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Is there virtual no limit to what people will pay ?

Guest thenorthumbrian

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Guest BooBoo

Football is obscenely expensive when you value the cost per minute compared to other sports etc. A day at Newcastle races for example costs £50 in the Premium Enclosure but you're there all afternoon. Cricket is cheaper and can be a full day out.


Football is unquestionably a rip off but they know fans are hooked so prices will continue to only go one way.

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Guest Roger Kint

I paid quite a bit to watch the NY Yankees (think about $60), but that was a full evenings 'entertainment' and I also got to sing the American national anthem.


Bloke on Talksport last week(that sour queen Chelsea fan Jacobs) was saying he had to pay about $320 for two tickets which were restricted view, not cheap those Yankees. That was for the Red Sox game mind iirc so similar to Chelseas AA rated games.

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Guest toonlass

There is a limit to what the proper fans will pay. But with clubs like Chelsea, Arsenal and Man U there is always some rich sod willing to jump into the space vacated. For me, I've only been to the Mackem game away this season. I can't justify paying the prices of away tickets any more. Had to think big time about my season ticket too, but decided to renew. Was close to jacking it in though.

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I was considering stopping my season ticket last summer as I was at the stage where I just didn't want to give any more money to a sport/life-long obsession I was falling out of love with. The vast majority of players/managers somehow manage to make me hate them more every week and I really hate the fact that i'm contributing to everything just by doing something i've always done.


If this season hadn't been so unexpectedly exciting I doubt i'd have signed up for next 10 years, though I doubt i'll see out the 10 years. Might start spending my money on myself for a few years.

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I was considering stopping my season ticket last summer as I was at the stage where I just didn't want to give any more money to a sport/life-long obsession I was falling out of love with. The vast majority of players/managers somehow manage to make me hate them more every week and I really hate the fact that i'm contributing to everything just by doing something i've always done.


If this season hadn't been so unexpectedly exciting I doubt i'd have signed up for next 10 years, though I doubt i'll see out the 10 years. Might start spending my money on myself for a few years.


Footie is spending it on yourself though isn't it?

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I was considering stopping my season ticket last summer as I was at the stage where I just didn't want to give any more money to a sport/life-long obsession I was falling out of love with. The vast majority of players/managers somehow manage to make me hate them more every week and I really hate the fact that i'm contributing to everything just by doing something i've always done.


If this season hadn't been so unexpectedly exciting I doubt i'd have signed up for next 10 years, though I doubt i'll see out the 10 years. Might start spending my money on myself for a few years.


Footie is spending it on yourself though isn't it?


Yeah, but (in hindsight) I haven't gained all that much from years and years of matches. Not sure what i'll gain from 10 more years of matches either.


(Reading all this back, it makes me sound like an 80 year old emo)

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Guest BooBoo

Football is by far and away the biggest drain on my free cash (ie after bills etc) per month. I'd estimate I spend at least £200 a month on tickets/ travel/ match day beer money.


Ridiculous really.

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Some of the prices this season have put me off already. Villa(£41) and Chelsea(£50) meant i didn't even consider going. They can stick it at those prices. Having said that, i've paid £42 for Liverpool, but only because everything else-travel,hotel etc-was booked beforehand. Love the game, but it's only worth so much to watch 90ish minutes of football.

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Football is by far and away the biggest drain on my free cash (ie after bills etc) per month. I'd estimate I spend at least £200 a month on tickets/ travel/ match day beer money.


Ridiculous really.


Same here, but I love it. 

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Guest KeithKettleborough

I was considering stopping my season ticket last summer as I was at the stage where I just didn't want to give any more money to a sport/life-long obsession I was falling out of love with. The vast majority of players/managers somehow manage to make me hate them more every week and I really hate the fact that i'm contributing to everything just by doing something i've always done.


If this season hadn't been so unexpectedly exciting I doubt i'd have signed up for next 10 years, though I doubt i'll see out the 10 years. Might start spending my money on myself for a few years.


Same thoughts have been running through my mind so sympathise with the sentiment. However I am more on the side of chucking it at the moment. Have had a season ticket continuously since the 1980's but cheesed off with so much about the game and I guess the goings on at the toon too, that maybe ending my trips to St James seems far more likely than at any time since I started. :(

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Some of the prices this season have put me off already. Villa(£41) and Chelsea(£50) meant i didn't even consider going. They can stick it at those prices. Having said that, i've paid £42 for Liverpool, but only because everything else-travel,hotel etc-was booked beforehand. Love the game, but it's only worth so much to watch 90ish minutes of football.


same here pretty much, its that £40 mark that puts me off, big difference psychologically. Could see myself being put off just from the extra quid from £39 to 40

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£42 for Liverpool is the one where I finally said no. I can take paying £38 for City away, even paying £30 to get beat 4-0 by Stoke, but £42, no chance. In comparison, I'm looking at going to the Birmingham home game with my two younger brothers for £46 for 3 of us.

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Guest thenorthumbrian

Football is obscenely expensive when you value the cost per minute compared to other sports etc. A day at Newcastle races for example costs £50 in the Premium Enclosure but you're there all afternoon. Cricket is cheaper and can be a full day out.


Football is unquestionably a rip off but they know fans are hooked so prices will continue to only go one way.


I wonder if football here will go the same way as Serie A, Italian football went through a period of huge success but more recently has seemed to hit a period of near collapse.


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Not all American sports are expensive. You can get baseball tickets from 2 dollars for some midweek games. How much are NFL/NBA tickets like?


Baseball isn't the best comparison because there are 81 home games per season, although the prices are still high in the major markets. It's pretty crazy how much it costs to go to a Yankee game. I used to go to 10+ games a season. Down to 1 or 2 now and it's usually with free tickets. I was fortunate enough to get free tickets two nights ago in the field level ($325 face value per ticket). Still paid $35 to park (obscene), and $45 on two beers, cracker jacks, and an italian hot dog inside the stadium. When you add gas/tolls it cost almost $100 for two of us to attend the game with free tickets. The four idiots next to us spent over $500 on beer during the game on a corporate credit card. That's who can afford to attend sporting events on a regular basis. I know it's a lot cheaper in Pittsburgh and places like that, but Chelsea/London is not Pittsburgh.


The PL is more comparable to the NFL - games once a week generally on the weekend. The difference being that the PL season is twice as long. Last season the cheapest season tickets for the New York Giants game were $85 plus you had to pay $1000 up front for a PSL.


Just wait until an American owner brings PSL's to the Premier League. You haven't seen anything yet.

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Well it's clearly no longer working class entertainment and hasn't been for a long, long time though.


That's not something to lie down and accept though imo.  A season ticket at £500 a year is still affordable to a great deal of 'working class' people.


I'm hardly flash and going to an away game represents a small fortune to me tbh.  Stoke away was £30 ticket (not that bad), £60 to get there from London, plus all the other cash you end up spending.  I'm f***ed off about paying £50 for Chelsea but will pay it because I live in London.  If I was back in Newcastle it would put me off.  It's only an extra 10-15 quid above what you've came to expect, but it's creeping up all the time man.


There's very little you can do to not "lie down and accept" it though. It's not as if you can protest being forced out of matches by not going to matches.


It sucks that ticket prices are going up, but as long as the club is filling the stadium (or at least getting as many in as they can), it makes sense for them to have the tickets priced as highly as possible. If they don't, they're just letting the profit margin go to the touts instead. Economic realities exist and can't be ignored.


There are certainly measures that can be taken to not alienate low-income fans, and I wish they'd try a bit harder in that respect, but the fundamental reality of rising ticket prices is just something we'll have to accept until an equilibrium point is reached.


The only way to solve this problem would be to figure out a way to make rich people not like football. Unsure how that would be accomplished.

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Chelsea, Man utd and Arsenal get plenty of "tourists" going to their games. People who are coming from overseas or one-off special occasion fans who will pay anything for a ticket for that one game. I know people who make a special trip to the UK to go to see them play and they are quite happy to pay £50 or even £100 just to see them play. These casual tourist fans will easily drive up the price for the regulars

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