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Papiss Cissé

Guest kingdawson

Happy Cisse has left?  

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I don't get this "We'd be mad not to take x amount", it doesn't make a jot of difference to us fans how much we make as our transfer system doesn't work like that.


whey of course I'm making the (most probably naive) assumption that it'd be reinvested in the playing squad.

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Every sale has been reinvested in the playing squad, it might not happen straight away but it happens :lol:


Cisse & Shola out, Bony & Auba in.


Be alright that like. :)


While i agree we would still have the problem of lacking serious depth.

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There's money there for transfers. If we sell Cisse for £18m we'll only look to replace him with another striker for probably around £10m, tops, which is always a gamble.


Some people think Cisse is shite like which is fair enough, I disagree.

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Would finance Carroll and another striker.


Don't want to see him go, but at the same time he could be a far greater asset to clubs who don't have rubbish like Jonas Gutierrez providing the 'service'.

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There's money there for transfers. If we sell Cisse for £18m we'll only look to replace him with another striker for probably around £10m, tops, which is always a gamble.


Some people think Cisse is shite like which is fair enough, I disagree.


I don't think he's shite, just not good enough to rely on as a main striker. He's let us down loads last season, gloss over it with service but I saw plenty of times good service and him to fluff his part. We can't afford to carry him and him being the only real goal threat, we'll be nearly relegated again.


If it goes to funding two capable strikers then cheers for the wonder goals, and hello consistency (hopefully)

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Guest strongbow69

we have cisse and gouffran - we need another 2 strikers even before we think about selling anyone


this, cant believe everyone saying get rid and hope/expect replacements to be found

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when we got rid of Nolan, Barton, Carroll & Enrique people said we'd never replace them, we did.


We shouldn't be afraid of selling players, not when we are offered the very top end of their value, go with it and replace. Imagine not selling Carroll for £35m? It would in hindsight have been the biggest mistake of the decade.


If we can get £20m for a Cisse then we will accept and with my blessing, same goes for similar bids for Tiote or Hba. We all knew our squad was going to get torn apart this summer due to keeping Pardew after such a shit finish, no point in worrying IMO, just hope the club replaces like it has done in the past while getting great fees in so we have the funds to buy.







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We shouldn't be replacing our best players just because someone has bid for them. Despite what we're always told, we don't need the money and the replacement could well be crap.


We've got a foundation of good players at present and we should be adding to them.

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Would finance Carroll and another striker.


Don't want to see him go, but at the same time he could be a far greater asset to clubs who don't have rubbish like Jonas Gutierrez providing the 'service'.


This is the type of Pardew thinking which will no doubt appeal to our bargain basement owners and their local cheerleaders.

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Torn about this, assuming it's true. He's had a rotten season, but all in all I'd be willing to give him another chance to rekindle his earlier (Freiburg, NUFC first half season) form. My main worry with him is that he does not appear to work particularly well with other strikers/forwards, so it's a matter of building the team around him as the main striker or finding a replacement that suits our other players better.

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Cisse is way down the list of players I would consider selling/moving on.  For starters, Jonas, Tiote, Shola are much worse than him and offer very little to nothing. 


We have not played to his strengths this season at all.  He has effectively played the whole season as a loan striker, has got on with it, no complaints.  Ok, he did not hit the heights of his first season but there is nothing IMO to suggest he cannot if we play to his strengths.  He has had NO competition for most, if not all of the season. I think he would thrive off another 15-20 goal striker (like he did against with Ba here - although most would argue they did not play well as a pair) in the squad.

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