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The logistics hurt my brain. :lol:


Half the groups play across the Atlantic from the others? Then knockout stages? Where are they? Surely they won't be having squads fly across the Atlantic to play each week?


It'll be great for us in America though, matches from like 7am until 7pm.

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1 minute ago, cubaricho said:

The logistics hurt my brain. :lol:


Half the groups play across the Atlantic from the others? Then knockout stages? Where are they? Surely they won't be having squads fly across the Atlantic to play each week?


It'll be great for us in America though, matches from like 7am until 7pm.

If only there was an island in the mid Atlantic somewhere....Final in Rekjavik?


Absolute clusterf**k of a plan. If I didn't know Sepp hadnt already been kicked in to touch I'd say this has his greasy smell all over it. Only reason I don't think it was his plan is that Jack Warner hasn't popped up somewhere

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