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New January Transfer Window Thread

Guest nufc 4 life

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I repeat...


Why does anyone believe any articles that come out describing the great things we are planning for the upcoming now almost over transfer window?


I find it particularly hard to give any credence to any statement from NUFC regarding transfer plans, and even less credibility exists when Fatty opens his yap.  Time and time again, each transfer window, the fans get restless  lamenting the state of the team and the positions we need.  Time and time again the fans grow in to a crescendo of "Freddy Out!" cries.  Time and time again NUFC leak details of grandiose transfer plans, backed up by statements from Chairman and Manager, messages like "we can't disclose who, but we think fans will be pleasantly surprised.  We have 4 or 5 top flight, champions league quality players all lined up."  Then time and time again we end up with utter crap who do nothing to improve our capability.


I mean, I would genuinely love to be excited about the upcoming now almost over transfer window.  Indeed in all past windows I have got myself all worked up with the prospect of who we might get in.  Well no more.  Until the players , if any are, brought in prove themselves I will not accept that they were worth bringing in.  Until NUFC develops a track record (3 or more windows) of bringing in quality I will not get excited again.  I'm sick of it.  The fans scream for quality, they even help the scouts and management by doing research for them, yet time and time again we end up with either glitter-boy signings who achieve nothing or crap that are talentless wasters.


</end rant>


I hereby formally request permission to knee-jerk.  So come on, is it socially acceptable to knee-jerk yet?

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I repeat...


Why does anyone believe any articles that come out describing the great things we are planning for the upcoming now almost over transfer window?


I find it particularly hard to give any credence to any statement from NUFC regarding transfer plans, and even less credibility exists when Fatty opens his yap.  Time and time again, each transfer window, the fans get restless  lamenting the state of the team and the positions we need.  Time and time again the fans grow in to a crescendo of "Freddy Out!" cries.  Time and time again NUFC leak details of grandiose transfer plans, backed up by statements from Chairman and Manager, messages like "we can't disclose who, but we think fans will be pleasantly surprised.  We have 4 or 5 top flight, champions league quality players all lined up."  Then time and time again we end up with utter crap who do nothing to improve our capability.


I mean, I would genuinely love to be excited about the upcoming now almost over transfer window.  Indeed in all past windows I have got myself all worked up with the prospect of who we might get in.  Well no more.  Until the players , if any are, brought in prove themselves I will not accept that they were worth bringing in.  Until NUFC develops a track record (3 or more windows) of bringing in quality I will not get excited again.  I'm sick of it.  The fans scream for quality, they even help the scouts and management by doing research for them, yet time and time again we end up with either glitter-boy signings who achieve nothing or crap that are talentless wasters.


</end rant>


I hereby formally request permission to knee-jerk.  So come on, is it socially acceptable to knee-jerk yet?


No, keep the faith. Whatever happens it is all part of the clubs grand plan. :cheesy:

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Anyone fancy helping Roeder out by phoning some of these chaps for him.








We meet again , Mr McKay :knuppel2:


PS: We're apparently going to sign Michael Ball. Been on trial and apparently he's made the grade so we'll be taking him on loan for the rest of the season :undecided:

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Tal Ben Haim on his way shocker!


Sam Allardyce says Tal Ben Haim refused to play against Arsenal at the weekend fuelling rumours he could be on the move. 

The Israeli international claimed he had a calf injury and could not play so Allardyce left him out of the side that managed to cope without him during an impressive 1-1 draw at the Emirates Stadium.

Speculation has now mounted suggesting the player did not want to get himself cup-tied just in case Chelsea came back in for him before the transfer window closed.


Allardyce has not ruled out Ben Haim leaving in the next couple of days but says it would have to be a big offer to tempt him to sell at this late stage.


"Tal was determined he would not play," Allardyce said of the situation. "We were disappointed but if a player says he is not fit to play, he is not fit to play.


"If there is a big bid coming for him, it will have to be really big. It will cost them much more now than it would have done three weeks ago because there are only two days for me to get a replacement.


"It would be difficult for us to say yes, no matter how much money comes our way."


Source: http://www.eatsleepsport.com/news_details.aspx?story_id=505508&l_id=1&t_id=7



Maybe a possibility. O0



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I repeat...


Why does anyone believe any articles that come out describing the great things we are planning for the upcoming now almost over transfer window?


I find it particularly hard to give any credence to any statement from NUFC regarding transfer plans, and even less credibility exists when Fatty opens his yap.  Time and time again, each transfer window, the fans get restless  lamenting the state of the team and the positions we need.  Time and time again the fans grow in to a crescendo of "Freddy Out!" cries.  Time and time again NUFC leak details of grandiose transfer plans, backed up by statements from Chairman and Manager, messages like "we can't disclose who, but we think fans will be pleasantly surprised.  We have 4 or 5 top flight, champions league quality players all lined up."  Then time and time again we end up with utter crap who do nothing to improve our capability.


I mean, I would genuinely love to be excited about the upcoming now almost over transfer window.  Indeed in all past windows I have got myself all worked up with the prospect of who we might get in.  Well no more.  Until the players , if any are, brought in prove themselves I will not accept that they were worth bringing in.  Until NUFC develops a track record (3 or more windows) of bringing in quality I will not get excited again.  I'm sick of it.  The fans scream for quality, they even help the scouts and management by doing research for them, yet time and time again we end up with either glitter-boy signings who achieve nothing or crap that are talentless wasters.


</end rant>


I hereby formally request permission to knee-jerk.  So come on, is it socially acceptable to knee-jerk yet?


No, keep the faith. Whatever happens it is all part of the clubs grand plan. :cheesy:


Grand plan to achieve what tho?


To quote two of the world's greatest minds:


Brain: Brilliant, Pinky! Oh, no, wait. What if we want to use a plan that works?"




Brain: "Pinky are you pondering.. you know.. "

Pinky: "I think so Brain but.. something about a duck.. "

Brain: "You're probably an idiot Pinky. Tonight's plan is.. aw who cares, five will get you ten its a stinker like all the others."

Pinky: "I'm not listening Brain"

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Another forward, Julius Aghahowa has gone to Wigan for £2.1 million.

"He's a striker of real pedigree who will add huge competition to the attacking positions," said Jewell.


Damn, he could have done syncronised backflips with Martins. :lol:

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Blackburn have signed Bruno Berner from FC Basle for "a small transfer fee" today.


Berner, who has landed an 18-month deal with the option of a further year, is expected to provide competition for the likes of Warnock through his versatility down the left flank.


Hughes added: "He gives us some real competition as he has a good left foot, he is a good athlete and he balances the squad up very nicely. He can play a number of roles and that versatility was the attraction."


Berner joins Stephen Warnock, David Dunn and Chris Samba as Ewood Park new boys and Hughes said: "I believe we are now a stronger squad than we were at the start of the transfer window. "





Could have possibly been useful competition for Ramage on the left. ;)

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