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Bottom of the league

Guest thenorthumbrian

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I got why people are disgusted by this ... but also, I don't know how much I care ... I mean, look at the three teams next to us, Everton, Arsenal, Spurs ... I don't think their fans would be too upset (well, Arsenal fans might, due to their lack of trophies)... I want goals, wins, exciting football, not finances ..  In context, I think we are not 'bottom' - compare to Aston Villa, I would prefer to be in our position ... well, whatever ... its just a piece of the picture, and we shouldn't exclusively focus on it ...

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I got why people are disgusted by this ... but also, I don't know how much I care ... I mean, look at the three teams next to us, Everton, Arsenal, Spurs ... I don't think their fans would be too upset (well, Arsenal fans might, due to their lack of trophies)... I want goals, wins, exciting football, not finances ..  In context, I think we are not 'bottom' - compare to Aston Villa, I would prefer to be in our position ... well, whatever ... its just a piece of the picture, and we shouldn't exclusively focus on it ...





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