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Loïc Remy

Guest bimpy474
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12th May , QPR away.  Please football gods, let us relegate them that day. Remy doing his knee in the game so he can't move that summer too would be also pretty damn sweet.


When in reality an error by Williamson lets Remy clean through to put us down. Howay, lets keep positive.

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Guest firetotheworks

Recently promoted team's cast-offs. That's about where we are.


You can spin that as Marseille selling Remy and then us buying the player that they tried to replace him with. I agree, though.

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12th May , QPR away.  Please football gods, let us relegate them that day. Remy doing his knee in the game so he can't move that summer too would be also pretty damn sweet.


When in reality an error by Williamson lets Remy clean through to put us down. Howay, lets keep positive.


Newcastle win.


Gomis hat-trick.


Remy doesn't feature, due to recurring thigh injuries.

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We say footballers are overpaid.  Rory McIlroy will be earning 31k a day from Nike alone for next 5 years.


And Nike will make ten times that off Rory when every fat middle aged businessman thinks he can shave a couple of numbers of his handicap by dropping 5 figures on new golfing equipment that Rory also uses.

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I never disappointed like this since our relegation. I am fuming.


Yep, proper seething. Like Modric all over again.


Maiga's a very handy player, we could do a lot worse.


Certainly a better option than anything other than Cisse, but what isn't. Gomis would be an unlikely but class addition, not convinced he could play alongside Cisse though and he doesn't play out wide. We really need a winger-cum-striker. Think it is highly unlikely we will get anyone in that mould now.


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I don't know why everybody is getting there knickers wet, where is the surprise that a player goes where the most money is? Apart from Shearer who could have no doubt gone to Man U if he just wanted the money, Gerrard who I think had better paid options ay one point away from Liverpool and I'm sure there are one or two others out there, it's all about the money.


QPR might be a shitty little club, but they are no more likely to get relegated than we are, just as likely to win something (with our approach to the various cup competitions) and have a much better manager. I like Harry, he's a smart man pretending he's not, and gets results, and he's not particularly bothered how he gets them. They have an absolute shite team and yet they just beat Chelsea away and drew with Spurs keeping two clean sheets, something we could only dream about despite the talent we have at fuckwits disposal.

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For all the things people say about this manager and that manager, there surely can't be a slimier, more corrupt, abhorrent, con man out there than Redknapp? He's painted as this loveable rogue through longevity, connections and his nationality. Anyone new to the game or foreign would be f***ing lambasted by the media for pulling the s*** he does. He's horrific.


There's a bottle of champagne I'm not drinking until him and Ferguson have gone. Scum of the earth.


So just to recap, the geezer who contributed to Demba Ba's departure from SJP by revealing his release clause has now managed to prevent United from concluding a deal to sign his replacement. Funny old world, innit?


From .com. Forgot just how cretinous Redknapp really is.


I've just drove home from work, done some things around the house and prepared dinner and still can't get my head around how much of a f***ing c*** Harry Redknapp is.


A spiteful, horrible man. If he does end up signing Remy, I truly hope Pards rings him and gives him a piece of his mind.  He has every right to, and not like it accomplishes anything, but I'd really love for that asshole to be exposed. As much of a "business" this is, it always seems like Harry is out to f***ing get his fellow man, his colleague if you will, and I can't stand that type of behavior. I don't like it anything - be it sport, life, business etc. The man lacks class and its disgusting the way the media give him a free ride.


This man talks about other club's players and should be punished every single time. .Com spot on there too.


I hope we send them down, really hope we do. I also hope Remy u-turns again and we get this last laugh.


Sorry for the ramble of thoughts - but I'd rather a player down-right say Not to us or join some other club then be strung along in this type of manner on a potential deal.

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I never disappointed like this since our relegation. I am fuming.


Yep, proper seething. Like Modric all over again.


Maiga's a very handy player, we could do a lot worse.


Certainly a better option than anything other than Cisse, but what isn't. Gomis would be an unlikely but class addition, not convinced he could play alongside Cisse though and he doesn't play out wide. We really need a winger-cum-striker. Think it is highly unlikely we will get anyone in that mould now.



Maiga's better through the middle but has played wide left before, he's got a bit of pace and power, as well as some trickery. He's also left footed which would be a bonus, we're lacking lefties on their natural foot. He's not ideal but would be a very decent option indeed, it's just a shame about the ACON.

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Guest firetotheworks

I don't know why everybody is getting there knickers wet, where is the surprise that a player goes where the most money is? Apart from Shearer who could have no doubt gone to Man U if he just wanted the money, Gerrard who I think had better paid options ay one point away from Liverpool and I'm sure there are one or two others out there, it's all about the money.


QPR might be a shitty little club, but they are no more likely to get relegated than we are, just as likely to win something (with our approach to the various cup competitions) and have a much better manager. I like Harry, he's a smart man pretending he's not, and gets results, and he's not particularly bothered how he gets them. They have an absolute s**** team and yet they just beat Chelsea away and drew with Spurs keeping two clean sheets, something we could only dream about despite the talent we have at fuckwits disposal.


1. Shearer wasn't just offered more money and we put in a world record bid to buy him.

2. Gerrard allegedly didn't go to Chelsea because his kneecaps were likely to get shot off by some Mersey Al Capone.


I agree with the rest, apart from liking Redknapp.

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We need 2002-2010 Craig Bellamy, basically.


Exactly. To be fair another Robert wouldn't hurt either. If tmrw's journal is right looks like plan B is switch back to 4-4-2. Obertan or Guti on the left :)


A starting XI that consistently includes Shola Ameobi at the top of a 4-4-2 is doomed for relegation.

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Guest firetotheworks

We need 2002-2010 Craig Bellamy, basically.


Exactly. To be fair another Robert wouldn't hurt either. If tmrw's journal is right looks like plan B is switch back to 4-4-2. Obertan or Guti on the left :)



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