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Think This Should Be Discussed


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It's only fair to for the club to clamp down on fraud. Very well the person in question might get along with stadium staff at SJP but do the stadium staff even know the name of the person in question, and how can the vouch for people to the ticket office, and what if someone is playing fraud by pretending to be disabled at games?


Maybe the letter wasn't worded right, but lets be honest it's a very thin line between asking someone for a simple request of proof and the person being requested reading it differently and thinking they are being accused of doing something such as fraud.


Dave makes a valid point about some GP's requesting a fee for a confirmation letter but this is more of a problem with the NHS.


You never ever could just tell the club you were disabled and get the discounted season ticket, you had to prove you had a disability. The issue is people using a disabled person to get the season ticket but that disabled person not being the ones going to games.

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Guest Gemmill

Aye the fee isn't the fault of the club. Look I don't know enough about this to have an informed opinion. Seems like an alternative method of confirmation should have been allowed - for example, the stuff Skirge has which confirms his situation without having to jump through additional hoops.


I can see how from an ease perspective the club have decided that they want a uniform approach, all of which I'm sure complies with whatever standards they need to meet.


It's a shame that the lady in the OP had the reaction that she did to the news, but I don't think it's reasonable to assume that everyone will have that reaction. It's certainly not reasonable to assume that the request would elicit that reaction.

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Guest antz1uk

No need for this to have been brought to the attention of anyone, looks like a complete over reaction by someone being hyper sensitive to me, does the same disabled person just ring up the local council and ask for a blue badge or do they have to complete a form to get one? Sounds like an excuse to try and bash the club yet again for doing absolutely nothing wrong


It's getting all a bit tedious for me like


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No need for this to have been brought to the attention of anyone, looks like a complete over reaction by someone being hyper sensitive to me, does the same disabled person just ring up the local council and ask for a blue badge or do they have to complete a form to get one? Sounds like an excuse to try and bash the club yet again for doing absolutely nothing wrong


It's getting all a bit tedious for me like



Exactly it's incredibly patronising i'd be livid if I was in that position and my carer had done this. As you say there will be more red tape encountered dealing with day to day life and the government. If the person can't cope themselves they will have a system in place to help them (hopefully) in this case it's the carer and they have just gone off on one. Plus phrases like "A very special person" sounded really condescending but that could just be me.

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No need for this to have been brought to the attention of anyone, looks like a complete over reaction by someone being hyper sensitive to me, does the same disabled person just ring up the local council and ask for a blue badge or do they have to complete a form to get one? Sounds like an excuse to try and bash the club yet again for doing absolutely nothing wrong


It's getting all a bit tedious for me like


Once you prove your needs require it you get a blue badge, you do not then have to prove it again in more detail.

No one is disputing the clubs right to make sure the right people are getting the ticket and we are more than grateful that they do offer such a ticket for disabled supporters.

The upset is due to the extra form enquiringly into a disabled persons daily life, this has nothing to do with a football club and attending a football match compares to nothing else in daily life.


They ask for what I believe is a reasonable amount of information with proof of entitlement to DLA or higher rate mobility, if the government say you are in need of this then surely the club should accept that too.

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The bigger point is that the club should be able to more effectively police abuse of the system. The electronic turnstiles have been in place for years and this is one situation where they would really come into their own. Easier to send out heartless letters to those who have already provided proof implying they are taking the piss though.

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The bigger point is that the club should be able to more effectively police abuse of the system. The electronic turnstiles have been in place for years and this is one situation where they would really come into their own. Easier to send out heartless letters to those who have already provided proof implying they are taking the piss though.


in deed.. wonder how many buy kids tickets and go through the turnstiles unnoticed. 

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Guest neesy111

The bigger point is that the club should be able to more effectively police abuse of the system. The electronic turnstiles have been in place for years and this is one situation where they would really come into their own. Easier to send out heartless letters to those who have already provided proof implying they are taking the piss though.


in deed.. wonder how many buy kids tickets and go through the turnstiles unnoticed. 


I know a few that do this already. 

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The bigger point is that the club should be able to more effectively police abuse of the system. The electronic turnstiles have been in place for years and this is one situation where they would really come into their own. Easier to send out heartless letters to those who have already provided proof implying they are taking the p*ss though.


in deed.. wonder how many buy kids tickets and go through the turnstiles unnoticed. 


A fair few of my group i go with still claim kids/students despite being mid 20's above. Neither kids nor student. I would say this is certainly a bigger problem.

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The bigger point is that the club should be able to more effectively police abuse of the system. The electronic turnstiles have been in place for years and this is one situation where they would really come into their own. Easier to send out heartless letters to those who have already provided proof implying they are taking the p*ss though.


in deed.. wonder how many buy kids tickets and go through the turnstiles unnoticed. 


A fair few of my group i go with still claim kids/students despite being mid 20's above. Neither kids nor student. I would say this is certainly a bigger problem.


Very much so, I know people who do this as well. Been tempted to do it myself, since there are basically no checks.

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It has to be done.


Perhaps the initial information was too complicated for some disability groups and therefore easy to misinterpret


Could have been wiser to send an initial letter out stating the plans, bebefore bombarding people with more complex documents.

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It has to be done.


Perhaps the initial information was too complicated for some disability groups and therefore easy to misinterpret


Could have been wiser to send an initial letter out stating the plans, bebefore bombarding people with more complex documents.


That makes more sense.

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If you apply for a kids ST they want to see the birth certificate. Don't see any problem whatsoever in politely asking folk to prove they are indeed disabled. Effectively costs NUFC upwards of £750 (in main areas, Leazes / Gallowgate) to cater for each disabled supporter/helper in lost / reduced revenue.


I genuinely don't see the problem. In fact I'm pretty sure they asked my Ma to provide evidence way back in the day. (She didn't need a helper though)

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Some (all?) have already provided proof though.


Daft question as I know nothing about the system will that proof just say they are disabled or will it say they need a carer too?

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