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Who fancies having a thoroughly fruitless protest against Pardew?

Guest firetotheworks

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Over 2,000 members of this forum. I'd love to know the % of the total 2,000+ members are considered active members of the forum, and of that % who would support the Time 4 Change type movement. Surely it has to be a majority in favor?


99 have 10,000+ posts

179 have 5,000+ posts

455 have 1,000+ posts


Of those, many don't/can't post any more. 2,321 members doesn't really tell you much.


Edit: 1,073 accounts have logged in within the last 10 days.


Would be really class to see where we all stand then based on the numbers.


Cheers for the states man!

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Over 2,000 members of this forum. I'd love to know the % of the total 2,000+ members are considered active members of the forum, and of that % who would support the Time 4 Change type movement. Surely it has to be a majority in favor?


99 have 10,000+ posts

179 have 5,000+ posts

455 have 1,000+ posts


Of those, many don't/can't post any more. 2,321 members doesn't really tell you much.


Edit: 1,073 accounts have logged in within the last 10 days.


Would be really class to see where we all stand then based on the numbers.


Cheers for the states man!


What the fuck!? :spit:

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Over 2,000 members of this forum. I'd love to know the % of the total 2,000+ members are considered active members of the forum, and of that % who would support the Time 4 Change type movement. Surely it has to be a majority in favor?


99 have 10,000+ posts

179 have 5,000+ posts

455 have 1,000+ posts


Of those, many don't/can't post any more. 2,321 members doesn't really tell you much.


Edit: 1,073 accounts have logged in within the last 10 days.


Would be really class to see where we all stand then based on the numbers.


Cheers for the states man!


You're welcome :thup:

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The vast majority of people on here will support this kind of thing, but sadly, an internet forum is simply not representative of the larger fanbase. This is a very small, and skewed sample. Nevermind the fact that we have a shitload of non-local fans (myself included). I'd love to see something proper get organised, and there to be a concerted effort to force a change in ownership etc. but it needs to be driven by local media, and word of mouth. In light of recent events, it could go either way with the local journos. If people keep up the pressure, and hold protests at every home game, it will get traction with the local, and eventually national press. Go for it. Less talk, more action. :)

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Over 2,000 members of this forum. I'd love to know the % of the total 2,000+ members are considered active members of the forum, and of that % who would support the Time 4 Change type movement. Surely it has to be a majority in favor?


99 have 10,000+ posts

179 have 5,000+ posts

455 have 1,000+ posts


Of those, many don't/can't post any more. 2,321 members doesn't really tell you much.


Edit: 1,073 accounts have logged in within the last 10 days.


Would be really class to see where we all stand then based on the numbers.


Cheers for the states man!


What the f***!? :spit:


Ack, typo - meaning to say stats.

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Guest dazzanufc1892

the only way a protest would work is if it were to be concentrated by the fans, and the media to have an impact on sports direct.


If his main business is directly impacted, he wouldnt stay, NUFC makes ashley a loss, so why would he care? sports direct makes him a big profit. Even holding the protests outside sports direct to be photo's there would not impress mike.


The big problem is that there is no competitor anymore, so everybody has to shop at sports direct.

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Over 2,000 members of this forum. I'd love to know the % of the total 2,000+ members are considered active members of the forum, and of that % who would support the Time 4 Change type movement. Surely it has to be a majority in favor?


99 have 10,000+ posts

179 have 5,000+ posts

455 have 1,000+ posts


Of those, many don't/can't post any more. 2,321 members doesn't really tell you much.


Edit: 1,073 accounts have logged in within the last 10 days.


How many of them will be at the man city game with a hastily painted bedsheet?...


Agree with the general sentiment tbh, TH showing that its easy to get under fatso's skin may just be the spark required to properly stir things up. Make sure you get the right target though lads, its the big fellah in the directors seats you want to aim it at, not his patsy in the dugout.

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I live in the midlands and realistically the only thing I can do is not give them my money. I'm succeeding so far. It's all I can do and it's what everybody should be doing if they disagree with whats going on.


BTW the triumvate of slime includes the patsy in the dugout. He deserves as much. The useless, enabling cunt.

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I live in the midlands and realistically the only thing I can do is not give them my money. I'm succeeding so far. It's all I can do and it's what everybody should be doing if they disagree with whats going on.


BTW the triumvate of slime includes the patsy in the dugout. He deserves as much. The useless, enabling cunt.


I've managed to avoid the match for similar reasons this year, beginning to really fancy an away game again just because I like the day out though.


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I live in the midlands and realistically the only thing I can do is not give them my money. I'm succeeding so far. It's all I can do and it's what everybody should be doing if they disagree with whats going on.


BTW the triumvate of slime includes the patsy in the dugout. He deserves as much. The useless, enabling c***.


If its not Pardew it will be someone else for whom being manager of NUFC is half a dozen steps up the managerial ladder than what they're qualified for. He's largely an irrelevance iyam.



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I live in the midlands and realistically the only thing I can do is not give them my money. I'm succeeding so far. It's all I can do and it's what everybody should be doing if they disagree with whats going on.


BTW the triumvate of slime includes the patsy in the dugout. He deserves as much. The useless, enabling c***.


If its not Pardew it will be someone else for whom being manager of NUFC is half a dozen steps up the managerial ladder than what they're qualified for. He's largely an irrelevance iyam.


He's not.

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If its not Pardew it will be someone else for whom being manager of NUFC is half a dozen steps up the managerial ladder than what they're qualified for. He's largely an irrelevance iyam.




Nobody is asking you.

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I live in the midlands and realistically the only thing I can do is not give them my money. I'm succeeding so far. It's all I can do and it's what everybody should be doing if they disagree with whats going on.


BTW the triumvate of slime includes the patsy in the dugout. He deserves as much. The useless, enabling c***.


If its not Pardew it will be someone else for whom being manager of NUFC is half a dozen steps up the managerial ladder than what they're qualified for. He's largely an irrelevance iyam.


He's not.


you think Ashley's about to sack him and appoint someone better?

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I live in the midlands and realistically the only thing I can do is not give them my money. I'm succeeding so far. It's all I can do and it's what everybody should be doing if they disagree with whats going on.


BTW the triumvate of slime includes the patsy in the dugout. He deserves as much. The useless, enabling c***.


If its not Pardew it will be someone else for whom being manager of NUFC is half a dozen steps up the managerial ladder than what they're qualified for. He's largely an irrelevance iyam.


He's not.


you think Ashley's about to sack him and appoint someone better?


Who knows, wouldn't be difficult. Depends how much influence Carr has. I'm bored to death with people saying I shouldn't criticise the manager because the owner is a pleb tbh.

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He's an enabler. The more we let weak characters like Pardew know that we don't tolerate those that enable the sort of shite Ashley is capable of the better. I don't care about success anymore and just would like to make it as uncomfortable as possible for them to facilitate the whole lot of them fucking off. Sounds daft but I'd sooner be in a lower league striving for something that this subsistence.

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I live in the midlands and realistically the only thing I can do is not give them my money. I'm succeeding so far. It's all I can do and it's what everybody should be doing if they disagree with whats going on.


BTW the triumvate of slime includes the patsy in the dugout. He deserves as much. The useless, enabling c***.


If its not Pardew it will be someone else for whom being manager of NUFC is half a dozen steps up the managerial ladder than what they're qualified for. He's largely an irrelevance iyam.


He's not.


you think Ashley's about to sack him and appoint someone better?


Who knows, wouldn't be difficult. Depends how much influence Carr has. I'm bored to death with people saying I shouldn't criticise the manager because the owner is a pleb tbh.


Am not criticising anyone, your opinion of Pardew is spot on and one I share. I reserve my bile for the man with all the power though.

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He's an enabler. The more we let weak characters like Pardew know that we don't tolerate those that enable the sort of s**** Ashley is capable of the better. I don't care about success anymore and just would like to make it as uncomfortable as possible for them to facilitate the whole lot of them f***ing off. Sounds daft but I'd sooner be in a lower league striving for something that this subsistence.


Agree with a lot of that, apart from the first bit. Do you think Tony Pulis would turn down the chance to work for Ashley?...he's what people may view as a "strong character"...do you think he'd get us playing better football to a coherent pattern?...

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