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Oba Martins v Alan Oliver

Guest BooBoo

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Guest BooBoo

Recently, Alan Oliver described Oba Martins as "when he's not scoring goals he looks terrible".


Whilst i agree a strikers job is to put the ball in the net, i kind of agree with Oliver over this one. Today and on last Sunday he's been really poor.



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I am in the same agreement as yourself really.

I thaught today when he wasnt on the ball his movement was terrible and his first touch was also very poor.

But a strikers job is to score goals isnt it. O0

By the way i am a massive martins fan and have much belief in his ability

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Guest Bramble OG

Surely theres better things to be moaning about that Martins - the sooner Oliver gets sacked/retires the better.

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Martins reminds me Drogba in his first season in the Premiership, they both want to do more for the team than just score goals so when it isn't going their way it really stands out, if you compare that to Owen and RVN you hardly ever noticed them having a really bad game as if they didn't score they were happy to play little part in the game.


We've got ourselves a problem at the moment in that if Martins doesn't do the business then we don't have anyone who will.

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he's a bit hit and miss when not scoring. some games like today his movement is fairly poor and his touch abysmal, that was certainly the case when he first arrived. other games he is working hard, moving wide and skinning opponents, dropping deep and showing phenomenal skill, making runs round the back of defenders etc. Even today though he was making some good runs forward, the one when he was wrongly judged to be offside and the other when Butt put him through for instance. He has improved drastically since the start of the season in these respects.


I'm with Baggio on the Drogba comparison, i think Martins will look a lot better when alongside an actual striker and once he has fully came to grips with the hectic, pace-based style of play over here.

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He always fights to get it back, but his first touch can be very very bad.  Other than that, I have no complaints.  Positionally he is good, his passing his decent, and he scores goals.  If other players in the team were as good at their own position as Martins is at striker then we wouldn't be as low as 10th.

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Guest Geordiecunny

Martins is better at football than Oliver is at journalism.


Martins "he only looks bad when he's writing articles"

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Anal is a complete arsehole and I really hope Oba does a Robert and smacks the fker one.He looks like an old perverted uncle, someone you would not let your kids go and stay with.I bet his fav pass time is playing twister.


Oba will prove next season that he can play in the Prem and perform well, 14 goals for him so far this campaign and I think he will still pass the 20 mark. Yes he has lots to learn still but he is just a young lad and you can see he loves to be playing the game, the anger he shows when he misses a chance also go's to show how much it means to him to be playing for us.

He will learn so much from Owen once he is back also in the team, we will be fighting off huge bids for him come next seasons Jan transfer window.

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I think he's a class act. The service to him is totally non-existant, without that a striker can do pretty much sod all.


Is the right answer.


Considering the lack of any  decent service and more importantly another striker to play alongside, I think he has done very well this season.

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