vuk though.


Muntari for Milito ffs, what kind of s*** is that at 0-0?


Vucinic is great. Shame he's basically die-hard Roma. The cunt.

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I watch some Italian football but not tonnes so I don't know if it was a surprise, but I was surprised by Juve on Thursday. They looked a tidy outfit - perhaps I overestimated their decline?

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Nah, seriously I don't really know how Juve will be this season. Del Neri is still trying to get his 4-4-2 going with them so maybe he'll turn them round this season, but there squad is very average by Juve standards IMO.

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On the plus side, was watching a Del Piero video on a video-sharing website the other day and it reminded me of what a class player he was in his day. Him and Zidane man. And can't forget Nedved.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Italian Football is so hard to watch these days. What I'd give for a Nedved to spark some creative life into the league.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Italian Football is so hard to watch these days. What I'd give for a Nedved to spark some creative life into the league.


Then don't watch it




You still get some great matches in Serie A.


I'm not saying its utter shite, but compared to what it was, its a long hard slog to sit through 90 minutes (even taking into consideration its Italian Football).

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I don't think I can ever describe watching a football match as a 'long hard slog'. I pretty much enjoy every game I watch, even if it's poor.


I actually enjoy watching Serie A just as much as I do the Premier League on a whole. They're both different styles, but each throw up their fair share of dross.

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