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Looks like we really have no money


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Well, I've lived through the same crap boards and I want Fred to go.


Fuck this "better the devil you know" nonsense.


We're now at a point analagous to the point where SJH took over. This board has had its day and has clearly taken the club as far as it can go -- unless we're to drop even further down the leagues, of course. Football is now going through a period of renewed investment. Despite our massive resources, current board have managed us into a position where we haven't even got any money to buy players, never mind invest in other areas of the club.


They've had their chance. They've made fortunes out of us. But they've failed to take us up another level and as long as they remain in charge we're going to remain a mediocre, mid-table outfit who'll be lucky to get into the UEFA Cup every now and again -- which is pretty much what we were when I first started going to matches all of 40 years ago.


The first bit in bold is bad enough.

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Guest Knightrider

dudeabides,can i ask you a simple yes or no question........do you think nufc would be in a better position if shepherd packed in and just sold his shares to the highest bidder ?


I'd be prepared to take the gamble myself despite accepting that things could go bad and things are not always so simplistic.  FS has put none of his own personal wealth into the club so can afford to be wreckless and he's also in a position where he answers to no-one so the burden of responsibility doesn't weigh so heavily on his mind, where as someone buying the club for over 100m is hardly likely to piss about or mess things up. In fact I'd say the opposite is far more likely, i.e. wanting to make the most of that investment and we all know for NUFC to make money it has to be successful. As far as I'm concerned there is no hope under FS and the current board and unless they grow some new brains this is as good as it gets under them, mid-table mediocrity which has been our average finish under them in terms of final league table placings.


We need some fresh, independent ideas, some new enthusiasm, some new goals. The current board are hoping by throwing money at the club some fucker is going to one day get it right and that is no way to run a club, i.e. pot luck. That type of management never yeilds sustained success or stability.


They've had a good number of years at the job, been paid massive wages and have failed, time for them to move over and give someone else a try, after all isn't that what we do with managers? 


None of that guarantees they will appoint the right man, or even that they will back him properly. Appointing the right man is the key.


I agree, but there is no guarantee this board will appoint that right man either, so vis a vis. Do you think, because there is a possibility that a new board could be just as bad or worse than this one, that we should just accept this board and not look at other alternatives?


At what point do you say, hold on, this isn't working? They've had 10 years at the job and spent vast sums as well as hiring and firing a whole host of managers but we are going backwards, and have done every season with the exception of 3 years under SBR a manager who fell into their laps who actually asked them for the job. Could it be that they themselves are part of the problem?


A serious question for you HTL: Do you honestly trust and have confidence in the board?


Another one, given that there is a possibility that a new board may not be better than this one by the same token could there be a possibility that a new board could be better than this one?


I agree with you on many points regarding a new board and the dangers of that but I personally would take the gamble and as a club we should never accept that this lot is our lot and that no-one else can do better, that would be foolish and dangerous.


If the board were managers, they'd have been sacked long ago and there would be no complaints, from yourself included. Why the difference of attitude when it comes to the board? We've had shite managers before, yet you wanted rid of Souness who based on what past managers acheieved, did well. You claim he took us backwords and wasted money (which he did) so should be sacked, well so have the board.


Yes, I do have faith in them. It's important to have a board that will back the manager and they will do that, all they need is some luck along the way in picking the right man, and by that I mean the kind of luck that extends to the manager not sending out weakened teams in a competition we could win, and the players turning up for the big games. It could so easily have been different and that is down to the manager and the players, not the board. The board has done their bit and with some mistakes along the way, yes.


Your second question is one I don't really know why you're asking. I've said before it's a two way thing. Of course a new board could be better, I'm just intelligent enough and realistic enough to understand there is as good a chance (if not better) that a new board could be worse. It is other people who are naive enough to believe this can only go one way, that the current board is so bad a new board is bound to be better.


The difference here is that you are in favour of the gamble and I'm not. Without patronising you I think that is because I've seen sub 15,000 crowds, I've lived through the frustration of one good season making me think that if we sign just a couple of players we could challenge the top 6, only to see the board instead sell our best player(s). It's happened time and time again and it could easily happen again if the wrong people are in charge.


I don't feel patronised so no offence taken, calle me unrealistic or whatever, I want better for my club though than this current mob and having taken us backwards since taking over, coupled with me losing any faith in them backed by some big mistakes and bad management, I'd like to see them gone and would gamble on new owners, although wary that the grass isn't always greener. Like you said yourself the next time they get it wrong will be time up for them, so I think even you can see they're on borrowed time and rightly so. In the meantime we'll agree to disagree?

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dudeabides,can i ask you a simple yes or no question........do you think nufc would be in a better position if shepherd packed in and just sold his shares to the highest bidder ?


I'd be prepared to take the gamble myself despite accepting that things could go bad and things are not always so simplistic.  FS has put none of his own personal wealth into the club so can afford to be wreckless and he's also in a position where he answers to no-one so the burden of responsibility doesn't weigh so heavily on his mind, where as someone buying the club for over 100m is hardly likely to piss about or mess things up. In fact I'd say the opposite is far more likely, i.e. wanting to make the most of that investment and we all know for NUFC to make money it has to be successful. As far as I'm concerned there is no hope under FS and the current board and unless they grow some new brains this is as good as it gets under them, mid-table mediocrity which has been our average finish under them in terms of final league table placings.


We need some fresh, independent ideas, some new enthusiasm, some new goals. The current board are hoping by throwing money at the club some fucker is going to one day get it right and that is no way to run a club, i.e. pot luck. That type of management never yeilds sustained success or stability.


They've had a good number of years at the job, been paid massive wages and have failed, time for them to move over and give someone else a try, after all isn't that what we do with managers? 


None of that guarantees they will appoint the right man, or even that they will back him properly. Appointing the right man is the key.


I agree, but there is no guarantee this board will appoint that right man either, so vis a vis. Do you think, because there is a possibility that a new board could be just as bad or worse than this one, that we should just accept this board and not look at other alternatives?


At what point do you say, hold on, this isn't working? They've had 10 years at the job and spent vast sums as well as hiring and firing a whole host of managers but we are going backwards, and have done every season with the exception of 3 years under SBR a manager who fell into their laps who actually asked them for the job. Could it be that they themselves are part of the problem?


A serious question for you HTL: Do you honestly trust and have confidence in the board?


Another one, given that there is a possibility that a new board may not be better than this one by the same token could there be a possibility that a new board could be better than this one?


I agree with you on many points regarding a new board and the dangers of that but I personally would take the gamble and as a club we should never accept that this lot is our lot and that no-one else can do better, that would be foolish and dangerous.


If the board were managers, they'd have been sacked long ago and there would be no complaints, from yourself included. Why the difference of attitude when it comes to the board? We've had shite managers before, yet you wanted rid of Souness who based on what past managers acheieved, did well. You claim he took us backwords and wasted money (which he did) so should be sacked, well so have the board.

the problem for people like myself,htl and ne5 is that we have lived the other side,through the truly crap boards.we want to know what will come in before a change,we can't risk going back to a westwood or a mckeag,you may want to take that risk,i dont......i'm pretty sure if the right man comes along myself,ne5 and htl will shout for him to take over.....till he appears,for us the risk of throwing everything in the air and seeing what happens is too great.


Well, I've lived through the same crap boards and I want Fred to go.


Fuck this "better the devil you know" nonsense.


We're now at a point analagous to the point where SJH took over. This board has had its day and has clearly taken the club as far as it can go -- unless we're to drop even further down the leagues, of course. Football is now going through a period of renewed investment. Despite our massive resources, current board have managed us into a position where we haven't even got any money to buy players, never mind invest in other areas of the club.


They've had their chance. They've made fortunes out of us. But they've failed to take us up another level and as long as they remain in charge we're going to remain a mediocre, mid-table outfit who'll be lucky to get into the UEFA Cup every now and again -- which is pretty much what we were when I first started going to matches all of 40 years ago.

to contrast where we are now to the mckeag days is lying to win argument.
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dudeabides,can i ask you a simple yes or no question........do you think nufc would be in a better position if shepherd packed in and just sold his shares to the highest bidder ?


I'd be prepared to take the gamble myself despite accepting that things could go bad and things are not always so simplistic.  FS has put none of his own personal wealth into the club so can afford to be wreckless and he's also in a position where he answers to no-one so the burden of responsibility doesn't weigh so heavily on his mind, where as someone buying the club for over 100m is hardly likely to piss about or mess things up. In fact I'd say the opposite is far more likely, i.e. wanting to make the most of that investment and we all know for NUFC to make money it has to be successful. As far as I'm concerned there is no hope under FS and the current board and unless they grow some new brains this is as good as it gets under them, mid-table mediocrity which has been our average finish under them in terms of final league table placings.


We need some fresh, independent ideas, some new enthusiasm, some new goals. The current board are hoping by throwing money at the club some fucker is going to one day get it right and that is no way to run a club, i.e. pot luck. That type of management never yeilds sustained success or stability.


They've had a good number of years at the job, been paid massive wages and have failed, time for them to move over and give someone else a try, after all isn't that what we do with managers? 


None of that guarantees they will appoint the right man, or even that they will back him properly. Appointing the right man is the key.


I agree, but there is no guarantee this board will appoint that right man either, so vis a vis. Do you think, because there is a possibility that a new board could be just as bad or worse than this one, that we should just accept this board and not look at other alternatives?


At what point do you say, hold on, this isn't working? They've had 10 years at the job and spent vast sums as well as hiring and firing a whole host of managers but we are going backwards, and have done every season with the exception of 3 years under SBR a manager who fell into their laps who actually asked them for the job. Could it be that they themselves are part of the problem?


A serious question for you HTL: Do you honestly trust and have confidence in the board?


Another one, given that there is a possibility that a new board may not be better than this one by the same token could there be a possibility that a new board could be better than this one?


I agree with you on many points regarding a new board and the dangers of that but I personally would take the gamble and as a club we should never accept that this lot is our lot and that no-one else can do better, that would be foolish and dangerous.


If the board were managers, they'd have been sacked long ago and there would be no complaints, from yourself included. Why the difference of attitude when it comes to the board? We've had shite managers before, yet you wanted rid of Souness who based on what past managers acheieved, did well. You claim he took us backwords and wasted money (which he did) so should be sacked, well so have the board.


Yes, I do have faith in them. It's important to have a board that will back the manager and they will do that, all they need is some luck along the way in picking the right man, and by that I mean the kind of luck that extends to the manager not sending out weakened teams in a competition we could win, and the players turning up for the big games. It could so easily have been different and that is down to the manager and the players, not the board. The board has done their bit and with some mistakes along the way, yes.


Your second question is one I don't really know why you're asking. I've said before it's a two way thing. Of course a new board could be better, I'm just intelligent enough and realistic enough to understand there is as good a chance (if not better) that a new board could be worse. It is other people who are naive enough to believe this can only go one way, that the current board is so bad a new board is bound to be better.


The difference here is that you are in favour of the gamble and I'm not. Without patronising you I think that is because I've seen sub 15,000 crowds, I've lived through the frustration of one good season making me think that if we sign just a couple of players we could challenge the top 6, only to see the board instead sell our best player(s). It's happened time and time again and it could easily happen again if the wrong people are in charge.


I don't feel patronised so no offence taken, calle me unrealistic or whatever, I want better for my club though than this current mob and having taken us backwards since taking over, coupled with me losing any faith in them backed by some big mistakes and bad management, I'd like to see them gone and would gamble on new owners, although wary that the grass isn't always greener. Like you said yourself the next time they get it wrong will be time up for them, so I think even you can see they're on borrowed time and rightly so. In the meantime we'll agree to disagree?


Yeah, fair enough. I'm happy to agree to disagree, there's no problem with doing that. Others could learn something from the concept.

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dudeabides,can i ask you a simple yes or no question........do you think nufc would be in a better position if shepherd packed in and just sold his shares to the highest bidder ?


I'd be prepared to take the gamble myself despite accepting that things could go bad and things are not always so simplistic.  FS has put none of his own personal wealth into the club so can afford to be wreckless and he's also in a position where he answers to no-one so the burden of responsibility doesn't weigh so heavily on his mind, where as someone buying the club for over 100m is hardly likely to piss about or mess things up. In fact I'd say the opposite is far more likely, i.e. wanting to make the most of that investment and we all know for NUFC to make money it has to be successful. As far as I'm concerned there is no hope under FS and the current board and unless they grow some new brains this is as good as it gets under them, mid-table mediocrity which has been our average finish under them in terms of final league table placings.


We need some fresh, independent ideas, some new enthusiasm, some new goals. The current board are hoping by throwing money at the club some fucker is going to one day get it right and that is no way to run a club, i.e. pot luck. That type of management never yeilds sustained success or stability.


They've had a good number of years at the job, been paid massive wages and have failed, time for them to move over and give someone else a try, after all isn't that what we do with managers? 


None of that guarantees they will appoint the right man, or even that they will back him properly. Appointing the right man is the key.


I agree, but there is no guarantee this board will appoint that right man either, so vis a vis. Do you think, because there is a possibility that a new board could be just as bad or worse than this one, that we should just accept this board and not look at other alternatives?


At what point do you say, hold on, this isn't working? They've had 10 years at the job and spent vast sums as well as hiring and firing a whole host of managers but we are going backwards, and have done every season with the exception of 3 years under SBR a manager who fell into their laps who actually asked them for the job. Could it be that they themselves are part of the problem?


A serious question for you HTL: Do you honestly trust and have confidence in the board?


Another one, given that there is a possibility that a new board may not be better than this one by the same token could there be a possibility that a new board could be better than this one?


I agree with you on many points regarding a new board and the dangers of that but I personally would take the gamble and as a club we should never accept that this lot is our lot and that no-one else can do better, that would be foolish and dangerous.


If the board were managers, they'd have been sacked long ago and there would be no complaints, from yourself included. Why the difference of attitude when it comes to the board? We've had shite managers before, yet you wanted rid of Souness who based on what past managers acheieved, did well. You claim he took us backwords and wasted money (which he did) so should be sacked, well so have the board.


Yes, I do have faith in them. It's important to have a board that will back the manager and they will do that, all they need is some luck along the way in picking the right man, and by that I mean the kind of luck that extends to the manager not sending out weakened teams in a competition we could win, and the players turning up for the big games. It could so easily have been different and that is down to the manager and the players, not the board. The board has done their bit and with some mistakes along the way, yes.


Your second question is one I don't really know why you're asking. I've said before it's a two way thing. Of course a new board could be better, I'm just intelligent enough and realistic enough to understand there is as good a chance (if not better) that a new board could be worse. It is other people who are naive enough to believe this can only go one way, that the current board is so bad a new board is bound to be better.


The difference here is that you are in favour of the gamble and I'm not. Without patronising you I think that is because I've seen sub 15,000 crowds, I've lived through the frustration of one good season making me think that if we sign just a couple of players we could challenge the top 6, only to see the board instead sell our best player(s). It's happened time and time again and it could easily happen again if the wrong people are in charge.


I don't feel patronised so no offence taken, calle me unrealistic or whatever, I want better for my club though than this current mob and having taken us backwards since taking over, coupled with me losing any faith in them backed by some big mistakes and bad management, I'd like to see them gone and would gamble on new owners, although wary that the grass isn't always greener. Like you said yourself the next time they get it wrong will be time up for them, so I think even you can see they're on borrowed time and rightly so. In the meantime we'll agree to disagree?


Yeah, fair enough. I'm happy to agree to disagree, there's no problem with doing that. Others could learn something from the concept.

next up hamas and the knesset
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Guest Knightrider

dudeabides,can i ask you a simple yes or no question........do you think nufc would be in a better position if shepherd packed in and just sold his shares to the highest bidder ?


I'd be prepared to take the gamble myself despite accepting that things could go bad and things are not always so simplistic.  FS has put none of his own personal wealth into the club so can afford to be wreckless and he's also in a position where he answers to no-one so the burden of responsibility doesn't weigh so heavily on his mind, where as someone buying the club for over 100m is hardly likely to piss about or mess things up. In fact I'd say the opposite is far more likely, i.e. wanting to make the most of that investment and we all know for NUFC to make money it has to be successful. As far as I'm concerned there is no hope under FS and the current board and unless they grow some new brains this is as good as it gets under them, mid-table mediocrity which has been our average finish under them in terms of final league table placings.


We need some fresh, independent ideas, some new enthusiasm, some new goals. The current board are hoping by throwing money at the club some fucker is going to one day get it right and that is no way to run a club, i.e. pot luck. That type of management never yeilds sustained success or stability.


They've had a good number of years at the job, been paid massive wages and have failed, time for them to move over and give someone else a try, after all isn't that what we do with managers? 


None of that guarantees they will appoint the right man, or even that they will back him properly. Appointing the right man is the key.


I agree, but there is no guarantee this board will appoint that right man either, so vis a vis. Do you think, because there is a possibility that a new board could be just as bad or worse than this one, that we should just accept this board and not look at other alternatives?


At what point do you say, hold on, this isn't working? They've had 10 years at the job and spent vast sums as well as hiring and firing a whole host of managers but we are going backwards, and have done every season with the exception of 3 years under SBR a manager who fell into their laps who actually asked them for the job. Could it be that they themselves are part of the problem?


A serious question for you HTL: Do you honestly trust and have confidence in the board?


Another one, given that there is a possibility that a new board may not be better than this one by the same token could there be a possibility that a new board could be better than this one?


I agree with you on many points regarding a new board and the dangers of that but I personally would take the gamble and as a club we should never accept that this lot is our lot and that no-one else can do better, that would be foolish and dangerous.


If the board were managers, they'd have been sacked long ago and there would be no complaints, from yourself included. Why the difference of attitude when it comes to the board? We've had shite managers before, yet you wanted rid of Souness who based on what past managers acheieved, did well. You claim he took us backwords and wasted money (which he did) so should be sacked, well so have the board.

the problem for people like myself,htl and ne5 is that we have lived the other side,through the truly crap boards.we want to know what will come in before a change,we can't risk going back to a westwood or a mckeag,you may want to take that risk,i dont......i'm pretty sure if the right man comes along myself,ne5 and htl will shout for him to take over.....till he appears,for us the risk of throwing everything in the air and seeing what happens is too great.


Well, I've lived through the same crap boards and I want Fred to go.


Fuck this "better the devil you know" nonsense.


We're now at a point analagous to the point where SJH took over. This board has had its day and has clearly taken the club as far as it can go -- unless we're to drop even further down the leagues, of course. Football is now going through a period of renewed investment. Despite our massive resources, current board have managed us into a position where we haven't even got any money to buy players, never mind invest in other areas of the club.


They've had their chance. They've made fortunes out of us. But they've failed to take us up another level and as long as they remain in charge we're going to remain a mediocre, mid-table outfit who'll be lucky to get into the UEFA Cup every now and again -- which is pretty much what we were when I first started going to matches all of 40 years ago.

to contrast where we are now to the mckeag days is lying to win argument.


To use the past to ignore the present and future is just as bad.

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Guest Knightrider

dudeabides,can i ask you a simple yes or no question........do you think nufc would be in a better position if shepherd packed in and just sold his shares to the highest bidder ?


I'd be prepared to take the gamble myself despite accepting that things could go bad and things are not always so simplistic.  FS has put none of his own personal wealth into the club so can afford to be wreckless and he's also in a position where he answers to no-one so the burden of responsibility doesn't weigh so heavily on his mind, where as someone buying the club for over 100m is hardly likely to piss about or mess things up. In fact I'd say the opposite is far more likely, i.e. wanting to make the most of that investment and we all know for NUFC to make money it has to be successful. As far as I'm concerned there is no hope under FS and the current board and unless they grow some new brains this is as good as it gets under them, mid-table mediocrity which has been our average finish under them in terms of final league table placings.


We need some fresh, independent ideas, some new enthusiasm, some new goals. The current board are hoping by throwing money at the club some fucker is going to one day get it right and that is no way to run a club, i.e. pot luck. That type of management never yeilds sustained success or stability.


They've had a good number of years at the job, been paid massive wages and have failed, time for them to move over and give someone else a try, after all isn't that what we do with managers? 


None of that guarantees they will appoint the right man, or even that they will back him properly. Appointing the right man is the key.


I agree, but there is no guarantee this board will appoint that right man either, so vis a vis. Do you think, because there is a possibility that a new board could be just as bad or worse than this one, that we should just accept this board and not look at other alternatives?


At what point do you say, hold on, this isn't working? They've had 10 years at the job and spent vast sums as well as hiring and firing a whole host of managers but we are going backwards, and have done every season with the exception of 3 years under SBR a manager who fell into their laps who actually asked them for the job. Could it be that they themselves are part of the problem?


A serious question for you HTL: Do you honestly trust and have confidence in the board?


Another one, given that there is a possibility that a new board may not be better than this one by the same token could there be a possibility that a new board could be better than this one?


I agree with you on many points regarding a new board and the dangers of that but I personally would take the gamble and as a club we should never accept that this lot is our lot and that no-one else can do better, that would be foolish and dangerous.


If the board were managers, they'd have been sacked long ago and there would be no complaints, from yourself included. Why the difference of attitude when it comes to the board? We've had shite managers before, yet you wanted rid of Souness who based on what past managers acheieved, did well. You claim he took us backwords and wasted money (which he did) so should be sacked, well so have the board.


Yes, I do have faith in them. It's important to have a board that will back the manager and they will do that, all they need is some luck along the way in picking the right man, and by that I mean the kind of luck that extends to the manager not sending out weakened teams in a competition we could win, and the players turning up for the big games. It could so easily have been different and that is down to the manager and the players, not the board. The board has done their bit and with some mistakes along the way, yes.


Your second question is one I don't really know why you're asking. I've said before it's a two way thing. Of course a new board could be better, I'm just intelligent enough and realistic enough to understand there is as good a chance (if not better) that a new board could be worse. It is other people who are naive enough to believe this can only go one way, that the current board is so bad a new board is bound to be better.


The difference here is that you are in favour of the gamble and I'm not. Without patronising you I think that is because I've seen sub 15,000 crowds, I've lived through the frustration of one good season making me think that if we sign just a couple of players we could challenge the top 6, only to see the board instead sell our best player(s). It's happened time and time again and it could easily happen again if the wrong people are in charge.


I don't feel patronised so no offence taken, calle me unrealistic or whatever, I want better for my club though than this current mob and having taken us backwards since taking over, coupled with me losing any faith in them backed by some big mistakes and bad management, I'd like to see them gone and would gamble on new owners, although wary that the grass isn't always greener. Like you said yourself the next time they get it wrong will be time up for them, so I think even you can see they're on borrowed time and rightly so. In the meantime we'll agree to disagree?


Yeah, fair enough. I'm happy to agree to disagree, there's no problem with doing that. Others could learn something from the concept.


Nee bother,  :thup:

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dudeabides,can i ask you a simple yes or no question........do you think nufc would be in a better position if shepherd packed in and just sold his shares to the highest bidder ?


I'd be prepared to take the gamble myself despite accepting that things could go bad and things are not always so simplistic.  FS has put none of his own personal wealth into the club so can afford to be wreckless and he's also in a position where he answers to no-one so the burden of responsibility doesn't weigh so heavily on his mind, where as someone buying the club for over 100m is hardly likely to piss about or mess things up. In fact I'd say the opposite is far more likely, i.e. wanting to make the most of that investment and we all know for NUFC to make money it has to be successful. As far as I'm concerned there is no hope under FS and the current board and unless they grow some new brains this is as good as it gets under them, mid-table mediocrity which has been our average finish under them in terms of final league table placings.


We need some fresh, independent ideas, some new enthusiasm, some new goals. The current board are hoping by throwing money at the club some fucker is going to one day get it right and that is no way to run a club, i.e. pot luck. That type of management never yeilds sustained success or stability.


They've had a good number of years at the job, been paid massive wages and have failed, time for them to move over and give someone else a try, after all isn't that what we do with managers? 


None of that guarantees they will appoint the right man, or even that they will back him properly. Appointing the right man is the key.


I agree, but there is no guarantee this board will appoint that right man either, so vis a vis. Do you think, because there is a possibility that a new board could be just as bad or worse than this one, that we should just accept this board and not look at other alternatives?


At what point do you say, hold on, this isn't working? They've had 10 years at the job and spent vast sums as well as hiring and firing a whole host of managers but we are going backwards, and have done every season with the exception of 3 years under SBR a manager who fell into their laps who actually asked them for the job. Could it be that they themselves are part of the problem?


A serious question for you HTL: Do you honestly trust and have confidence in the board?


Another one, given that there is a possibility that a new board may not be better than this one by the same token could there be a possibility that a new board could be better than this one?


I agree with you on many points regarding a new board and the dangers of that but I personally would take the gamble and as a club we should never accept that this lot is our lot and that no-one else can do better, that would be foolish and dangerous.


If the board were managers, they'd have been sacked long ago and there would be no complaints, from yourself included. Why the difference of attitude when it comes to the board? We've had shite managers before, yet you wanted rid of Souness who based on what past managers acheieved, did well. You claim he took us backwords and wasted money (which he did) so should be sacked, well so have the board.

the problem for people like myself,htl and ne5 is that we have lived the other side,through the truly crap boards.we want to know what will come in before a change,we can't risk going back to a westwood or a mckeag,you may want to take that risk,i dont......i'm pretty sure if the right man comes along myself,ne5 and htl will shout for him to take over.....till he appears,for us the risk of throwing everything in the air and seeing what happens is too great.


Well, I've lived through the same crap boards and I want Fred to go.


Fuck this "better the devil you know" nonsense.


We're now at a point analagous to the point where SJH took over. This board has had its day and has clearly taken the club as far as it can go -- unless we're to drop even further down the leagues, of course. Football is now going through a period of renewed investment. Despite our massive resources, current board have managed us into a position where we haven't even got any money to buy players, never mind invest in other areas of the club.


They've had their chance. They've made fortunes out of us. But they've failed to take us up another level and as long as they remain in charge we're going to remain a mediocre, mid-table outfit who'll be lucky to get into the UEFA Cup every now and again -- which is pretty much what we were when I first started going to matches all of 40 years ago.

to contrast where we are now to the mckeag days is lying to win argument.


To use the past to ignore the present and future is just as bad.


To ignore the lessons of the past is even worse.

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What a fookin shambles with the chuckle brothers trying to do there best to better the last debacle of last minute signings.can you honestly say that this gooch gadgy was our first choice centre half as we leave it so late yet again .its another case of lets wait and see if he is any good or not and as roeder was quoted of saying "w.b.a wanted him last season " so he must be good . :crazy2:

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What a fookin shambles with the chuckle brothers trying to do there best to better the last debacle of last minute signings.can you honestly say that this gooch gadgy was our first choice centre half as we leave it so late yet again .its another case of lets wait and see if he is any good or not and as roeder was quoted of saying "w.b.a wanted him last season " so he must be good . :crazy2:


Could be a backup plan because the player(s) they wanted weren't available or the clubs were asking too much money........Course, that would be impossible because they only have a plan if they sign the players certain individuals want them to sign.

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Howay man HTL, any signings made towards the end of the window are quite blatantly panic-buys/fifth-choices/worse than shite... how the fook can you not know that? I mean, look at Martins, he obviously wasn't first choice... oh, right.


Roeder/Shepherd cannot win when it comes to signings, or anything really. I personally think it's mainly because of the public front that they put on things - i.e. sometimes talking pure shite. Surely that could be perceived as being sensible, though? Probably better to deny interest than to tell the footballing world who your exact targets are, etc. Not saying that it's always what they do, but Shepherd hasn't got to be in the biggest job in the city by being as thick as people make out.


Aye, he'd probably not win Mastermind, but his business savvy often gets blurred out because of his public image. I don't care much for him at all, I'm certainly not proud to associate him with NUFC or even happy that he's the public face of our club with how he goes on sometimes, but the bloke does do some things right, sometimes.

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What a fookin shambles with the chuckle brothers trying to do there best to better the last debacle of last minute signings.can you honestly say that this gooch gadgy was our first choice centre half as we leave it so late yet again .its another case of lets wait and see if he is any good or not and as roeder was quoted of saying "w.b.a wanted him last season " so he must be good . :crazy2:


Given, Carr, Emre, Parker, Martins, Dyer, Solano, Owen, Zoggy, Duff, Milner, Butt, Luque, Bramble, Moore .... are all players in the current first team squad NOT bought just before a transfer deadline and/or players the manager at the time wanted to bring into the club and spent time negotiating with having been linked with for a while etc etc


Hey, but keep making things up as you go ...... you're not alone




Or maybe you just don't have a mind of your own .....


Maybe you would like to tell us how many clubs managed to sign their first choice, quality players during this transfer window ? I take it that you are saying anyone who doesn't do this is shite  ;D


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