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Roeder complains about McClaren's Dyer treatment


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As if Steve McClaren didn't already have enough detractors to deal with, Glenn Roeder has criticised the England boss for playing Kieron Dyer for the full ninety minutes in the friendly with Spain.


The Newcastle forward has only recently to action after months on the sidelines with a hamstring injury. Roeder had expressed concerns before Wednesday's international that Dyer required special treatment, saying: "I hope Steve will be sensible - playing Kieron for 90 minutes would be taking things a little too far. I'm sure he won't use Kieron for the whole game but will just give him a taste of what it's like to pull on an England shirt again."


Somewhat inevitably, therefore, the Toon manager was dismayed that Dyer was given maximum exposure, unlike Steven Gerrard who was withdrawn at half-time as a pre-arranged precautionary measure. To compound Roeder's sense of grievance, the Liverpool captain will line up against Newcastle at St James' on Saturday.


"I was surprised to see Kieron Dyer play for the full 90 minutes," Roeder complained to The Guardian.


"It was Kieron's first game for England for almost two years and I thought, generally, he did well. But I am sure Newcastle fans agree with me when I say that our last 12 games in the Premiership are more important than an England friendly with Spain."


Roeder has a point. Why should Gerrard get rested for 45 minutes, while Dyer, a player comparatively more important for his club, who has also been sufferring awful injury problems recently, be made to play the full 90?

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mclaren trying to save his skin imho ,left dyer on to try and create or score which he is capable of doing

but if you can only use six subs mclaren doesnt have much option but with dyers injury history you would have thought commansense would prevail

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Guest smoggeordie

Maybe McLaren was giving Dire a chance to prove he was good enough~?


Alas, he failed miserably in that.


I thought Dyer was our best attacking player on the park. Doesn't say much like.

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Maybe McLaren was giving Dire a chance to prove he was good enough~?


Alas, he failed miserably in that.

nee worse than any of the rest of that sorry shower of shite


Again, thats apologist stuff - he was shite. Ignore the rest, tahts irrelevan. Dyer was very very poor, both in the team sense, and what he did individually.


He's not Internaitonal class, but there again neither are a number of the shithouses that McLaren will continue to pick, so maybe Dire has an England career ahead of him after all.

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Individually the England players aren't anywhere near as good as the media hype has some people believe.

I raised the same point in a discussion with an English friend recently. The Premierleague lives from it's style (nowadays influenced by a lot of foreigners) and also the hype that is created around it by the media. A lot of the players are only half talented as people are made to believe.

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Individually the England players aren't anywhere near as good as the media hype has some people believe.

I raised the same point in a discussion with an English friend recently. The Premierleague lives from it's style (nowadays influenced by a lot of players) and also the hype that is created around it by the media. A lot of the players are only half talented as people are made to believe.


It's been said over the years that the step up to international level is big. The England players prove it every time they step onto a football pitch. The media believes these players are top class, should win the World Cup, blah blah blah. Some people are taken in by such hype, which is amazing when you see the performances.

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Guest tobiazvanderziaz

I thought Dyer did really well in a poor playing England team but Im really concerned about his fitness for the upcoming game :(

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I have to say that i was getting frustrated that Dyer wasn't being withdrawn. Not only because we need him, but he was clearly fucked. First half he was good, second half we was knackered. How McClaren couldn't spot that is crazy, and yet another reason why he's a shit cunt.

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Guest rosstoon

I thought Dyer did really well in a poor playing England team but Im really concerned about his fitness for the upcoming game :(

Northern Monkey - If SWp or Downing had played as well as Dyer did (MOM in my opinion) would you have said that they had a poor game?


Did really well? Your expectations are clearly very low. I wonder how you'd have viewed his performance if he hadn't been a toon player.

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I thought Dyer did really well in a poor playing England team but Im really concerned about his fitness for the upcoming game :(

Northern Monkey - If SWp or Downing had played as well as Dyer did (MOM in my opinion) would you have said that they had a poor game?


Did really well? Your expectations are clearly very low. I wonder how you'd have viewed his performance if he hadn't been a toon player.


Yes - i think Dyer had a poor game. The rest had equally poor or worse, but that doesn't detract from the fact that Dyer did not play at all well.

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I have to say that i was getting frustrated that Dyer wasn't being withdrawn. Not only because we need him, but he was clearly fucked. First half he was good, second half we was knackered. How McClaren couldn't spot that is crazy, and yet another reason why he's a shit cunt.


I was saying exactly the same during the game. It was winding me right up.

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Individually the England players aren't anywhere near as good as the media hype has some people believe.


Great shout!


England are completely over hyped, and the so called world class players like Lampard & Gerrard are shown to be far short of that level when playing against genuine world class players like Xavi


Its quite funny, in that, its the media, papers that build England up to be a world class team, then a ssoon as they are found out for what they are, the media are the first ones to slaughter them!

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dyer was poor in the second half.  his miscontrol of the ballin the box was awful.


He should of been subbed on 60min.  He looked way better player than crouch in first half (not hard at all)


tbh though i havent yet seen aninternational appearance from dyer that has been noteworth.....very ave at this lvl!

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Guest SmileyCulture

Crouch had a shocker, although Dyer did'nt have a great game he did look like more of a threat than everyone else in the England attack.


SWP down the right had a completely shocking game from start 'till he was subbed, from the start Dyer was having to push infront of a less than enthusiastic looking Crouch (he had a few half arsed runs but all in all he didn't seem botherd with anything that didn't drop to his feet for a quick shot), he was dropping back to support the midfeild and now at 100% match fitness, in a squad he hasn't played with for over 2 years thats going to take its tole on any player. Coupling that with being moved from position mid-game and covering Midfeild quite a bit after Gerrard had gone off you can't really blame him for having a shocking second half.


Dyers "poor" performance was down to poor managing on McClaren's part, especialy now that its come out that Roeder asked him to take it easy on Dyer its shocking that instead McClaren saw fit to replace mainly defenders/midfeilders that were wholey in-effectual while we were 1 - 0 down during the remnance of the game.


Dyer has been one of the main reasons we've pulled ourselves back up the table, since he's returned we've been going in a positive direction - if you don't personaly rate Dyer keep it to yourself but don't single him out as being a poor player in a team full of far worse players that seem to get off relatively easily for putting in a half-arsed effort.

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