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FIFA World Cup


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If the timing of it was designed to stop Blatter being re-elected, and the evidence is incriminating to him then why not arrest him. The ludicrous thing is he's still expected to voted in for another term. The guys made of teflon.

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Guest firetotheworks

There have been some questionable countries host the World Cup in terms of their standing within the game at the time. Mexico-ish, USA, Japan/South Korea, South Africa...but all of them have been justifiable like. Qatar man...:lol:

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Guest GallowgateKev

Personally thought most of the above world cups were decent tbh, Qatar is ridiculous, the sheer fact it will be moved to a winter World Cup is why they should never have been in the running.


Money Talks...


Is the Fifa election still happening today?

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Andrew Jennings


I gave the FBI the crucial documents that triggered yesterday's arrests. There will be more to come. Blatter is a target.




if blatter goes down man :sweetjesus:


there may be peace on earth :lol:

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Andrew Jennings


I gave the FBI the crucial documents that triggered yesterday's arrests. There will be more to come. Blatter is a target.




That's the guy they interviewed on Colin Murray's show on Talksport yesterday who was understandably overjoyed at this turn of events  ;D


He reckons the evidence he gave the FBI is enough to send the whole lot of them down, including Blatter.


Also said they'll have to re-allocate the next two world cups, with 2018 likely coming to England, with Holland and Belgium as another possibility and the 2022 finals going to the USA.


:harry: Must not get excited.



Hilarious if a World cup is held here in 2018, run by an association that has replaced FIFA, and watched by cetain individuals,  From Prison Cells. :lol:

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Guest firetotheworks

What's the issue with a November/December world cup ?


:lol: Are you kidding? It's half way through every country's season. Before even getting into what a logistical nightmare that is, you're asking players to go out there in the ridiculous heat, asking them to compete for the biggest prize of all and put everything into it, then come back without injury, fatigue, and perform as they were before going away. It's fucking mind-bogglingly stupid.

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Guest firetotheworks

We haven't even got onto them being murderers yet. :lol:




Just look at that man.

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Inside World Football reports further African backing for the embattled Fifa president, with Guinea-Bissau FA president Manuel Nascimento Lopes describing the “conspiracy” against Blatter as “blasphemy”.



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Guest chopey

chopey is on the troll rampage, has to be.


100% not, if the FA's around the world can't organise their leagues with 7 years notice to compete for 6 weeks then there is something wrong, and I hate the issue of players been to tired to play a few games of football

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Guest firetotheworks

chopey is on the troll rampage, has to be.


100% not, if the FA's around the world can't organise their leagues with 7 years notice to compete for 6 weeks then there is something wrong, and I hate the issue of players been to tired to play a few games of football


A few games of football? You mean the World Cup Finals - the biggest and most important football tournament to players around the world, being played in 40-50 degree heat? Aye, right oh. :lol:


and don't you think it's daft to say that there's something wrong if the FAs around the world can't organise themselves, when FIFA are the ones that are massively corrupt and didn't even organise themselves to account for the fact that it would have to be held in winter? It's a load of shite man, Qatar isn't even a fucking country and deserve exactly nothing.

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Maybe a giggs, but did anyone hear the African Bloke on Nicky Campbells show on Radio5 defending Blatter? :lol: :lol:


Think you'll find there'll be loads of those. Latest is the "Asian soccer federation".


Which is why Blatter might actually still be in a job after all this. Ludicrous stuff, really.

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Guest chopey

The 40 to 50 degree heat is in the summer it's more like 30 in the winter that's why it's been moved, I agree that Qatar shouldn't host but the organization issue is a shambles

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Guest firetotheworks

The 40 to 50 degree heat is in the summer it's more like 30 in the winter that's why it's been moved, I agree that Qatar shouldn't host but the organization issue is a shambles


Is it hell man, you're being incredibly naive. It can happen and can be organised, but that's not even remotely the point. FIFA and Qatar are the ones that have been disorganised and expected everyone else to cater to them, when there were better alternatives that didn't require every FA in the Europe (at least) to change their season for a corrupt organisation and corrupt country where people are being exploited and are dying for it to be ready.


Clubs will have players going away to a World Cup in exhausting conditions and have to expect injuries to players that they pay the wages for. The entire thing is just a massive farce.

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